What games are you playing right now?

What games are you currently playing right now?

I'm currently playing:

- Forza Motorsport 4
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm currently playing:

Forza 4, as always, basically.
Diablo III Beta, a little less than before, though.
Pokémon Fire Red, using an emulator and Hamachi to play online against a pal of mine :D
Saints Row (360), LA Noire (PS3), Killzone 3 (PS3), Skyrim (360), and MAG (PS3). Got them for Christmas.
For me its
Forza 4
Read dead redemption: Undead Nightmare
and occasionally Need for Speed The Run.
I'm playing Forza 4, MW3 and Uncharded 3. I don't know why but I like MW3 for some reason.
Back to playing Dead Island (PC) now, after playing BF3 (PC, still play it alot) and Forza 4 from time to time.
I'm having a blast playing Forza 4, but I also play Fallout 3, Halo: Reach, Race Pro, and Battlestations Midway in between Forza bouts!
Forza 4
Gears Of War 3
Halo Anniversary

Infamous 1 and 2
Modern Warfare 3
NFS The Run
Goldeneye 007
Sonic Generations
Forza 4, Halo 3 and Panzer Dragoon Orta currently. I was playing a lot of Star Wars the Old Republic, but hit the level cap in that so i'm done. That's usually the most I do with MMORPGs. I got my $60 worth, so tis all good. :)

Hoping to add Gears of War 3 to my list of games currently playing, soon.
The games I am actively playing are:

Forza 4, obviously lol
Star Wars: The Old Republic
FIFA 12 for iPad

Games I have and play semi occasionally are:
Battlefield 3

I've been playing FIFA 12 for iPad pretty religiously at work lately. I think I'm gonna buy it for Xbox 360 in the next few days.

SWTOR is effing amazing. I played World of Warcraft for damn near 6 years but I never really got into the story or most of the lore. Never read the quest text or any of that stuff. SWTOR on the other hand, I am thoroughly enjoying interacting with every quest by choosing my own answers/responses to what the NPCs say. I also love that each class has its own unique story so once you hit the level cap with one class, you have 7 more unique stories to play through so it makes leveling other characters much less of a chore.
SWTOR is effing amazing. I played World of Warcraft for damn near 6 years but I never really got into the story or most of the lore. Never read the quest text or any of that stuff. SWTOR on the other hand, I am thoroughly enjoying interacting with every quest by choosing my own answers/responses to what the NPCs say. I also love that each class has its own unique story so once you hit the level cap with one class, you have 7 more unique stories to play through so it makes leveling other characters much less of a chore.

The story stuff was awesome! I played a Sith Sorcerer and a friend I leveled up with was an Imperial Agent. I went evil and she went good, and the results were... interesting, when it came to making light/dark side choices in conversations. For some reason the game kept deciding her light side choices were the ones to go with! I rarely got a chance to see my Sith Sorc cut down people or shock them hahah.
I've taken a bit of a break from Skyrim and Fallout 3 this week, so I'm just playing some other games; BF3, Brink, MW3, and a bunch of PC games i haven't had time to play very much!
I've taken a bit of a break from Skyrim and Fallout 3 this week, so I'm just playing some other games; BF3, Brink, MW3, and a bunch of PC games i haven't had time to play very much!

Hows Brink? Ive heard mixed reviews about it and when i actually went and check out the gamebox at the store it didnt really drag me in.
I'm currently playing Rayman Origins. Just bought it today and am playing through the first levels at the moment, but they're already pretty impressive and, most importantly, extraordinarily fun to play!

The game looks billiant and the soundtrack seems pretty solid, too, as do the controls. I'm already pretty hooked and want to rerun those first levels for more treasure chests and Lums and stuff.

Also, can't wait to enjoy the game's coop mode with a friend :lol:

I can understand why Gamespot decided to go with it as 2011's platformer of the year. Great game, thoroughly enjoyable and much recommended 👍
Even though I am still hooked on Skyrim, I played a LOT of BF3 multiplayer over the weekend and had a blast. Love that mp. :)
Now that I have this new HDTV with PIP I have been playing more B-spec in GT5. While thats running I have been playing BF3, Skyrim, or Forza 4.

The next game that will consume my time will probably be Mass Effect 3.
Now that I have this new HDTV with PIP I have been playing more B-spec in GT5. While thats running I have been playing BF3, Skyrim, or Forza 4.

The next game that will consume my time will probably be Mass Effect 3.

If i jump into Mass Effect 3 without ever touching the first two games, would i be confused? I want to try it out as i love RPG games but i feel its already to far into the series.
If i jump into Mass Effect 3 without ever touching the first two games, would i be confused? I want to try it out as i love RPG games but i feel its already to far into the series.
Yes I think you would be very confused. I would highly suggest at least playing ME2 first. You dont really need to play ME1. Just start with ME2. I cant wait to play ME3. The ME series is very very good especially if you are into RPGS and space travel. So colorful and the graphics are just amazing.
I am playing...

-Black Ops
-GTA San Andreas
-Need For Speed
-Forza 4

