What games are you playing right now?

Well, I payed 50€ for it. And I would buy it again.

Hell, I would've bought it for 250€ and I'd say the same.
Need For Speed: The Run

Man, was I disappointed in this game. While visually impressive and has good gameplay, the game itself can be finished in 1.5 hours. I only play it online now, it gets boring fairly quickly.


Ignore all the hate, I love this game. Theres a lot of stuff to be getting on with and the addition of guns was a very welcome one. I especially love the mission where you steal the sports car from the hotel.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 3

Yes another NFS. But this was the best since NFS Most Wanted. Theres a lot of fun to be had as playing as either Cop or Racer. Plus, its a Criterion Game. Need I say more?
Forza 4
Ghost Recon FS
Minecraft (By far the most pointless game that has proven to be worth every penny!)
I always get pulled back into the ME3 co-op horde mode. SO much fun and they are constantly putting out FREE dlc for the co-op.

I have been renting and playing a wide variety of games recently since we are in a game drought. Basically getting through my backlogg list of games I have always wanted to rent.

2. Nascar 2011. I am not into Nascar at all but this was quite fun.
3. 007 Quantum of Solace. Decent game
4. Ghost Recon Future Soldier. I thought this was terrible and a huge step backward for the series. You can clearly tell it was a differnt team working on thsi game.
5. RSV2. Talked a friend into buying this and have been enjoying it again.
6. NFS The Run. Actually enjoyed this quite a bit as a rental. Very few QTE's.
7. Sniper Elite V2- Very very fun game. SOme of the slow motion xray shots are awesome and the entire game is a co-op campaign!
8. MX vs ATV reflex. This was ok.
9. Max Payne 3. Campaign was epic, multiplayer sucked bad.
10. Prototype 2. ALmost identical to the 1st game. Got boring quick.
If your a poker player, then have fun. Poker sucked up a bunch of my time on that game haha.
If your a poker player, then have fun. Poker sucked up a bunch of my time on that game haha.
If you like the poker in that game you should check out the Casino in TDU2. It is by far the best poker setup in any game on the 360. I have never been to a casino in my life and dont like cards but I am still severly addicted to that Casino in TDU2. Its very very fun. Roulette, poker, slot machines and much more.
If you like the poker in that game you should check out the Casino in TDU2. It is by far the best poker setup in any game on the 360. I have never been to a casino in my life and dont like cards but I am still severly addicted to that Casino in TDU2. Its very very fun. Roulette, poker, slot machines and much more.

Same situation with me as well. For some reason though i found it very addicting, maybe because there was nothing to lose haha.
Forza 4, until I beat all the races in the events list.
I beat all the faster races that involve R1-C.
Now I just have to go and scrape up the D-F cars(which I hate)
Back into GT Legends, because I've figured out how to create new classes so I can race a 1950's Le Mans race or 70's Le mans. :D Also tried an Evolution GT demo... It's really terrible. :lol:
The main problem I have with getting through my backlogged games is that I am way too addicted to the ME3 co-op horde mode. There are so many characters to choose from, a lot of maps, many weapons, and all free DLC. Its very hard to get away from this horde mode. So much fun. I even have a lot of fun with randoms.
I've now moved on to playing Digimon World 3 (PS1) which I never completed a while ago so I'm going for a quick playthrough now, Gran Turismo (PS1) just finishing off a few more races and tests and then I'm moving on to Gran Turismo 2. Oh, and I'm still playing Forza 4.
Currently, I am playing Tynon and Pockie Ninja and Castle Empire and grepolis more Browser Games. I like to play Browser Games games most of the time. I have already .
Forza 4, Call of Duty Black Ops, and I'm curently waiting on GTA 4:Complete Edition to arrive in the mail. Hopefully the GTA 4 will be keep me fairly busy until Forza Horizon is released.
Since I got through some of my backlogged list, I decided to play Saints Row 3 again. Love that game so much.
Recently talked a friend into getting RSV2 along with RSV1 and have been enjoying those again. Also STILL addicted to ME3 co-op horde mode. Need to play through the campaign again to see the new extended endings.
Just picked up Race Pro this weekend and just now getting into the Uncharted series after seeing some trailers from 2 and 3. My friend has all 3 so I borrowed part 1 and starting with that.