What games are you playing right now?

Just picked up Race Pro this weekend and just now getting into the Uncharted series after seeing some trailers from 2 and 3. My friend has all 3 so I borrowed part 1 and starting with that.

Race pro is great, do you no the force fed back trick to make it stronger.
Just popped in Ferrari Challenge for the first time. Holy Force Feedback!! It's really strong but very strange. Doesn't seem like the greatest game though. Oh well... It was only $7. :lol:
This could probably be moved to the "Console and PC gaming" forum for more views.

These are the games I have been playing lately.

Talked 2 other friends into buying this game and we have been playing it a lot. Played ALL weekend last weekend.

Sleeping Dogs (aka True Crime: Hong Kong)I have about 8 hours into this game and its been a fun and unique experience. The Hong Kong scenery is a wonderful change from always having games in NYC.

Saints Row 3
Also talked 3 more people into buying this so its also been keeping me busy again.

Crysis (360 version)
Got back into playing this again recently too.
Nowadays into action and a bit of strategic, where the expandable 2 comes in
handy. I recommend this game to everyone, just try it. I will not say it’s a great game but still it’s not bad to chill out your day.
Currently I am playing “GTA San Andreas” it is the best single play PC game. Most of my free time I use to play this game, it’s very interesting and I love it a lot.
Finally got some new games... Infact I got them a month ago, and I've been playing GTR2, Race 07, MX vs ATV: Reflex and Cave Story... It's been a good month. :P