Well, I traded my PS3 in today and got myself some new games to play. I bought Batman: Arkham City, Sonic Generations and Skyrim. With Rayman Origins still being far from finished and the occassional Forza 4 session, that'll probably keep me busy until Diablo III is released, which I preordered today, too.
Trading the console in at GameStop turned out better than expected, by the way. Batman: Arkham City was 69.99, Skyrim was 69.99, too and Sonic Generations was 59.99 and I still was able to make a down payment of 50 bucks for Diablo III, all from trading my PS3 and the Dark Souls Limited Edition (only PS3 game I still had) in. That almost 250€ for a two year old 250GB PS3 Slim. Kinda surpised, really.
Anyways, started of what's going to be a few great weeks of gaming with Batman: Arkham City. And I gotta say, it's awesome! Pretty challenging, even on medium difficulty (because I usually suck at memorizing combos and stuff), but it has some great gameplay elements from various genres, in my opinion. Some great platforming action, the battles feel like a beat'em up, there's a bit of puzzling, some RPG elements and lots of Metal-Gear-esque stealth action. The story and story telling are nice, so far, too, as is the voice acting. I haven't been this engulfed by a game in quite a while, to be quite honest.
Been playing Rayman Origins for a bit as well, and my OCD kicks in, again. Can't leace a level without collecting all the Electoons, which makes the game all that much more challenging, rewarding, but a wee bit frustrating as well.