What games are you playing right now?

Well, I traded my PS3 in today and got myself some new games to play. I bought Batman: Arkham City, Sonic Generations and Skyrim. With Rayman Origins still being far from finished and the occassional Forza 4 session, that'll probably keep me busy until Diablo III is released, which I preordered today, too.

Trading the console in at GameStop turned out better than expected, by the way. Batman: Arkham City was 69.99, Skyrim was 69.99, too and Sonic Generations was 59.99 and I still was able to make a down payment of 50 bucks for Diablo III, all from trading my PS3 and the Dark Souls Limited Edition (only PS3 game I still had) in. That almost 250€ for a two year old 250GB PS3 Slim. Kinda surpised, really.

Anyways, started of what's going to be a few great weeks of gaming with Batman: Arkham City. And I gotta say, it's awesome! Pretty challenging, even on medium difficulty (because I usually suck at memorizing combos and stuff), but it has some great gameplay elements from various genres, in my opinion. Some great platforming action, the battles feel like a beat'em up, there's a bit of puzzling, some RPG elements and lots of Metal-Gear-esque stealth action. The story and story telling are nice, so far, too, as is the voice acting. I haven't been this engulfed by a game in quite a while, to be quite honest.

Been playing Rayman Origins for a bit as well, and my OCD kicks in, again. Can't leace a level without collecting all the Electoons, which makes the game all that much more challenging, rewarding, but a wee bit frustrating as well.
These days I’m playing COD MW3, True Crime and GTA Liberty City. I like to play these games, because these games have awesome graphics and soundtracks.
I finally got around to playingCInFamous after my girlfriend beat the sequel (I did a handful of missions), and while it's odd going back to a game with noticeablyOmore cartoony (let's call it "stylized") animation, the story was interesting and the solid mechanics areUstill there. It's been sitting on myNPS3's HD since it was gifted to me by Sony back in the summer, but I'm thoroughly a fan now. Just beatTit lastRnight, and finished collecting all the shards. May go back and play it a second time, but make all the evil (read: more fun)Ychoices.

I'veSplayed GT5QmoreUin the past month than the previous 3 beforeIit, butRthat's not saying much.E
I'm currently playing Simraceway, GT Legends, and GT5. So not much variety in my usual habits. :P
So, I made the mistake to not play through the games I've still got at home one after the other, no, I went and mixed them up. Not much of a problem, you'd think. I've played some Arkham City, I've played some Rayman Origins, I've played some Sonic Generations, I've played some Forza... And then, I inserted the Skyrim DVD into the 360.

And damn, I'm hooked. I guess it's gooing to take weeks before I'm fed up with Skyrim , at least to the point that I want to play other games again :lol:
That's how awesome it is! One of the most immersive and most engaging games I've played recently.
I recently started playing Forza again, I had taken a hiatus for a while since I didn't really have time to play on a console.

I am also playing Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG, I played WoW in the past and never really got into it but TOR is different. It's more fun and offers a pretty decent story, plus they are keeping it up to date pretty good so I'm hoping it'll continue to be stable.
I am still quite hooked on Skyrim. Recently my enchantment hit 100 so I re-created my entire character and my follower with dual enchantments. Just joined the dark brotherhood. Also been playing a lot of BF3 multiplayer. Its just so much fun and so chaotic at times with the land and air vehicles. I love it. Conquest mode is my favorite mode. I have also been playing Forza 3 whenever friends are on. I need to get back into the campaign again one of these days but I get bored of that quite fast. I have been trying to get further in Crysis 1 on the 360 but dont seem to find enough time for that. Also have been spending a lot of time with my B spec driver in GT5. Especially since I got my new Sony Bravia that allows twin picture. Basically 2 tvs in 1 any size I want. :)
These days I’m playing only God of war 3 only it’s really interesting. And it is the best fighting game. The graphics are very quality in this game.
I agree, God of War III was a great game. Very short, though...

Myself, I'm playing Rayman Origins again. Needed a brake from Skyrim, really. I kinda lost my drive to keep playing once I finished my set of Daedric armoer and weapons. Don't know why, but they look so redarded :grumpy:

If only the Wolf Armor wasn't as useless, in direct comparison, I'd still be wearing that...
In no particular order

Battlefield 3
Forza 3 (Trying to get completed event list achievement, running hired driver on all races)
Forza 4
Saints Row The Third (Just playing it when they release DLC since I got the season pass)
Prototype (I have had it sitting around so I'm trying to complete it)
I finally decided to give Skyrim a break for a while.

Lately I have been playing BF3 and the ME3 4 player co-op demo. If you are a ME fan and havent tried the 4 player co-op in ME3 then you are truly missing out. I think this might be the most I have played a demo in years.
^ I had a great time with NFS: Hot Pursuit. They finally went back to their roots and it is a very enjoyable game. Criterion does a great job with their games.
NHL 2K8 currently. Picked it up yesterday, it's a lot better than NHL 2K10. Graphics are sharper and the music is better on the older one :lol:.
I'm currently playing Red Dead Redemption (played through this game about a dozen times or so. LOVE it!), Forza 4 and Undead Nightmare (RDR DLC).
Mostly Forza 4....a little MW3 and Skyrim. Mass Effect 3 will take up the majority of my gaming time very soon though.
Usually it's Forza 4, and a little of Halo Reach. Just recently, I'm trying to finish playing Assassins Creed Revelations. I started playing it when it came out, but got side tracked with other games. After I finish Revelations, I'm going to finish Uncharted 3. Pretty much started it, but go side tracked on that one too.
Usually it's Forza 4, and a little of Halo Reach. Just recently, I'm trying to finish playing Assassins Creed Revelations. I started playing it when it came out, but got side tracked with other games. After I finish Revelations, I'm going to finish Uncharted 3. Pretty much started it, but go side tracked on that one too.

I've been so sidetracked by Forza 4 that I never even started AC Revelations or Uncharted 3...I bought them at launch and they've never been opened.
Been playing quite a bit of Syndicate lately. GREAT single player and co-op game. BUT you can not get into a party chat. If you do, it will freeze the single player and the co-op. So other than that, really fun game. The gameplay reminds me a lot of Killzone 3.

ALso been playing quite a bit of Battlefield 3 multiplayer.

Whenever I have a chance I play the GT5 B spec. But lately my wife has been hooked on the PS3.

I have not played Forza 4 in a couple weeks. I put it in over the weekend to show my brother the amazing graphics but thats all I did with it.
I've been so sidetracked by Forza 4 that I never even started AC Revelations or Uncharted 3...I bought them at launch and they've never been opened.

Yeah, it sucked because so many great games came out in a months time. From what I understand ACIII comes out at the end of October. So I want to get Revelations done before I get ACIII.
Yeah, it sucked because so many great games came out in a months time. From what I understand ACIII comes out at the end of October. So I want to get Revelations done before I get ACIII.

Yeah, a lot of good games came out at the end of last year. I never finished Infamous 2 or Resistance 3 either. My gaming time is limited so I don't know when I'll catch up. :boggled:
I got MS Flight and bought the DLC with it too, I've been playing that quite a bit. I think I've already clocked 5 or 6 hours in the past couple of days.
I've been playing Forza 3, I do have 4 but I am thinking of flogging it and then buying the Ultimate Collection with all the DLC already there, any ideas when that'll launch?