Welcome to the real world of news reporting, only the popular news is reported, if nothing new is happening, no one continues to report unless there is a public interest or an agenda. Iraq is currently forgotten about too and Afghanistan is currently back in the news because of assassinations (though here in the UK and presumably in many countries, Afghanistan is fairly regularly mentioned due to the ongoing casualties).
Even Libya has been forgotten about other than the odd report about the amount of money being spent and bits and bobs about Gaddafi. Nothing like the day-by-day reporting of the progress of the rebels versus Gaddafi's forces.
A few weeks ago it was the hackers hacking Sony, Codemasters, pretty much everyone (which was so OTT its unbelivable, probably the same amount of hacking was done the past few months as any month, its just because it was suddenly a popular topic due to Sony's blunder, it became suddenly so serious). Now it is the phone hacking "scandals".
There are probably several companies that have been hacked the past couple of weeks which won't have been reported because its not popular news anymore. The silly thing is, only Sony and the National Census were rather serious leaks of important information, all the other reports were relatively minor to the quite common type of attack..which was mostly the leak of non-important information or boring old DoS attacks.