What have you done to your car today?

This actually happened a week ago ........But I went to open the driver door and pulled the handle clean off ............. Getting in and out through the passenger side is starting to get on my nerves, as I'm waiting on a mate to fix it. Actually made my girlfriend and I laugh at the time as it was on a long list of things to break or be faulty at the time lol
Got rid of some of the cobwebs and took one of my Skylines for a drive this morning (headrest cam FTL! :().
<<<< That one.

Best heard with bassy speakers so you can 'feel' the car. 👍

Wasn't speeding in the first part of the vid, was just getting up to 100km/h quickish.

By the bottom of the hill i'd caught up to the Ford Falcon that passed me about ten seconds before the video started. :dopey:

At 3:58 in the vid its the same point where my younger brother crashed his R32 Skyline years ago (when it was a gravel road) and wrote it off in the bank on the left side. :(

Nothing much happens after 5:40 in the vid. Will get a better vid one day. :)
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Attempted to clean out the Wastegate but that centre nut is rusted on there good!

Today I have driven my car to work. I'll tell you later how my drive and lunch and back goes, along with the trip home. Exciting day for the Rex!
Looking forward to that, thanks.

Whenever you say Rex I always think WRX as that is the nick name for them in Aus / NZ. In my head I'm thinking "Rex? But Keef drives an RX...oh yeah..."
Looking forward to that, thanks.

Whenever you say Rex I always think WRX as that is the nick name for them in Aus / NZ. In my head I'm thinking "Rex? But Keef drives an RX...oh yeah..."
Yeah, first thing i thought of was WRX. :ill:
In chronological order I,
Opened the door,
Looked at my nearly put together dash,
Remembered I need to go buy 4 screws,
Closed the door,
walked away,
Looked back,
Continued walking.
Why! To that strange little man that owned my car before me must you have stripped every screw that is the one size I cannot find in my shop!
I guess you could say he really screwed me here :sly:
For those of you wondering my car is an 86 Audi coupe gt. Yes, the two door :)
Just east of KC.
Normally I would just say screw the screws, but they're the last few that hold the entire digital cluster in place. I mean if it was an analog cluster I would just let them needles jiggle away, but audi decided to make this fancy little dash leave the factory chanting "I'm a real ecu!" German engineering is truly wonderful until you have to fix it.
Today I made up a cover for my gear nob. I've had a stainless steel one on there for nearly 8 months and it's never been all that hot, but now that summer's coming I've found that it gets hot, really hot.

So I made a cover out of chamois material.
It's simple but I hope it keeps me from burning myself when I drive the car on a hot day. And with the potential for 40 degree Celsius days ahead that means my car could be 70+ inside if it's in the sun.
From this

To this

It took about 2 hours to make purely because I spent 20 minutes trying to get the sewing machine to work. It didn't... So it was hand stiched.
It can be taken off and has a pull string down the bottom to tighten it up if I desire.

Sorry for the bad pics, phone camera, but you get the idea.
Cleaned it:


Cleaning isn't normally my thing but thinking of selling it soon. Likely trading back to a sports car of undecided description and using the spare money to help the Beetle along.

I hate cleaning it though as it always makes me wonder why I want to get rid of it. One day I'll no doubt regret it, but you've got to live in the present.
^ OT, but is your avatar from the Indian GP? I finally had time to watch my recording, and was like "hey, it's Mr. NSX!"
Got a Harbor Freight in WA?

The junkyard was finally dry enough to work in, so I have my tranny now. Tomorrow morning I'll start on the swap. Also nabbed an F22A6 cam and gear, simply 'cuz it's cool, and a cluster to experiment with an LED conversion. And finally, I ordered some Wenol cleaner and polisher so I can finish off my header restoration.
Did a quick mini-service (tyre pressures, little bit of oil and a check of all the other fluid levels) and replaced the left low-beam globe in preparation for the Accord's first proper road trip :D
Removed the passenger side door mirror using the hedgerow!
Moron driving down a narrow country lane with sidelights on at a very dark six thirty a.m. this morning? Appeared round the corner I was approaching with barely enough time for me to avoid them, no idea how they could see where they were going??? :scared:

Gotta love these sleepy drives to work in the morning.
Gave the Accord a good run through one of the only good roads in Victoria on the way back home from Wagga Wagga in NSW. Also set up one of those fuel app doo-flickies on my phone to track its consumption. Current consumption is around 7.6L/100km which I reckon is pretty sweet considering how I usually drive...hehehe...
I bought wipers and windsheild washer fluid. Its been telling it wanted more for about 2 months now.
Today I winterized my Fairlane.

Last drive, by &#12292; Reece M, on Flickr

My dad had a '57 Ford. His had a 12:1 406 that was dynoed at 575 horse at the flywheel, and a four speed. Nice looking car.

I haven't done a thing to my Chevelle in the last couple weeks. Went to move it around one day and it was losing pressure in the brake lines somewhere. I don't think it has air in the lines, I am thinking that a wheel cylinder let loose. Going to have to get to the bottom of it eventually, for the last couple weeks I have just been driving the '70.
Changed the oil and filter and checked all the usual service areas (rolled over 20,000miles a week or two ago). Still waiting for the new spark plugs to arrive, so I just gapped and cleaned the current ones.