My car is filthy after just 70 or so miles of driving, so today I pulled it into the garage and started a full detail on it. The entire thing will probably take 3 or 4 days because of the weather but today I did the following;
-Emptied interior of anything non factory
-Vacuumed interior completely
-Sprayed and scrubbed every fabric surface with AutoGlym Fabric Cleaner
-Dusted down the interior plastics
-Vacuumed car mats followed by a wash down with AG Fabric Cleaner
-Used AG Bumper Care to clean all black plastics within engine bay
-Wiped down every other bit of the engine bay, including shuts, catches and bonnet stay
-Cleaned headlights, daytime runners and rear lights
I think it's clean enough now, check out the teeny engine!
Tomorrow I'll wipe down all interior plastics and wax the interior body coloured dash strip with Meguairs Gold Class, then it's time to wash the wheels and exterior in the cold, much to the amusement of my neighbours.