What is the rarest car in the game?

  • Thread starter foxypa
Just found myself a nice Ford GT '02 for 989 235 Cr in the UCD... :D
Yellow with Black stripes ;) Only 52.0 KM on it :D
Yeah, that damned fridge on wheels. I was considering getting it for the historic race B spec, but managed it with the Toyota.
Ive gotten teh r92cp :D
Lately got the toyota GTone too. Escudo is in the ucd but dont have the funds for it.

Im going to go with the 1943 vw beetle since im the only one Ive seen, and its a drifter.
Since the standard models pop up in the UCD randomly, they should all be equally rare. One might perceive a particular car to be rare prob because he/she wants it so badly - if you don't look for it the car will eventually appear some day, sooner or later.
I have never seen "205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car '86" or "Renault 5 Turbo '80" . . . But i've seen about 773 times the Audi S4 '98 in the hideous Dark Green colour :crazy:
Both Nissan Pennzoil GTRs are pretty rare.. I'm on about 2000 game days and had never seen these until last weekend :)

Also the mitsi CZ-3 tarmac car. Iv never seen it in the ucd
I just bought the CZ3 Tarmac 01 road car version last night - first time i've ever seen it. Had the rally version for a long time but the road version looks stunning.
Also found the SKYLINE HT 2000 Turbo RS (R30) '83 - never seen that before.

That's after 1580 days. They have probably been there before and i was not looking hard enough.

Got my 2 main mythical unicorns today ,Corvette C5R '00 and a couple of game days later after an upsetting bumpercar online race with wall riding kiddies decided to check ucd before quitting and it was there Audi R8 LMS team playstation. Its about day 520 for me
Toyota 2000gt, I have'nt seen or heard of anyone having one of these yet.
I've seen all the other cars listed here but never had the credits to spend on them (the million credit + cars that is).

I have it, cracking little car. Don't remember when exactly I got it.
how disappointing... only one Ruf to go to complete my collection (of really fast lawnmowers... anybody else just hate the sound of those flat sixes?).
I have never seen the Suzuki Escudo after goodness knows how many trips back and forth to the UCD.

Dont buy it if you looking for a fast car.
It's not going to be faster then 315km/h. It's fun to drive, but not able to win events against those 900bhp cars.

For me the rarest car is the Peugot 205 Rally (not the evo2).
Never have seen this car. Hope to get it next Monday.

Birthday :D but i bet i will get some other '85 like rs200 rally and so on.. just because i already have it. it seems i always get the one i already own with those tickets :D
For me the rarest car is the Peugot 205 Rally (not the evo2). Never have seen this car. Hope to get it next Monday.

Come to think of it, i've never seen the '85 205 Rally Car in my UCD either. I have seen the 205 Evo 2 a couple of times and bought it the second time it showed up.
Dont buy it if you looking for a fast car.
It's not going to be faster then 315km/h. It's fun to drive, but not able to win events against those 900bhp cars.

For me the rarest car is the Peugot 205 Rally (not the evo2).
Never have seen this car. Hope to get it next Monday.

Birthday :D but i bet i will get some other '85 like rs200 rally and so on.. just because i already have it. it seems i always get the one i already own with those tickets :D

Slightly off topic, if you don't get one for your bday gimme a shout.. iv got a zero mile one that I won off a 1000 ticket iirc :)
Got my 2 main mythical unicorns today ,Corvette C5R '00 and a couple of game days later after an upsetting bumpercar online race with wall riding kiddies decided to check ucd before quitting and it was there Audi R8 LMS team playstation. Its about day 520 for me

The R8 LMS Playstation showed up in my UCD twice in one night. First time, I bought it. Second, I was a bit light on funds. Sure enough the 2nd appearance came after the UCD cycled when I was done with the initial test drive of the new purchase. Nice car, maybe the nicest of the four R8 variants in my garage.
I guess there’s no rhyme or reason to a cars UCD rarity value, I’ve seem to quite often see some of the cars listed here, others not at all.

I’ve never seen a CZ-3 rally car in the UCD or the 205 rally evo 1.

Last night for the first time ever I came across the RE Amemiya AMEMIYA ASPARADRINK RX7 (JGTC) ’04, not to be confused with the 07 premium in the car dealership.

At least there’s an easy way to tell if someone’s a liar, someone who’s says they have never seen a Skyline!I get hundreds of em :crazy: