What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) -- Written, directed and starred by Woody Allen, and as almost all, set in New York. It's the story of an insurance investigator and an efficency expert who hate each other and are both hypnotized by a crooked hypnotist with a jade scorpion into stealing jewels. It has its moments of romance and its very funny moments, but if you're used to (and like) Woddy Allen movies, you might think that it's either not hsi style, or that he's tryng to improvise a new one. In the same way, as a comedy itself, it's pretty good, but as a Woody Allen movie, it's below par, but then again, his 90s movies weren't that good either. It has some very good lines too. 7/10

American Graffiti (1973) -- It's part a coming of age film, and probably one of the first or better executed ones. It's about a couple of high school grads spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college. It may also be one of the first soundtrack-driven movies, where every song sets the mood for something in it. There's also a lot of nice looking cars and the visuals in it in general are great. Directed by George Lucas and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, so that could assure you it's a nice movie. And if you're really perceptive, you'll notice two things: Harrison Ford's first movie role and the car he drives is the same one used in Two-Lane Blacktop. 7.5/10
Angels & Demons - I loved the Da Vinci Code, so I was (cautiously)excited about this one. Most amazing thing about this film was how Tom Hanks looks younger in this film than the last. Wow.

As far as the plot go, this time around, all the setbacks, the twists, it just felt insignificant, somewhat repetitive. And it is nowhere as mysterious as the characters and everything else was in the Da Vinci Code.

It's still a OK thriller. I think it just tried too hard to make it an exciting movie, and the execution just wasn't there. Completely outclassed by the Da Vinci Code. A very high "C+".

Short Circuit 👎👎

If you're young enough to enjoy this movie, you're too young to be exposed to the s-word - which is dropped multiple times.


The Karate Kid 👍👍

Hadn't seen this one in forever. As a kid, I loved this movie - I still have much of it memorized. As an adult, it still works on some levels - which is surprising to me. The 80's music is over the top, the dating scenes and couple drama are painful, but Mr. Miagi puts on a good show, and the movie finds itself by the end.


The Rainmaker 👍👍

Aside from the annoying political statements in this one I really enjoyed it. For those who are unfamiliar, this is about a budding attorney who takes on a big case with no resources or experience with which to make it work. The facts of the case are a little ridiculous, it's as though they wanted you to believe that Matt Damon's character really could pull it off. But in doing so, they sacrificed the believability of the lawsuit in the first place.

It's not perfect, not by a long shot, but it's still an entertaining legal movie. I just wish the message wasn't quite so misguided.


Slumdog Millionaire 👎👍

I had to refrain from giving this two thumbs down. I wanted to, I really did. The main character has about as much charisma as a soggy sponge, the heroine is wishy-washy and weak, the story is ridiculous, the music is awful, the editing is ADD, and the setting is not particularly appealing. But, that being said, there's some unusually good child acting, good footage of ugly scenery, and the characters do start to find their groove toward the end.

For anyone unfamiliar, this movie is about a poor kid who somehow winds up on a gameshow and gets a little farther than he really should have. The rest of the movie is spent going through his life's story to explain the dramatic ways in which he learned the answers to the trivia questions he'd gotten right.

Even if this movie were executed perfectly, it wouldn't be particularly fun to watch given the subject matter. But it isn't executed perfectly, it's actually executed fairly badly. The first 30 minutes are really difficult to follow because the movie cuts back and forth through time constantly. Eventually, as the timelines begin to converge, the movie becomes more barable, so it ends well - and that's the most important part of leaving a good impression on viewers.

Of all of the problems with this film, the biggest is the lack of character integrity across the board. There isn't a single character you can really get behind or understand.

Like I said, it's very close to being a two thumbs down review for me. But, much like the characters in the movie, the film emerges from the cesspool it starts in to a semi-respectable ending.
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Watchmen (2009) -- Probably one of those movies you need to have read the comic before watching it, or at least know what it's about, which may've been one of the reasons it got so many different reviews. Definitely not one for the kids as it's amazingly violent and sexual, but very enjoyable if you know who the Watchmen are. I liked it a lot, except for the stupid attempt it made at some point to become likeable to the Marvel-movie-fan audience. Still, I'm glad I bought it and can't wait for the director's cut. 8/10
Watchmen (2009) -- Probably one of those movies you need to have read the comic before watching it, or at least know what it's about, which may've been one of the reasons it got so many different reviews. Definitely not one for the kids as it's amazingly violent and sexual, but very enjoyable if you know who the Watchmen are. I liked it a lot, except for the stupid attempt it made at some point to become likeable to the Marvel-movie-fan audience. Still, I'm glad I bought it and can't wait for the director's cut. 8/10
Glad you finally got a chance to watch it. If you enjoyed the theatrical cut you will definitely like the director's cut. It adds in a lot of scenes from the novel that had to be cut for time. They mainly just fill in some of the characterization for Nite Owl and Laurie, and adds a bit more to Rorschach's story, as well as including some of the Bernies, but it does a lot more justice to the book. There is only one added scene that I disliked.

If they drag out the director's cut release outside the US you might just want to wait for the Watchmen Ultimate Collector's Edition, which will also incorporate the animated version of Tales of the Black Freighter into the film and have the Under the Hood featurette and Motion Comics included in the 5-disc box.
I'd have to say Roschach was probably my favorite character, but it's never really explained why his name is Roschach and not, say, Ink Blot or Origami or whatever.
I'd have to say Roschach was probably my favorite character, but it's never really explained why his name is Roschach and not, say, Ink Blot or Origami or whatever.
Both versions do leave out how he got his mask face, but I am pretty sure why he went with Rorschach over your other suggestions is obvious. It's hard to be scary when you're being laughed at.

Plus, there is clear symbolism in it. "Your turn, doctor. Tell me. What do you see?"
Watchmen is on its way to me now. Is there an easy way for me to get the background information I need to put the movie in context for me? I haven't read any of the comics.
Watchmen is on its way to me now. Is there an easy way for me to get the background information I need to put the movie in context for me? I haven't read any of the comics.
You could rent the motion comics first if you don't feel like picking up the GN.

This is a link to a site which has plot summaries of each chapter:

But to sum it up quickly: This is not Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, or any-man. This is what costumed vigilantes would be like in real life; sadistic, sociopathic, fetishists (not all at once) who both love and hate their duality at the same time. Only one has any actual super powers. It also takes place in an alternate reality 1985. Pay close attention to the scenes in the opening credits in order to understand the changes they have brought to the world. Otherwise you may find yourself lost.

If you are looking for a fun action-packed superhero movie you will be disappointed. If you like character drama that takes mainstream concepts and flips them around, you might enjoy it.
How many of those summaries should I read? All of them? Don't want to totally spoil the movie.
Short of understanding that the comic deconstructs the superhero genre and the film does its best to transfer that to film, there isn't much more background information to give without ruining something for you.

Honestly, if you haven't read the GN and don't want the story spoiled you are best going in just knowing what I wrote about it in my previous post. And be prepared for your shock effect filters to be turned on. Snyder doesn't hold back on the violence or nudity.

But if you do read the summaries avoid Chapters X, XI, and XII. Total plot spoilers.
I love you, Beth Cooper.

It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't the best either. I'd give it a 7/10
I think Danoff should be fine. I never read the comic(s), but I just made effort to keep up with the story, I didn't have any problems. I don't think I did. :D

Danoff: I got the "Man on Wire" on my netflix's Xbox instant queue. Looking forward to it. 👍
Angels & Demons - I loved the Da Vinci Code, so I was (cautiously)excited about this one. Most amazing thing about this film was how Tom Hanks looks younger in this film than the last. Wow.

As far as the plot go, this time around, all the setbacks, the twists, it just felt insignificant, somewhat repetitive. And it is nowhere as mysterious as the characters and everything else was in the Da Vinci Code.

It's still a OK thriller. I think it just tried too hard to make it an exciting movie, and the execution just wasn't there. Completely outclassed by the Da Vinci Code. A very high "C+".

As for the books, Angels & Demons is far better than the Da Vinci code.
As for the books, Angels & Demons is far better than the Da Vinci code.

I think it could've been the other way around in the books for me as well. I was pretty excited when I found out that the plot involved an atomic collider. I do wish that it had a bigger part in the film though. Fascinating machine.

Ding it. I don't know how to do the "spoiler" tag:

Spoiler Alert!:

Spoiler Alert!:Was the stuff with the helicopter and parachute in the book? I thought that was a reach, even in a book.Spoiler Alert!
I think it could've been the other way around in the books for me as well. I was pretty excited when I found out that the plot involved an atomic collider. I do wish that it had a bigger part in the film though. Fascinating machine.

Ding it. I don't know how to do the "spoiler" tag:

Spoiler Alert!:

Spoiler Alert!:Was the stuff with the helicopter and parachute in the book? I thought that was a reach, even in a book.Spoiler Alert!

answer to spoiler!

yes, it was.
Ding it. I don't know how to do the "spoiler" tag:
You make a tag with the word spoiler inside the brackets.
Like so (minus the *): [*spoiler*] [*/spoiler*]

This is how you do spoiler tags. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
You make a tag with the word spoiler inside the brackets.
Like so (minus the *): [*spoiler*] [*/spoiler*]
Thank you. I think I even used it, once before. I'll remember it this time for sure. ;)

And Speedy, what did you think of that part in the book? At least to me, it seemed like a forced Hollywood moment in the film.....
Thank you. I think I even used it, once before. I'll remember it this time for sure. ;)

And Speedy, what did you think of that part in the book? At least to me, it seemed like a forced Hollywood moment in the film.....

The end of the book kind of dragged a bit. Like the author was trying to force some more twists and turns in instead of just wrapping it up.
The end of the book kind of dragged a bit. Like the author was trying to force some more twists and turns in instead of just wrapping it up.
Exactly how I felt watching the film. I guess at least this part was pretty true to the book. :lol:

An American in Paris (1951) -- One of the greatest things about Gene Kelly was that he was able to dance, sing and act, and did all of them perfectly and at the same time if need be. And he could do all that and still keep his masculinity, which makes him made of win. This movie is great, as long as you keep in mind it's a musical and there's going to be a lot of dancing around, but since the lead is male, there's little to no 'fluttering about', which IMO makes it more likeable. There's also the fact that the music in this movie is by Gershwin, and though many great songs are used, and the dance scenes are spectacular, I prefer Singin' in the Rain. Especially since this one's last dance scene seemed to staged... in Singin' the singing/dancing numbers were more casual and the scenes led to them, while in this one, though all of them going through that same line, the last "climactic" scene, comes out of nowhere. Still, this movie along with Singin' is among the best examples of great movies not made with SFX, proving that when you've got talent, you need little else. 8.5/10

Slumdog Millionaire 👎👍

I had to refrain from giving this two thumbs down. I wanted to, I really did. The main character has about as much charisma as a soggy sponge, the heroine is wishy-washy and weak, the story is ridiculous, the music is awful, the editing is ADD, and the setting is not particularly appealing. But, that being said, there's some unusually good child acting, good footage of ugly scenery, and the characters do start to find their groove toward the end.

For anyone unfamiliar, this movie is about a poor kid who somehow winds up on a gameshow and gets a little farther than he really should have. The rest of the movie is spent going through his life's story to explain the dramatic ways in which he learned the answers to the trivia questions he'd gotten right.

Even if this movie were executed perfectly, it wouldn't be particularly fun to watch given the subject matter. But it isn't executed perfectly, it's actually executed fairly badly. The first 30 minutes are really difficult to follow because the movie cuts back and forth through time constantly. Eventually, as the timelines begin to converge, the movie becomes more barable, so it ends well - and that's the most important part of leaving a good impression on viewers.

Of all of the problems with this film, the biggest is the lack of character integrity across the board. There isn't a single character you can really get behind or understand.

Like I said, it's very close to being a two thumbs down review for me. But, much like the characters in the movie, the film emerges from the cesspool it starts in to a semi-respectable ending.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I agree 100% with what you said about the first bit of the movie. I saw it in theaters, but I missed probably the first minute or so, so I was horribly confused for quite a while.

While I thought the movie was pretty good after leaving the theater, I tried to watch it again once it came out on DVD and I couldn't make it more than half way.

I have no idea why this movie was nominated for so many awards.
Yesterday I saw Lethal Weapon 3, then Lethal Weapon 4, then Lethal Weapon 2, then Lethal Weapon. R-Rated movies syndicated for basic cable are hilarious to watch. I can watch Danny Glover shoot a guy in the face with a nail gun, but I cannot actually be told what he is getting way too old for.
Nah, it was just...nothing. He starts with the "I'm getting way to old for this..." then dead air. I suppose that is grammatically correct, but its no fun.

Joe Pesci was complaining about how the camera companies (and phone companies, and fast food restaurants, and etc.) "frig" you, though.
I just rented Fast and Furious from the RedBox and I think I payed about what it was worth. It didn't really feel like a sequel and it left me confused as to when exactly this took place. I also feel they should have at least given some attention to the other characters from the first and second films. Overall though it was a decent film and am glad they didn't focus as much on the street racing as in the previous films.
I rented mine on the Netflix trial. On Blu-ray! Yay!...... redbox is awesome though. Too bad I won't be able to throw my dollar toward them for awhile.

Fast & Furious - I guess I still have some "kid" in me. I liked the cars, especially the riced out ones. That Silvia they referred to as illegally modded "240" was nice. 👍 One of the best looking tuner car I've seen in a very long time. Too bad it was in the movie for little over a microsecond!

I was very glad to see most of the original cast make their return in this one. On everything else, I know I say this too often, but it is what it is. And it's a OK one. If you like the cars, or if you like the actors in it, it's on OK rental.

I loved the original. Found the second one to be really mediocre. Tokyo Drift was an hour & a half I'll never get back. "The Four", I'd say "C+"