What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Six (HP6)

Hmm. Perhaps my expectations were set too high, this being my favorite book of the series and all. The movie ended up falling a bit flat, at least for me. It was good, but missing too many pieces that I believed to be critical for understanding not only what is coming up ahead, but also, what had happened previously. Realistically, they had the bases covered. But in my world, it wasn't nearly enough.

I'd wait a week to have the crowds thin out, I felt too old in the theater once again, and I'm only 22.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Six (HP6)

Hmm. Perhaps my expectations were set too high, this being my favorite book of the series and all. The movie ended up falling a bit flat, at least for me. It was good, but missing too many pieces that I believed to be critical for understanding not only what is coming up ahead, but also, what had happened previously. Realistically, they had the bases covered. But in my world, it wasn't nearly enough.

I'd wait a week to have the crowds thin out, I felt too old in the theater once again, and I'm only 22.
I heard a review on the radio where the reviewer basically was saying that at this point in the series you are in the know from previous films/books or not. This film doesn't stand on its own, but if you have read the books and seen the films you can keep up, which is fine for her. Basically, she came down to a good review because the movie was made for people like her (sounds like me with Watchmen).

As for some of the stuff left out; I wonder exactly what stuff they come back to with 7 being split into two parts. It is the same crew so they knew where they were going from 6 into 7. I think another thing about the missing parts throughout all the films may be noted in an interview I read with the director who was saying that the books focused on the three, as it was a story about three friends, but the films are just telling Harry's story. He said 7 fits the book much better because Deathly Hallows became Harry's story (odd, I thought it was about a rather boring camping trip).

Anyway I neither agree nor disagree having not seen the film yet, although based on the previous films I likely will agree. Just thought I would pass along the information I have read this week to see if it made sense to you.
I didn't know what to expect from this really, having read various reviews but I'm very glad I went to see it as I haven't laughed so hard in ages. By the end my face was aching from the laughter and everyone I was with kept giggling in the car when we remember various parts of the film. You can't watch it with your brain switched on, but switch it off and it's absolutely hilarious. Some have said that he pushed it too far but IMO those were the best bits as he just doesn't care and isn't afraid to keep going further and further.

The best bit? When he made a complete fool out of the parents who wanted their babies to be famous. "Is he OK with flaming phosphorous?" :lol:

9/10 will definitely be buying the DVD.

As a side note, nobody walked out. Everyone was laughing their heads off at the Millie Vanillie scene, even if it was from behind their hands! He definitely aims his work at a British audience.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Six (HP6)

Hmm. Perhaps my expectations were set too high, this being my favorite book of the series and all. The movie ended up falling a bit flat, at least for me. It was good, but missing too many pieces that I believed to be critical for understanding not only what is coming up ahead, but also, what had happened previously. Realistically, they had the bases covered. But in my world, it wasn't nearly enough.

I'd wait a week to have the crowds thin out, I felt too old in the theater once again, and I'm only 22.

Seen it yesterday and I have to say, I consider it very good, even though I've also read all the books ;)
I thought they left out exactly those things that would confuse people too much who didn't know the books. Actually I considered it a way better adaptation than any of the LOTR movies.
The movie had a good flow, I had the feeling there was a story (at least that what has been left over of it ;) ) told and not a mere chaining of pictures and events.
I agree there are huge parts left out, but the writers have done an awesome job to keep the essentials intact and not generate a feeling of being rushed through story too big for the film.
The movie just showed me how much you can compress HP without actually missing anything. Great movie, 8/10
As a side note, nobody walked out. Everyone was laughing their heads off at the Millie Vanillie scene, even if it was from behind their hands! He definitely aims his work at a British audience.

That was definitely one of the best bits... the look on that guys face... LOL



Being a huge fan of Tony Jaa after watching the original Ong Bak and Tom Yam Koong (Warrior King in UK) I was expecting this one to be as good or surpass them... I was heavily disappointed to say the least... Tony Jaa has dropped his simple formula of minimal plot and hardcore fighting action to go the artistic route... Which IMO = an epic fail... The plot is too complicated for this type of movie and theres just too much blah blah blah and touchy feely stuff which was never in the other movies... The fight scenes that ARE present are done very well though.. He has used this movie to show he can do many different fighting styles other than the crazy Muay Thai he used in the other two movies... He has gone the Kung-Fu route and has an AWESOME fight seen utilizing the drunken style... The last fight scene is also done well but the choreography is just not as good as his other films... If you are curious for this film I just recommend FFWDing to the fight scenes because the rest is pretty irrelevant actually. I believe this is supposed to be a sort of Pre-quel to the original Ong-Bak, but if doesnt add anything to the original story... Check for yourself and see what you think... Cultural value is high.. so if youre into that type of stuff alongside hard fighting action then youre at the right address....

Score: 6/10
As for some of the stuff left out; I wonder exactly what stuff they come back to with 7 being split into two parts. It is the same crew so they knew where they were going from 6 into 7.

It made sense what you were talking about, but on that point above, I guess I felt like some of those points were critical to understanding HP7. Things like Aparating class, Malfoy's tortured times in the bathroom and in the Room of Requirement, Rainier Wolfsbeard (we see him, but no one knows who he is), the relationship between Lupin and "whatshername" (I can't remember), Dumbledore's funeral sequence, etc...

Oh well. Those of us who have read the book know whats going on. I'll have to take solace in that.
It made sense what you were talking about, but on that point above, I guess I felt like some of those points were critical to understanding HP7. Things like Aparating class, Malfoy's tortured times in the bathroom and in the Room of Requirement, Rainier Wolfsbeard (we see him, but no one knows who he is), the relationship between Lupin and "whatshername" (I can't remember),

Oh well. Those of us who have read the book know whats going on. I'll have to take solace in that.

You may want to spoiler tag the part I cut out.
I didn't know what to expect from this really, having read various reviews but I'm very glad I went to see it as I haven't laughed so hard in ages. By the end my face was aching from the laughter and everyone I was with kept giggling in the car when we remember various parts of the film. You can't watch it with your brain switched on, but switch it off and it's absolutely hilarious. Some have said that he pushed it too far but IMO those were the best bits as he just doesn't care and isn't afraid to keep going further and further.

The best bit? When he made a complete fool out of the parents who wanted their babies to be famous. "Is he OK with flaming phosphorous?" :lol:

9/10 will definitely be buying the DVD.

As a side note, nobody walked out. Everyone was laughing their heads off at the Millie Vanillie scene, even if it was from behind their hands! He definitely aims his work at a British audience.

I just saw this a couple of days ago, I nearly died from laughter!
I'm 15, in the UK its an "18" and here on holiday in Australia it was rated "15+". Man I was pleased! The movie was pretty shocking, for example the bit when he is having his new show previewed, when there is a crotch shot for about a minute of a naked man jumping around :crazy:
But yeah, an immensly funny film and defonately worth going to see!
I watched Event Horizon (1997) on Blu-ray last night, on the recommendation of my boss, who told me it was the scariest film he had ever seen. I didn't know until earlier today that Famine rates this movie as No. 2 of his worst films of all time, however :ill: Still, I quite enjoyed it... I blacked out my living room and the film was genuinely creepy in parts, although it starts to get just a tad daft nearer the end. I wouldn't go as far as Famine and be "jealous of Sam Neill" because "he got to pull out his own eyes. Mine still functioned at the end of the film." :lol: Sam Neill, however, just doesn't do "evil bad guy" very well, although he did strike an uncanny resemblance with Peter Gabriel near the end. However, it is probably the worst film I've rented on Blu-ray so far, and only really gets marks for entertainment/scary factor, so a lowly 5/10 from me... next up, Slumdog Millionaire.
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I watched Event Horizon (1997) on Blu-ray last night, on the recommendation of my boss, who told me it was the scariest film he had ever seen.
I would question your boss' judgment (at least in films) from here on. I didn't scare once and, like you, I thought it was a bout a 5/10. Oh, and I saw it in theaters, which just made it worse.

I really need to have people define scary when they make comments like this. My in laws told me I Am Legend was the scariest movie thay had ever seen. I actually fell asleep.
But Laurence Fishburne's so good in it. I know Famine hates the movie, but it is one of my favorites. I just love the sets design, and the atmosphere. 👍
Event Horizon has a great story concept. I love the idea of new science leading to very, very bad and otherwordly results. I love the sci-fi crosses into horrow aspect (Pitch Black is a favorite of mine), but Event Horizon felt like it was doing a very poor imitation of Hellraiser by the end.
I saw As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me last night. Its about a German soldier who became a P.O.W in 1945 and has to work in a coal mine in Siberia for 25 years. He decides to escape in 1949. The camp had no fences since its in the middle of Siberia so he snuck out and walked. Took him three years till he was arrested in Middle east (Tehran i belive) then his uncle came to see if it was really him in 1951.

Its pretty good but the best part is its a true story so to think that someone actually did it makes it better. I can't explain movies at all so bare with me on that one but I thought it ws worth posting and overall its a pretty good movie.

"Is he OK with flaming phosphorous?" :lol:

"...and is it fine with antiquetated heavy machinery?"


"how about operating it"


Just come back from seeing it. I hated Borat so I went in with mixed expectation, but I thought it was miles better. Some of the scenes were intense! Will also be buying the DVD when it comes out!

Going my Way (1944) -- Bing Crosby plays a new priest who shows up at the parish of a crusty old priest named Father Fitzgibbon. The new man, Father O'Malley, must ingratiate himself with both the old man and his congregation. There are various ups and downs in their relationship but it's really one of those old movies about the beauty of life and all sorts of cheesy things. But this one is pretty well taught. One of those feel-good movies like It's a Wonderful Life. Kinda heartwarming and everything, but with less of a feeling of overwhelming sweetness at the end. 7.5/10
Going my Way (1944) -- Bing Crosby plays a new priest who shows up at the parish of a crusty old priest named Father Fitzgibbon. The new man, Father O'Malley, must ingratiate himself with both the old man and his congregation. There are various ups and downs in their relationship but it's really one of those old movies about the beauty of life and all sorts of cheesy things. But this one is pretty well taught. One of those feel-good movies like It's a Wonderful Life. Kinda heartwarming and everything, but with less of a feeling of overwhelming sweetness at the end. 7.5/10
Excellent movie in my opinion. I got it in a two-pack DVD with Holiday Inn. I just wanted Holiday Inn, but figured that since I like Bing I'll give it a shot.

Of course, looking at that poster you put up, it looks like it should be a romance. I wonder how many people got caught off guard in the theater.
I get more scared with movies like REC
Quarantine was a let down. I still liked it(horror/zombie sucker), but it just added to my reputation as a horrid movie selector. They still let me pick the movies, so they must be secretly enjoying it.

REC came out on DVD here, just this(last, whatever) Tuesday. I'm hoping to rent it this weekend. It's in Hispanish, isn't it?
it's in Spanish.... Spaniard Spanish, if that's what you're asking. I haven't seen Quarantine, though I hear it's almost a carbon copy. The thing I liked about REC was that 1) I had no clue what it was about when I first saw it, and 2) 'Reality' shows in Spain are actually like that... well, like the first 15 mins of the movie. Filming every part of the lives of the subjects, so they nailed that part exactly right. Plus points for initial realism.
3:10 to Yuma

Great modern Western. Many people argue that this film is not true to the genre Western because it's too PC and people behave too much like now. I think it is a great movie and really hope it helps the Western back to its feet.
Great performance by everyone in the movie, especially the two main baddies are outstanding.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Six (HP6)

Hmm. Perhaps my expectations were set too high, this being my favorite book of the series and all. The movie ended up falling a bit flat, at least for me. It was good, but missing too many pieces that I believed to be critical for understanding not only what is coming up ahead, but also, what had happened previously. Realistically, they had the bases covered. But in my world, it wasn't nearly enough.

I'd wait a week to have the crowds thin out, I felt too old in the theater once again, and I'm only 22.

I hear that.

Coming in as someone who's seen the films but not read the books (I know, heathen) I have to say I was disappointed. The interactions between the kids was great, and got that British boarding school vibe down well but I felt like I was waiting for the story to begin and it never really did. Once I saw the first memory of
Tom Riddle
I thought we were going to have the backstory fleshed out maybe linking up with the Chamber of Secrets diary but it seems the writers felt two flashbacks were all we needed in over 2 1/2 hours. Malfoy was another let down, even the final Star Wars did a better job with Hayden "my voice never changes" Christensen with his conflicting feelings.

Speaking of the length, I came out wondering just what had gone on in the very long middle of the film but then again I remember thinking the same about Atonement. It was the funniest of the HP films though, with most of the laughs from Ron and Luna, although I couldn't help but laugh at some of the shots during the quidditch game of the two keepers with stiff rods between their legs looking at Hermione....
Hangover 8.5/10

Really enjoyed this. Knew nothing about the movie except for the basic premise. Not so many ROTFL moments but consistently funny throughout. Loved the ending.
I saw Transformers: Revenge Of the Fallen today.:D I thought it was fantastic. I think the first one was a bit better though, second one had a bit too much action. But it was still a great movie.:D:tup:
Watched Moon today, found it a little slow for my liking, think solaris and your on the right track, come to think of it I didn't like that either.