What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Watched G.I.Joe with my son yesterday. Absolute nonsense but non-stop action from start to finish with a lot of cool special effects and in-yer-face fight scenes. We both loved it!
Watched G.I.Joe with my son yesterday. Absolute nonsense but non-stop action from start to finish with a lot of cool special effects and in-yer-face fight scenes. We both loved it!
I've been watching a lot of G.I. Joe lately too, but I bet mine is different.
Someone told me they should change the name to 'C.G.I.Joe'... any truth in this?
Have you even seen the trailer? That was enough to make me save my money and put it toward the cartoon season 1 on DVD.
I try not to watch trailers for that same reason. I'll watch that one, though.

EDIT: Just watched it. I wonder if it's even worth the pirate download.
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Just came back from District 9 and my god was it good. The acting, the CGI, the GUNS :D, the realness of the aliens, and the overall story line was very good. Even got a little emotional near the end of the movie. Must say it was the best movie i've seen this year :)
Just watched Twelve Monkeys last night. For being such a highly praised film, I didn't like it that much. I think I was a tad distracted, so I may try to watch it again this weekend. I will say that Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt play lunatics very well. 👍

edit: Anyone know of any good film/tv forums? Something sort of like the GTP or Head-Fi of movies?
I consider it the best Terry Gilliam film, and is one of my favorite films of all-time. It might be the perfect movie for me.

Edit: CDailey, are you formerly the Integra Type R?

Edit Edit, PPS: I'm gonna have to go see the District 9, now. I just gotta remember not to hype it too much in my head. :D
I didn't like "Twelve Monkeys" much, nor am I a big fan of "Holy Grail" either ("Life of Brian" is easily my favourite Python film). My favourite Gilliam film, however, is "The Fisher King", and I also liked "Brazil"...
Watched "Fanboys" last night. A fun entertaining movie. I could draw vague parallels to "Pick of Destiny", but with less vulgarity.

It was fun enough in Fanboys, just to pick out the cameos. An enjoyable way to spend an evening.
Oh come on! What about Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Not a fan of either. British comedy is a hit & miss for me. Holy Grail, I found just "OK", Monty Python, I never found them that amusing, so I never went out of my way to watch their shows. I do love John Cleese though.

Fisher King, so-so. Brazil & Adventures of Baron Munchausen are my pick for the close second, after Twelve Monkeys. Life of Brian, I've been meaning to see it, but has not happened yet. Hopefully sooner than later!
Not a fan of either. British comedy is a hit & miss for me. Holy Grail, I found just "OK", Monty Python, I never found them that amusing, so I never went out of my way to watch their shows. I do love John Cleese though.

Fisher King, so-so. Brazil & Adventures of Baron Munchausen are my pick for the close second, after Twelve Monkeys. Life of Brian, I've been meaning to see it, but has not happened yet. Hopefully sooner than later!
"The Life of Brian" is epic and it's high in the running for my favourite film of all time. It's one of a select few films that I simply love - and although it is probably far from perfect as a film, it's flawless comedy for me. Even today I can still laugh at bits until I choke on my beer.

edit: I just bought it on Blu-ray for £9.98, so some lucky friend of mine will inherit my DVD :D
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An interesting observation by a friend of mine is as follows:

After arguing in the pub one night about which was funnier, Life of Brian or Holy Grail it became apparent that I was out-voted 3-1 on saying that the Holy Grail was funnier, however I was the only one that had seen more than 2-3 episodes of the Flying Circus, infact I have the entire set of DVD's.. so the observation was that the 'hardcore' Monty Python fans prefer Holy Grail, and the casual viewer prefers Life of Brian.

Only 2 films have ever literally had me on the floor holding myself crying with laughter, one was MPATHG, the other was Team America.
the observation was that the 'hardcore' Monty Python fans prefer Holy Grail, and the casual viewer prefers Life of Brian.
Not a hardcore MP fan by any stretch, but I've only seen Brian once and I own Grail...

Any suggestions for what I should rent this weekend (besides Life of Brian)? I'll be heading for the video store in about 10 minutes, so you better hurry!!! :lol:
I'm most definitely a hardcore fan - I have the entire TV series on DVD (imported), have owned every Python film (including "And Now For Something Completely Different") and have probably had every decent British documentaries on the Pythons from the last 25 years on VHS (somewhere), and not to mention my Goon Show and Spike Milligan collection (from which the Pythons drew much inspiration), and I vastly prefer "Brian" over "Holy Grail"...

That said, "Holy Grail" is more like the TV series - more chaotic and decidely more bizarre. "Brian" is more of a movie, and is possibly less popular with "proper" Python fans. That said, JC himself (yes, the JC :P ) considers "Life of Brian" his best work and what he most wants to be remembered for...
mmm... I can't say I'm a hardcore Monty Python fan, though I like Grail better than Brian. Matter of fact, I saw Brian once and didn't think much of it. I've seen Grail at least 5 times (and own it on DVD).
Crap. Now Diego and I have something in common. :rolleyes:


Edit: And with no suggestions from anyone (not that I gave you any time!) I'll take my chances at the store.
go to the video store later!
Sadly, if I didn't leave when I did, there wouldn't be any time to get back home and do my son's treatment before supper and after supper is even busier than before.
Sorry TB! But I like so many films, I'd end up recommending half the store!
Fair enough! :lol: That's usually my problem, too. There are so many I want to see but I don't have the time and therefore can't decide which one to watch first.

In the end, I picked up Tutenstein, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo and Star Trek: The Motion Picture (all for $2.07 for 7 days!). Guess which one is for me? Hint: It's a trick question. :D
Obviously I would have said alright to Slag Monsters from Beeblebrox 12! :P

Apparently I wasn't in as much of a movie mood as I initially thought. :lol:

That and I let the kids pick out two of the three...

Looks like it'll be a night of Uncharted.
Star Trek and Adventureland on my flight home from Hawai'i. We had those private touchscreen tv's, and since i was in first class, it was all free.
District 9 - What can I say? As everyone else said, it's definitely up for the movie of the year. Just very well made Sci Fi action flick, but I especially liked the gadgets. "A"
Seriously, TB... what sort of recommendations were you expecting?
Exactly what I thought. :lol:
Just watched Tropic Thunder (you guys know what it is) and it was very good. It was better than I thought it would be. 8/10
Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I expected from the trailer. I also thought it was pretty good, especially Jack Black & Downey Jr.
So, District 9...Good movie made bad by a stupid shakey camera. Srsly, my eyes and head were killing me by less than half way through the movie. It made it very hard to enjoy the movie unfortunately.

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