yes hes very good, I remember seeing him first in "Xena W P"
did a few episodes, and then in a film called "The Price of Milk" quite a good film worth watching anyway. Then I didnt see him anything for a while, then low an behold hes in a few movies retivily close together "LOTR's The Two Towers / The Return of the King " and "The Bourne Supremacy" ohh yeh and "The Chronicles of Riddick".
I havent seen "Doom" yet but hope to, but its not at the top of my list, according to IMDB hes going to be in a TV series and two movies this year, will be looking out for them.
I watched "Serenity" with my dad the other night, and hes a big Si-Fi fan but didnt like the look of this film, and by his reaction he actually liked, he said "hhmm it was ok, not too bad" lol thats his way of saying "yeh I liked it, would watch it again" personally ive already stated my liking for this film from a Cancled TV series fan and movie fan, but as a Si-Fi fan too it ticks all the right boxes and proves to be a good yarn only bits I dont like are the "Buffy" esque fight scenes, but I will let them slide.
👍👍👍 / 👍👍👍👍👍