What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
I just saw "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"
And it awsome!!:D:crazy: I love Orlando Bloom:embarrassed:. He is the hottes guy out there.:embarrassed: IMO Six out of five from me.
I don't know what it is with me and that movie. I thought the first one was one of the most overrated movies, but of course, everybody loved it. This second one, I couldn't even finish watching it. It was like ADD kicked in or something, I was just bored and moved on to something else.

With three great actors like Orlando, Depp, Keira, I should like these "Pirates" flicks more, but I don't. :indiff:
:(! You.........don't.........like.........it?
If I "didn't like it", I would have still finished it. I'm returning it having only watched it halfway thru, so I must have hated it. :P

Don't worry, I'm probably the only man on earth with this opinion. ;)
I thought the first one was pretty good, but the second one was just average in my opinion.

This weekend we watched "The Devil Wears Prada". My girlfriend loved it just for all the clothes there. :lol: I liked it too.
If I "didn't like it", I would have still finished it. I'm returning it having only watched it halfway thru, so I must have hated it. :P

Don't worry, I'm probably the only man on earth with this opinion. ;)

That's where you're wrong, I didn't particulary like the movie when I saw it in theatres. I thought going in that "Hey, maybe it will be better than I think it is." And, I admit, it was. But I had quite low expectations to begin with. For one. The movie just feels to long, all the good moments are split between the usually uninteresting dialouge, making it feel plodding and saying: "GET TO THE GOOD PART!" The good part about the movie is the colorful characters, very well done and well acted. But the storyline and its general tendency to plod along, (maybe I just don't like pirates?) Make it quite over-hyped in my opinion.

Now, for the movies I've seen lately: Shaun Of The Dead (I really doubt this movie is over-hyped in any way. It has something about it that makes it such an enjoyable movie. :))
Garfield 2 - Another film i was pleasently suprised with, this is very funny (in a stupid & childish way). Very watchable & i loved all the British supporting cast/voices.

Your definately not alone on disliking Pirates 2 (although on Pirates 1, yes you are:). I saw it twice at the cinema, i really liked it the 1st time, but the 2nd tim it seemed alot worse. All the "critics" didn't like Pirates 2.
Well, I guess you guys are right. I just checked the rottentomatoes.com, and their "Critics" approval gauge that shows the percentage of critics who liked it, it's at just 54%. Not overly popular.

I actually own the first one on DVD. It was cheaper than my lunch, plus I wanted to get a second viewing and see if I was wrong the first time. I can actually finish that one. :sly:
I don't know what it is with me and that movie. I thought the first one was one of the most overrated movies, but of course, everybody loved it. This second one, I couldn't even finish watching it. It was like ADD kicked in or something, I was just bored and moved on to something else.

With three great actors like Orlando, Depp, Keira, I should like these "Pirates" flicks more, but I don't. :indiff:

I recently watched the sequel - not a good movie. The first one was fantastic, I enjoyed it thoroughly and even own it. The second one, though, was quite bad.
While not a new movie by any stretch of imagination, I saw My Cousin Vinny for the first time today. Very good movie, and I highly advise anyone who hasn't seen it to do the same.
I watched Clerks II(or 2, whatever) last night. :lol::lol::lol: It is just wrong on a whole new level with this movie. Language and offensive jokes tend to get old with this movie. They just keep on pushing the envelope, like they need to. Having said that though, this movie really connects with average Joes like us. Makes fun of stuff we often ponder, think about. Some of the jokes in this movie were just GOLDEN. There are plenty of humor that pleases the geeks like me as well(think along the lines of Star Wars - Lord of the Rings). Trans Former kid was definitely my MVP in this movie. :D:tup:

I'm gonna have to buy it on DVD, along with the first one. Laugh out loud jokes, sick jokes that's just not funny or is old, great cast featuring Rosario Dawson. The total equals to "B- " for me. Kevin Smith, you are one of a kind!

i've been in a boxing mood lately. i've watched the first 4 Rocky movies and cinderella man over the last two weeks.
I still haven't seen any Rocky movies. I gotta get on that. :ouch:

Cinderella Man was great. What did you think of Million Dollar Baby?
i love million dollar baby. i cant count how many times i've watched the scene where morgan freeman knocks down that younger guy.
my friend (who has the rocky dvds) and i, still disagree about whether cinderella man or million dollar baby is the better movie.
i love them both but million dollar baby gets my vote. i think my mate is a little bit old school, and wont ever admit to liking a movie with women boxing :)
I preffer Cinderella man, it's probably because it's a true story but both films are right up there.
And I'd go with Million Dollar Baby. Totally agree that they are both up there, though.
I've just been to see Deja Vu, it was a good film overall but it was too Hollywood. The premise was great, there was good buildum, some clever twists and methods used in the story but, the ending was way too Hollywood. It should have ended very, very differently imo.
Inside Man - Was good, nothing more. Very stylish, but far to slow in places & the "twist" was very obvious. However it was very well acted & just very watchable.
Texas Chainsaw Masacre (original) - Oh my gawd! Forget "scariest movie ever" this has to be one of the worst films ever. It has absolutely no redeeming features.
It has the most annoying (non child) in a film ever. Every takes to long & is then drawn out far to much. That girls screaming was so annoying i actually yeld at the TV "shut the **** up". I cannot beleive the praise this film gets its truelly terrible. Yet for some reason i feel i'd still give it
I know I know... I'm a little slow but in the last, oh... 6mo.

Equilibrium 9/10 (great movie! why didn't it get more popular!? Christian Bale should've been Neo in the Matrix)
Super Troopers 9/10 (OMFG so damn hilarious, especially the beginning)
Beerfest 9/10 (lol, thought about all my drinker friends)
American Pie: The Naked Mile 6/10 (Ermm.. an excuse to film naked chicks? lol)
Clerks II 7/10 (Clerks was a bit odd/neg. but both were good movies, Clerks II was a Great sequel. Loved it)
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown 8/10 (first one didn't disappoint and neither did this one)
MI3 6/10 (having low/no expectations is good, probably the best MI)
Stranger Than Fiction 7/10 (never been a Will Ferrel fan but I think it was a decent movie)

edit added ratings. :dopey:
Flushed Away - Very funny in parts. Not consistantly good like Shrek, but better than the Wallace & Gromit film. I liked the very quick W&G references. & the lil slug things were V funny.

DeJa Vu - A bit of a let down, i really like Tony Scott's recent style of films (domino & Man On Fire), but he's toned it down for this PG13 actioner. Its good, but not that good. Slightly slow & out there. but has a class end.
I know I know... I'm a little slow but in the last, oh... 6mo.

Equilibrium 9/10 (great movie! why didn't it get more popular!? Christian Bale should've been Neo in the Matrix)
Super Troopers 9/10 (OMFG so damn hilarious, especially the beginning)
Beerfest 9/10 (lol, thought about all my drinker friends)
American Pie: The Naked Mile 6/10 (Ermm.. an excuse to film naked chicks? lol)
Clerks II 7/10 (Clerks was a bit odd/neg. but both were good movies, Clerks II was a Great sequel. Loved it)
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown 8/10 (first one didn't disappoint and neither did this one)
MI3 6/10 (having low/no expectations is good, probably the best MI)
Stranger Than Fiction 7/10 (never been a Will Ferrel fan but I think it was a decent movie)

edit added ratings. :dopey:
Gotta love Super Troopers. Everybody knows a line or two, or three from that movie. "I don't wanna large Farva, I wanna goddamn liter of cola!". :lol:
I went and saw Rocky Balboa last night. I must say, a fitting end to a great series of movies. I'd rate it up there with the first 3 movies. 8.5/10
Casino Royale - Much better than expected, nice 'parkour' at the beginning and my that DBS :drool: - shame it was totalled. Daniel Craig isn't as bad as first thought imo 7/10.

Equilibrium - Liked the whole concept of the movie and found it pretty interesting! 8/10.

Wolf Creek 2005 - This was pure violence and horror :D, didn't like the naiveity of the trio though - really got annoying like when they knocked out the murderer and failed to ensure he was dead but ran etc 👎 7/10
Lady in the water. Ugh. only interesting part was when the movie critic buys it.

My Super Ex-girlfriend. Uma must ahve had a blast playing this part. Good rental, fun laugh.

Fearless. Supposedly Jet Li's last epic marital arts movie. Very well done. More action and life, less poetry than Hero. Well done. Is Nathan Jones really that big?

Barnyard meh. Few good laughs. Rent it.
Subway - 80's classic by Luc Besson. Really sloppy, but I loved the stylish 80's in this film. Most entertaining part was the young Jean Reno and young Christopher Lambert. They look about the same as they do today! :lol: OK rental, only if you are fan of the actors or director involved. "C-"

Failure to Launch - Pretty good, light comedy. OK for rental. Just OK. "C"

Dangerous Minds - Old movie, but I don't think I had ever seen it before. It was so so. "C"
Has anybody seen Happy Feet yet? If it's real funny like Ice Age II or Madagascar (though that wasn't so funny) I'll go see it with my little cousins.

Watched quite a few films over christmas, heres brief reviews:

Fearless - completely agree with Der Alta. I don't think its as good as Hero, and it was slightly long in the middle. And Nathan Jones was used better in Warrior king (The protetor, tom Yum Goong). 7/10

Stormbreaker - One of the worst films i've ever seen, maybe. Worst film of 2006, probably. There was so much wrong with it i don't know were to begin. So i won't. I will say tho, it was entertainingly bad. Stephen Fry was good, and so was Mickey Rourke. The lead "boy" was terrible tho. 5/10

Spirited Warrior - "the film that introduced Tony Jaa". OMFG!! Quite possibly the worst film i have ever seen. Its like Kung Pow: enter the fist, without knowing its a mock. I actually gave up on this. I think its the 5th film ever. 1/10

TF&TF: tokyo Drift - 2nd time, i still really like this film. The 1st car chase & the middle one are brilliant. OK the plot is cack, but who cares really. Its overall better than 2fast, but not as good as the 1st. 8/10

The Wicker man (original) - Like i thought, not scary at all. But the film was actually quite good. Not as bad as some horrors i seen recently. 7/10
Happy Feet is the bomb-digity! :)

While were on the animated movie subject, I saw over the hedge which I thought was also midly amusing.
I saw Happy feet over the weekend. I've just finished watching Heat for about the sixth time I've seen it. Great film imo. I watched Open Range the other day, with Kevin Costner, that's another good film if you don't mind the lack of action until the end.