What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
The Dukes Of Hazzard It's been on HBO in HD for some time now, but never got around to watch it. Watched it with my 10-year-old. He loved it and laughed a lot. I, meh... whatever. Not a good movie and not horrible movie, but it is pretty bad if you don't have kids that'll make it more enjoyable for you to watch it. The outtakes were the best part of the movie, though. I give it a 4 out of 10, if you're alone, and a 7 out of 10 if you're with a child.
Mission Impossible 3 - Not bad at all. It was one of those movies, that you were kind of rolling your eyes before seeing the movie, but you still watch it, because it's such a big title. I was pleasantly surprised. I've also been rolling my eyes at Tom Cruise as of late, but I think he's still got it.

For what it is, I thought it did enough things above average to make it a rewarding movie. I definitely liked it more than the second MI, maybe even more than the first, but probably not. ;) "B-"
I've also been rolling my eyes at Tom Cruise as of late, but I think he's still got it.

i agree, for some reason i still think he's a jerk, but some of the movies he has been in lately have been really good, the last samurai, collateral. i personaly dont think MI3 is on par with them but its not bad. didn't like the fade out at the very end and could have used a better car chase (in my opinion) but that wasn't enough to stop me buying it :)
and i dont mean he's just been attached to some pretty decent movies, i think his acting is actually getting better as his public image gets worse.
and i dont mean he's just been attached to some pretty decent movies, i think his acting is actually getting better as his public image gets worse.
I agree with that, he was great in Collateral possibly his best role to date imo. He was very good in The last Samurai and like the film or not his acting was good in War of the Worlds and also I thought he was good in Vanilla Sky.
I agree with that, he was great in Collateral possibly his best role to date imo. He was very good in The last Samurai and like the film or not his acting was good in War of the Worlds and also I thought he was good in Vanilla Sky.

He's always been a pretty good actor - but i think its because he does less roles these days where he plays 'Tom Cruise' - Top Gun, Days of Thunder, Cocktail, Rain Man, The Firm, Minority Report, A Few Good Men, Far and Away etc and more roles where he manages to play another character, ie the films L4S mentioned.
I'm going to see Casino Royale tonight, it's a late showing so I probably won't be writing a review when I get in, but I might tomorrow if I get chance to before the football starts to kick off.
I'm still upset that Clive Owen didn't replace Brosnan, so I'll probably be boycotting...... it won't last, yeah.
Apparently Clive didn't want to do it, though he's the guy I was rooting for to be the next Bond too.

With regards to Casino Royale I don't really know where to start. You'll all know that it's a bit messed up with regards to continuity, Judi Dench is M and it's set in the modern day yet it's also bonds first mission as a 00 agent. The opening scene is him beore he's got his 00 status and it shows Bond in a more ruthless light that I think we've ever seen him before. He's very cold and quite sinister at times but he also makes mistakes. Pot wise I thought it was great, there was no mega bad guy who was plotting to blow up half the world or anything but it was a good plot. i did feel that there was a bit of an imbalance in the film though, some scenes were too short that I really would have liked to have seen extended, while other parts of the film had far to much time spent on them imo. It was just shy of 2 and a half hours but I didn't so much feel the film was too long as the time could have been spent better in some places.

Well thats the negative, acting wise it was all good, Daniel Craig was good as Bond and Judi Dench was Judi Dench and the rest of the cast was good. There's not many gadgets in here either at least commpared to other Bond movies. There is a lot of dialogue but still plenty of action and destruction as you'd expect from Bond. This film pretty much shows Bond from every angle, you've got cockyness, confidence, suave, insecurity, happyness, sadness, pain, he goes through it all. One thing I would like to finish on, the film is rated as a 12, however I can't see many 12 years olds enjoying it, it's a bit complex and like I said there's a lot of dialogue to take in and there a few twists and changes in plot direction that I had to think about beofer understandin (though the fact the film didn't finish until nearly 2am might have something to do with that). It's not so much in your face as the Brosnan Bonds but I'd give it an 8/10.
I've seen Casino Royale twice now. I saw the midnight premier and I saw it a second time again because it was so good.

I'm a pretty big James Bond fan and I believe it is the best one. I really liked the story and the action scenes were top notch. I liked how they had less gadgets and more of a believable plot. After Die Another Day, it was time they actually came out with a good Bond film.
I saw Donnie Darko for the first time last night, and I was blown away. Such a unique movie with an excellent story, I need to see it again!
We watched 'In Her Shoes' last night. I usually don't like Cameron Dias' movies much but I liked this one. Touching at times.
I saw "Dawn of the Dead" with my sister the other night.
Didn't start at all like I thought it would, I didn't get scard though.:indiff:
I liked the part when the baby is born and they look it, and it's a zombie.:D
I thought it was cute.:embarrassed: I felt bad for the guy in the gun shop though.:(
I almost cryed, I liked him. I liked the dog, I'm happy he didn't get hurt.
Jackass Number Two - Damn funny in parts. My 2 fav bits:
1, Preston chasing Wee-man then Wee-man & a group of little people chasing him.
2, Ryan holding the boards (i wont spoil).
It was in parts hilarious, in parts not. But more hilarious than not. But not quite as good as the first "movie".
I saw "Dawn of the Dead" with my sister the other night.
Didn't start at all like I thought it would, I didn't get scard though.:indiff:
I liked the part when the baby is born and they look it, and it's a zombie.:D
I thought it was cute.:embarrassed: I felt bad for the guy in the gun shop though.:(
I almost cryed, I liked him. I liked the dog, I'm happy he didn't get hurt.
Great movie. Did you catch the bonus feature on that gun shop owner?
Let's Get Harry A movie about these loud, fat lesbians who decide to shave each other. They had such a fun time with it, they take some male hormones, as if they really needed them, to grow more hair to shave.

I give it a 5 out of 10.
Let's Get Harry A movie about these loud, fat lesbians who decide to shave each other. They had such a fun time with it, they take some male hormones, as if they really needed them, to grow more hair to shave.

I give it a 5 out of 10.

WHAT? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ice Age, the meltdown.

Ugh. Not a good film. I'd rather watch Cars, again.

Really. The movie was predictable, boring, incredibly thin on plot. I seriously wanted to fast forward through it the end, just to see the credits. This one should have almost shot straight to DVD.
I watched "The Dish" earleir today, I've seen it once before but it was on TV earlier.
The Summer of '42 - A true story account about three male teens living on Nantucket Island for the Summer coming of sexual age. Very tastefully done, this is not your typical teen sexual romp, but rather a beautifully done FILM about life as a sexually curious teenage boy.

They find a book that tells them how to "do it." That increases their sexual curiosity high enough to dare ask some girls out. However, one of the teens lusts over an older women who is the most beautiful person on the island; a 24 year old woman married to a Navy officer. He visits her often and tries to appear and act older than he is.

I wont spoil the rest, but it's very worth seeing at least once. The movie was nominated for two Oscars, and won one of them. I've seen it before, but not in HD. It was fantastic. Who knew a film from 1971 could look so modern, crisp and detailed?

Funny Line In Movie:

Hermie: "Can I borrow it (a rubber)? I promise to bring it back when I'm done using it."

Oscy: " Hermie, I'm beginning to think that maybe you're some sort of Homo!" "A rubber is to be used once, and only once, by one person, and only that one person, and then thrown out!" "Not even the best of friends can go halfsies on a rubber!"

10 out of 10.
Touching the void, fantastic real life story docu-film about two climbers who went up mount Siula Grande in Peru, they reach the peak but on thier way down theres an accident. Great true story with commentry and narration by the actual climbers, the will power that Joe had is phenominal.
Final Destination 3 - This film is really entertaining. I remember when watching it at the cinema thinking how quick it went & it does that on 2nd viewing as well. It's by no means a "good" film. There is lots wrong with it & it's sooo cliche'd, but its really good fun to watch. Better than the 2nd, but not as good as the 1st. (I like the giant **** up, of the guy with the camera getting off the roller coaster, when his camera was the thing that started the crash!)

Aeon Flux - That movie was pretty aweful. I enjoyed watching it tho (& it wasnt for Charlize, i hate her).
I saw the Full Metal Alchemist movie with a friend of mine today.
He dosn't come over very much and he wanted to watch it, so we did.
I've seen it like three times now. But it's still good.:D
Saw Grand Prix today and watching it again right now on SPEED channel, what a sweet movie.
Finished watching Futurama Season one on DVD. I definately can see why it got cancelled. It really isn't as funny as The Simpsons & Family Guy. It's alot like what American Dad is to Family Guy, clearly made by the same people, but just not as funny.
However, sometimes it's almost better than The simpsons, in terms of just being good & there's something i do prefer in Futurama, however i don't what that is! lol.
Still think Family Guy is the king of cartoons.