What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
16 Blocks - I really like this film. Wasn't quite as good second time round, but is still very good & has some pretty good & intense action scenes for a PG-13. The leed 3 actors are all very good, and credit to Mos Def for somehow not making his character annoying.
Question, why are you aloud only 1 "F" word in a PG13, but they can use a repitition of the same "F" word??

When i watched The original Fog recently it really was bad. The new one was just as bad, but it was at least entertaining. And had the very watchable Selma Blair in it.
Cinderella Man - Great film. History, drama, action, love story, lots going on in this film. Very impressive job by the cast. A+

Slither - At first, I thought that they were going for the B-Movie badness on purpose. They did too good of job at that. Only thing that was rewarding for me was the crazy mayor. He was pretty funny in certain parts. D

The Break Up - While it's no classic, extremely enjoyable film. Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston were as good as "money", Jon Favreau was gold. 👍 A-

X-Men 3 - It was pretty good. I didn't like it as much as I liked the first two, but I think the quality was almost on par with those. With so much that happened though(to avoid any spoilers), I can now see what people meant by the movie "burning bridges" for a sequel. B-

considering that a film is actually a sequence of about 150.000 photographs, this is a truly brilliant film. it really captures the surreal mood of the desert.

however, i guess for a mainstream audience it would be more exhausting to watch than the full LotR trollogy all at once. its a piece of art, not entertainment.
The "FullMetal Alchemist: The Movie. Conqueror of Shamballa" that I got for my brith day and "Shawn of the Dead". I love those movies.:D

But not as much as "Pirates of the Carbine" with Orlando Bloom.:embarrassed: He is the cuteist guy out there.:embarrassed::embarrassed::lol:
Cinderella Man - Great film. History, drama, action, love story, lots going on in this film. Very impressive job by the cast. A+
I totally agree, Cinderella Man was one of the best movies of 2005. Crowe was in superb form, I'm not a huge Rene Zellweggerererererererererererererererer fan normally but I thought she did well in this as well, she worked pretty well with Crowe.
Hired out District 13, The Wild and Slither over the past 2 weeks

District 13 - Great film, despite being french. DVD comes with an english dub and it was really really enjoyable, two main characters are a little like the french versions of Jackie Chan(albeit younger and thinner...)-come-Colin Farrell and Jason Stathom. Plenty of action and a pretty good story line, the fight sequences are pretty spiffy too. Worth a watch. 8/10

The Wild - Absolutely fantastic, loved every second of it and makes Madagascar look like a film for 3 year olds. Great voice cast (Keifer Sutherland, Greg Cipes, James Beluschi, Eddie Izzard & William Shatner) and the CGI is amazingly realistic, next step up would practically be real life. Nigel the Koala (voiced by Izzard) is the major perk of this film, just as Sparrow is to Pirates of the Caribbean, and no one else could've voiced him as well as Eddie Izzard. 10/10 for me.

Slither - This was so so, I had a few giggles during it and a few "ew" moments...but...not even a split second boob shot makes this film worth it which is a shame as I'm usually a fan of whatever Nathan Fillion does. Better luck in his next movie though. 5/10 at a stretch
Went and saw Borat last night. Funniest movie I've seen in a very long time. I recommend you go see it. Very hilarious. The whole cinema was cracked up laughing during the whole movie.
Millions - Cute family film about two young brothers who find a travel bag filled with stolen Pounds that are planned for destruction due to changing from Pounds to Euros. The youngest boy is seeing visions of Saints, as he only has good plans (giving to the poor) for the money. His older brother has more selfish plans, but seems to have the most fun with the stolen loot. Wrap in a burglar who wants his money back, some overly-sweet moments and include cash spending sprees every little kid dreams about and you have a fun family picture. I doubt most here will go for this movie, on account it's mostly for children.

After Hours If you haven't watch this movie yet, punch yourself really hard in the stomach right now. Then, go seek it out. A fantastic mid '80s flick about a man having trouble surviving a night out on the town in crazy SoHo New York.
We watched "The Lake House" last night. I thought it was pretty good, a somewhat original story. My girlfriend cried at the end, and I'm sure my mom will too once she watches it. :)
I'm thinking of going to see that one weekend soon. I might be going to see The gaurdian tomorrow, I've heared that that's pretty good and I think Kevin Costner is a good actor, it's been out for a while now only one or two cinemas are still showing it.
Firewall - Was a pretty good, but nothing special thriller. 2 of the supporting cast was completely wasted. Robert Forster & Robert Patrick. It was cool seeing "Chloe" working with a different Jack. Harrison looks well old now, he does that old man running now.

It was better - and far worse - than that.

Paul Bettany - good villain.
Everything else - pants.

Okay, mediocre at best. Bettany was quite good - and very British - Harrison Ford was in his The Fugitive mode, but not so interesting (or interested, it seemed) and everyone else was covered in Velcro and thrown at the plot. Not stinky-bad, just humdrum.

10 Detach brain
20 Goto End Credits

Funny but not quite as funny as the tv show. Relied a little too much on toilet humour annd not enough on Jew jokes (in the TV series they were great). The saving grace of this film was that it didn't last long enough for the joke to get old.

Oh yeah, the rodeo scenes, for me the rodeo scenes were what made that film. I considered the best part of the film to be the interview with the guy at the rodeo who was trying to had gays arrested and hanged in the USA. The hilarity was increased by Borat being booed off stage as he sang the Kazakh national anthem to the same people who had earlier cheered him for suppoting Bush's right to drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq.

7/10, it looses at least 2 marks for the extended nude wreting scene :ill:
Watched two brainless actioners. One that knows it is & one that dosen't.

Transporter 2 - This knows its a big dumb action film & i like that. I think you will either love or hate Jason Statham in this role, i personally think he's ace. One of my fav "actors". The fights are much better than in the first film (which i really didn't care for). And the femassasin is brilliant & extremely hot. Although somewhat wasted.

Mission Impossible 3 - Now the film that thinks its something more than just a big dumb action flick, well i'm sorry it isn't. Plus the action really isn't up to much IMO. Not on a par with M:I-2 anyways, which i think over-all i prefer. It tries to have the descent plot of the 1st film & the action of the 2nd, but has neither. The plot is even more thin than in M:I-2 & the "twists" are laughably obvious. It really is a mess. But at least its an entertaning mess.
Transporter 2 - This knows its a big dumb action film & i like that. I think you will either love or hate Jason Statham in this role, i personally think he's ace. One of my fav "actors". The fights are much better than in the first film (which i really didn't care for). And the femassasin is brilliant & extremely hot. Although somewhat wasted.
oh the girl was hot indeed! she was the only thing that kept me watching since the car stunts were the most awful i have ever witnessed. i'd give it minus 300 points for the stunts and plus 301 for her, making it 1/10 in the end.:crazy:
Superman Returns - I never was that bothered about seeing this & all the snotty reviews about people loving this and hating POTC - DMC just made me want to see it even less. But i finally caved in.
I was pleasently suprised...... For about an hour, then its mearly ok, then i was like "just hurry up and end". The end reminded me of King Kong, seriously dragged out. And there was the odd bit of bad CGI. not worth all the hype, but not that bad.

I would like to say that i am getting seriously annoyed with film-makers trend in recent films to have scenes were you think the main character dies & then annoyingly lives.

M:I:3 could have had a brilliant ending had the actually killed Ethan.
Superman Returns (as mentioned above) does this, but its dragged out for like 20 mins. And i watched Waist Deep recently & it does the exact same thing. Just let them die!!
I agree, MI3 would have really been a suprise if Ethanhad died, there was two big groan moments in that film, the first was when his wife got killed but oh wait, it's not his wife it's one of thoes mak thingy's. The second was Ethan coming back to life at the end. I saw a film not too long ago, slow film and a lot of people might find it a bit boring but it was called The Clearing and I enjoyed it, the acting was great. It stars Willem Dafoe and Robert Redford. Dafoe kidnaps Redford and demands a ransom payment for him, there's not an awful lot to the plot other than that but I really enjoy a well acted film, when you can really get into the characters and I could in this even though the film was so slow.


Towards the end Dafoe get's the money but kills Redford anyway. In the end Dafoe deliberately get;s himself caught because he couldn't live with himself, he thought it would be easier than it was to deal with the kidnapping. He was just a regular guy who decided to do something crazy for enough cash to sort him out for life, he wasn't a hardened criminal or a professional kidnapper. I thought the film was interesting, but slow.
First I wached "Howl's Moving Castle"
Then I wached "Princess Mononoke"
And last but not lest, "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"
All three great movies, made by Hayao Miyazaki.
Almost anything by Miyazaki are instant classics. Nausicaa is especially good.

I saw:

The Matador - Great adult comedy movie about a hitman(Pierce Brosnana) and a businessman(Greg Kinnear) who become friends. Great, great movie. I highly recommend it. A-

Feast - I mentioned a movie called "Slither", which went for that "B Movie" magic and failed. This one succeeded. One of the nastiest and the goriest movie of the year. If you don't mind that, then you should rent it. B
I watched


( in English of course )

I laughed my butt off, this movie is totally awesome. It is primitive, very primitive, but hey, it made me laugh and therefor delivered.
I can just repeat it, it has very strong language with the most massive sexual references you could imagine in a cinema movie, but still you have to watch it. I had serious pain in my face from laughing after 20 minutes already, I can fully recommend it.

This movie shows a lot of aspects of what is wrong today, including the movie itself ;)

5 of 5 stars from me :)
The Matador - Great adult comedy movie about a hitman(Pierce Brosnana) and a businessman(Greg Kinnear) who become friends. Great, great movie. I highly recommend it. A-
Really? I found it really boring. It was good at the start but at the end of it I wasn't even paying attention anymore.
Really? I found it really boring. It was good at the start but at the end of it I wasn't even paying attention anymore.
I loved that movie. From start to the finish. My only issue with it being the plot that was kind of out there. I've always liked Pierce Brosnan, but his performance in the Matador, that was something I had never seen from him before. I was pretty excited, and I might even buy a copy of it. :)
MI3. Felt like two action sequences linked together and retold twice to make it look like a 2 hour movie.

Cars. Good in the theater, enjoyable on DVD, will watch Finding Nemo for the 43rd time instead of Cars for a 3rd time.

If I recall correctly, Disney & Pixar were feuding when this was made. The animation is great, almost too real, but the storyline was "Snob forced to work with minors, thus finding what he's been missing." So many movies have done this, that I can think of a decent one to compare it too.
...I saw Borat earlier this evening, and I had a great time. I hadn't laughed that hard in quite some time, and without ruining anything, lets just say there are some scenes that have more than enough nudity to last me some time.

As I was watching it, I couldn't help but think about how Europeans are going to see it versus the Americans by which the story is about. I laughed almost everything, but there were others in there with me that didn't. But, I had a great time, despite the awkward moments, and I definitely realized that I miss having HBO where I used to see Borat a little more often.

If you haven't seen it yet, it is worth a shot. Very funny indeed!
Wilderness - The quote on the back of this is right "Dog soldiers meets Scum". Maybe with a hint of Battle Royale.
It's alot like another british horror released this year, Severance. But unlike Severance, this hasn't got badly placed humour throughout. This may well be less heard of, but i think it's far superior. Unfortunately most people with have seen severance and compare it with that, wereas if you'd seen this first it would seem far superior.
Overall its really entertaining & keeps up the tradition of British horror films being (usually) better than American one's.
Rest Stop - Avoid this one at all cost. My take on this movie is, nothing made any sense, and everything about it sucked. Usually, after seeing a bad movie, I at least have one thing I didn't mind about the movie. Not this one. "F-". Hour and half I'll never get back. :guilty:

good night, and good luck - It was OK, but was pretty boring, even for what it was. I didn't think the black & white thing worked either. Direction wasn't bad, considering it was by George Clooney. I just think he could have made it a bit more interesting. Very educational(at least for me). "C+"
We watched 'Last Holiday' yesterday. It was good, we had some laughs and the story was entertaining, although it's nothing like real life. But I always liked these kind of movies anyway.

Aside from a very unwelcome irritating tirade about the evils of interstate highways, it was an entertaining movie.
As I was watching it, I couldn't help but think about how Europeans are going to see it versus the Americans by which the story is about.

So you think that Europeans aren't going to find the film funny because they won't understand it or something?
So you think that Europeans aren't going to find the film funny because they won't understand it or something?

Well there are some prejudices about the USA, like the typical rednecks and the bible freaks. And Borat specifically searched for those people. That's why Europeans might be able to laugh even harder, since we are influenced by these prejudices whereas people in the States might in general have a better view on both sides of the medal or even belong to one of those groups...

I think that was what he wanted to say....probably... ;)