What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Didn't like much about this at all. Not exactly the prequel I was expecting.


Didn't like much about this at all. Not exactly the prequel I was expecting.

I was torn about this, while I loved all the nods to the TV show and seeing some characters being portrayed in younger form. The story was weak and would have been better told as a series, plus leaving it open as they have but with no mention of a follow up doesn’t bode well.

Just watched Dune 2021.

Absolutely loved it. I tried to stay off the hype train as much as I could, however, being a Villeneuve film I couldn’t help keeping up with its production. Once the reviews started to poor in and most were positive I jumped back onboard and it didn’t disappoint.

Those who know nothing about the previous films or the books, may not like the ending but as we know we’re getting another instalment (hopefully). Visually it’s stunning, acting is excellent from everyone and Chalamet is brilliant Paul.

How do I review this without spoiling anything? It's a sequel to the rebooted 2018 movie, which itself is a sequel to the original 1978 movie.

Let's start off with this: I loved it. Absolutely loved it. I've already seen it twice and plan to see it twice more, with one of those being on Halloween day. The pandemic makes everything weird though because in my head is a voice saying "Well, you've already seen it on Peacock. Why would spend more money to see it in theaters when you can keep safe at home?" That's neither here nor there because, again, the movie is great.

This takes place the same night as the 2018 movie (October 31st, 2018, surprise surprise) and largely circles around an angry mob of Haddonfielders wanting to kill evil tonight. James Jude Courtney continues to kick ass as Michael and the mask looks awesome. It's still weird how Captain Kirk's face is one of the most emotionally expressive masks in cinema and it doesn't have any expressions other than what you're seeing! :lol:

Did I mention Michael is very angry and pissed in this movie? Because he's very angry and pissed. If you haven't seen Halloween Kills and have even a passing interest in horror movies, give it a go. If you haven't seen Halloween 2018, I'd suggest you fix that because it's also damn good. If you haven't seen the original Halloween...what are you doing? Why are you like this? Go watch it!

This isn't a review so much as it's an...overview (?) because I don't want to spoil anything. I will say this: it ends in a way I've never seen a slasher end before, and I loved that too.
I saw Halloween Kills about a week ago. It was alright, but I'm not that big into the horror genre. I haven't seen any of the other movies, so I think I should at least go back and watch the original.
Didn't like much about this at all. Not exactly the prequel I was expecting.

It wasn't what I was expecting, but I wouldn't go that low. I'm hoping for a better sequel to this prequel, which will also be a prequel.

I just watched Sardar Udham on Amazon, which is an Indian movie based on true events. It revolves around Udham Singh, who planned the assassination of the man who was the lieutenant governor at the time of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. It's a bit of a slow burner at 2 hours 40 minutes, but it was well done overall.

I was entertained. My wife enjoyed it. Pretty good hour and a half spent. No dead spots.
Can’t recall the main actor in any other movies, but it did have Christopher Lloyd, The Rza and the actor that played Wonder Woman’s mother. Also, Michael Ironside.

Would be interesting to see Frank Moses, John Wick and Nobody, have a go at being the toughest guy without a super hero costume.
We went to see Dune in IMAX last night, great film, though not without some pacing issues. As it’s the first half of the first book the story doesn’t hit the typical beats and end with the big battle, instead the film slows down a lot towards the end and then, well, ends.

The cinematography, sound and acting were all top drawer, Chalamet does the role justice and the supporting cast nail their parts.

I‘d give it 8/10, if you want to watch Dune, go and see it at the cinema, it’s definitely best as a big screen experience. The biggest issues are pacing, my wife also said some shots were too dark, I didn’t pick up on that as much but others might find that a negative too.

But overall I though it was a fantastic movie and I’m very much looking forward to part 2.
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Can’t recall the main actor in any other movies
Bob Odenkirk. He's mostly done TV shows and the movies he's been in, he's been more of a background character. Before Nobody, he was in Better call Saul and Breaking Bad.

I love how they presented his character as a regular guy, job he doesn't like, unhappy family life... and something else that is alluded to with being said. But the people that know are scared to death of him.
Watched Halloween Kills and Villeneuve's Dune.

I don't have anything positive to say about Halloween, outside of the movie having some decent violence and gore.

Denis did good. Dune felt grand. It looked and sounded great. That world-building... wow. The cast was good, and I enjoyed the movie's leisurely pace. Give Part 2 now, please.

John Rambo's last-ever movie doesn't deserve all the hate it got. Yes, it needed to be criticized, but not hated to the point even the character's creator hated it with passion...

About the Racism critics: Bro, there are tons of Drug Cartel based series in the world, that AREN'T even based in Mexico. Yes, it's a popular Cliché, based on the biggest problem in Latin America, but for that reason it's so satisfying to see drug cartels getting annihilated like in the movie and, come on, Rambo had more than enough reasons, besides, it's one less cartel in the world, isn't it??

About the Gore criticism: Bro, this is freaking "Rambo", not Rocky... There's a FREAKING reason he's even a Mortal Kombat character!

Again, this movie on its own is great, not amazing though comparing it to the rest of the saga, but great on its own right. It does go to show, again, how Sly can send off his most popular characters! Can't wait for the Expendables 4!
A half decent low budget drama, I enjoyed it. #BelieveAllWomen :lol:

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Fast 9:


Before starting off, I must tell you that I googled for the best image that potentially represent what this movie was all about, but disappointingly, this was the best I could find. But there're explosions, an upside down vehicle and a buff Vin Diesel standing on top (or is that bottom?) so it'll have to do.

You know that old adage of, "Turn your brain off to enjoy a movie"? After liberally applying that to myself while watching this movie, I still can't seem to find the on button again. Don't worry, will eventually find it somewhere, thanks.

So, Fast Nine, it is. Your enjoyment of this film will entirely depend on your tolerance level - of how much you can tolerate the absurd, logic-defying, laws-of-nature-ignoring action set pieces which are more or less loosely connected by... I guess character building moments?

The plot progression makes no sense, but I got a feeling that the film makers didn't care about that - they only needed a flimsy excuse to get to the next set piece. And these set pieces are a sight to behold, alright. Not sure how much of the car-nage was done practically, but wow.

All said and done, though, I can only remember one thing about this movie - that they wrongly badged a Honda NSX as an Acura. Oh, the sacrilege...! 😂
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I haven't seen F9, but if that NSX is Mia's(Mya's?) car, I think she was into Acuras(she had that Integra 4-door and black NSX). ;)
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I haven't seen F9, but if that NSX is Mia's(Mya's?) car, I think she was into Acuras(she had that Integra 4-door and black NSX). ;)
Nah. It should've been a Honda. The... "plot" was happening in Edinburgh, you see. :lol:
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I watched this last week but kept forgetting to share my thoughts on it. First things first, the cast is insane. Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Dave Bautista, Jason Mamoa, Stellan Skarsgard...it's about the most insane thing for that reason alone — and I haven't even mentioned everyone I recognized! :lol:

Now, I know nothing of the books and I never played the games way back when so I went into as about unbiased and unclouded by hate as one could be. I really enjoyed it. It starts off a little slow because of the character and world building but it once it gets going, it really gets going and doesn't let up. One of my favorite things in the entire movie is the ornithopter because they look so cool, like dragonflies or something.

If, like me, you know nothing about Dune there are plenty of Star Wars-esque similarities to pick up on and none of it detracts from Dune's world whatsoever. If anything, it gives you something to latch onto and you could immediately have an inkling of understanding as to what this place is, or what this group does and what they're all about. Same could be said for The Matrix but I'll leave you to ponder what I mean by that. It's still relatively fresh in my mind, even one week later and that's a great thing in my opinion.

I can't wait to see what the second movie focuses on, and we won't have long to wait if all goes according to plan. 2023, baby! Seriously, if you haven't seen this and are wondering why everyone is talking about it, it's for a good reason: go see it. Now. Or load up HBO Max, grab some popcorn or a steak sandwich and enjoy.
October's done and over with, and I didn't quite hit my lofty target of 128 movies... I was on pace for it, but a little more than halfway through the month I started to get a little burnt out and decided to call it quits. I could've forced myself to keep at it and see it through to the end anyway, but I felt that would've just been doing me and the movies a disservice.

Still, I did manage to watch a whopping 80 movies over the course of October... so to wrap up the month, I've divided those 80 films evenly into 4 tiers:
(the movies in each tier are just sorted alphabetically)

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No. That's my review.

I watched this because it was on and it kind of grabbed my interest in the beginning because I thought it was Top Gun for a split second. I — you know what? No.
The Harder They Fall.

I was entertained. A mix of old and new actors. Not as good as Posse, but again, I was entertained.

No. That's my review.

I watched this because it was on and it kind of grabbed my interest in the beginning because I thought it was Top Gun for a split second. I — you know what? No.
But it's got Kevin Costner in it, how could it be bad?
But it's got Kevin Costner in it, how could it be bad?
The movie is titled "Revenge", yet Jay (Costner) never gets revenge. The person he'd get revenge on...they kind of just go their separate ways for some reason.

And the ending is stupid and doesn't warrant the emotion it wants you to feel.

To Warner Executives that I know they aren't here... With Justice League, Snyder's cut and now this... Now you see what happens when you don't stick your noses that deep into production and let the director's vision flow freely!!??

Thank you so much, HBO Latin America, for passing this on TV as part of the HBO Max showcase!! (I could see it on my laptop, but I wasn't too sure and didn't have time due to college and work)... 😔. Simply one of the best DC movies of all time (and easily the best of the DCEU!!)... James Gunn really knows how to turn a greatly failed product and make it better keeping some same ingredients!!

I even felt bad for Starro, since it wasn't his fault the DCEU USA government is such a small-(beep)-wanting-to-compensate (beep)

The only flaw here is that, that (beep) Waller didn't get the death she deserves, especially after Starro's backstory... Man, had the Squad really revealed Starro's kidnap video to the world and the DCEU would have had such a good base...
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Great film, managed to miss this in the 90's somehow. Currently free to watch on IMDB TV...


I watched this last week but kept forgetting to share my thoughts on it. First things first, the cast is insane. Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Dave Bautista, Jason Mamoa, Stellan Skarsgard...it's about the most insane thing for that reason alone — and I haven't even mentioned everyone I recognized! :lol:

Now, I know nothing of the books and I never played the games way back when so I went into as about unbiased and unclouded by hate as one could be. I really enjoyed it. It starts off a little slow because of the character and world building but it once it gets going, it really gets going and doesn't let up. One of my favorite things in the entire movie is the ornithopter because they look so cool, like dragonflies or something.

If, like me, you know nothing about Dune there are plenty of Star Wars-esque similarities to pick up on and none of it detracts from Dune's world whatsoever. If anything, it gives you something to latch onto and you could immediately have an inkling of understanding as to what this place is, or what this group does and what they're all about. Same could be said for The Matrix but I'll leave you to ponder what I mean by that. It's still relatively fresh in my mind, even one week later and that's a great thing in my opinion.

I can't wait to see what the second movie focuses on, and we won't have long to wait if all goes according to plan. 2023, baby! Seriously, if you haven't seen this and are wondering why everyone is talking about it, it's for a good reason: go see it. Now. Or load up HBO Max, grab some popcorn or a steak sandwich and enjoy.
Yea, Dune is really good. I'm familiar with the story from the first Dune movie from 1984. Looks like the novel was written in 1965, so it predates Star Wars by some margin. If you're picking up on similarities, it's probably star wars that was influenced.

I can't say I really loved the 1984 rendition of Dune. I think like most people I found it a bit tedious and hard to follow. I never read the novel, which probably would have helped. It's great that it has Patrick Stewart and Sting in it, and the toto soundtrack is super quality, but somehow I never loved it.

This new version really fixes everything that was out of place with the 1984 version and just oozes atmosphere and quality. I feel like the potential of the story has finally been tapped.

First things first, there wasn't nearly enough of Paloma (Ana de Armas' character) in this movie. Not anywhere near enough. Second of all, one whole scene with the DBS Superleggera? Really? One? And it isn't even in an action sequence, it's just a cruise to an airship that sets up the climax of the movie. Disgusting.

And why even show the Valhalla? It's never used. Not once. It's just there...for some reason, looking all hypercar-like and MI6-serving. It does nothing. You wouldn't even know what it was unless you know cars. What a waste of a prop; a prop that I'd imagine was paid for. What?

I think this was the absolute best way to close out the pentalogy. In fact, I'd be willing to say it's the best entry in the entire thing, supplanting Casino Royale, which for me was the best up until this point. Spectre still has the best visual opening but I think this comes in a close second, and may have the best music for the opening? Jury's still out on that one.

I'll keep things light on spoilers (sorry about the beginning but it doesn't remove anything from the story itself) I really appreciate all five films keeping things relatively tight between them, makes the story flow from one beat to the next. You can recall things as it happened in the previous movie if necessary and it should make sense. Where does it go from here? I'd love if the next movie were set in the same universe but I can see that having long-term restrictions about where to go and how to do anything.

Who's going to fill in for the role next? Daniel Craig is out and probably would slap the taste out of someone's mouth if the idea of him returning popped up. Please, do yourself a favor and watch this. It's really good and that's not me coming off of a high because I would have told you to stay away from Quantum of Solace in a heartbeat (first viewing confused the ever-loving crap out of me).

Can we please talk about Paloma not being in the movie enough? It's a crime. An actual crime.
Can we please talk about Paloma not being in the movie enough? It's a crime. An actual crime.
No Time to Die is definitely my favorite of the Craig Bond Films (granted, I've only seen Skyfall, Spectre and have never been able to finish Casino Royale), but Ana de Armas was by far the best thing about the movie. A buddy and I were joking about how it came to be, and we theorized that after Knives Out, Craig was having a casual conversation with her and just outta nowhere went "Hey, you wanna be a Bond girl?"

I especially loved how Bond started trying to put the moves on Paloma, and you can see her get visibly grossed out by it. :lol:
No Time to Die is definitely my favorite of the Craig Bond Films (granted, I've only seen Skyfall, Spectre and have never been able to finish Casino Royale), but Ana de Armas was by far the best thing about the movie. A buddy and I were joking about how it came to be, and we theorized that after Knives Out, Craig was having a casual conversation with her and just outta nowhere went "Hey, you wanna be a Bond girl?"

I especially loved how Bond started trying to put the moves on Paloma, and you can see her get visibly grossed out by it. :lol:
If you ever go back to round things out, watch Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace back to back. The latter won't make much sense otherwise, and it really sets up everything else moving forward.
Just saw No Time to Die last night with my dad. Much like the luxurious Aston Martin models that the movie features, this movie moves along at a fast, yet comfortable pace, making its nearly 3hr runtime seem negligible in practice. Daniel Craig goes out with a literal bang in his final movie as James Bond, while everybody makes you forget that they're actors, especially the villain played by Rami Malek. It's got everything you could want from a 007 movie: Q's exposition of his gadgets, multiple car chases, and exotic locales. This is what blockbusters should be. I honestly wouldn't mind the next 007 film having a lead that isn't necessarily white nor male, either, as this movie seems to test the idea of it.

I give it a 9.2/10, highly recommended, and especially refreshing compared to the MCU films that I followed up until Endgame. (Though I might still give some of the ones after that a try, like the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home.)

If you ever go back to round things out, watch Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace back to back. The latter won't make much sense otherwise, and it really sets up everything else moving forward.
I recall hearing that QoS was such a mess plot-wise because it was written during a writer's strike, and supposedly Craig himself had to write some of the script!
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