What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Just watched Scary Movie 4 last night. It was alright and gave me a few laughs, but was nothing compared to #2. If you're into rap and hip hop, keep your eyes open, theres lots of cameo's by some popular artists (no Ja Rule this time though, thank God).
Just watched Scary Movie 4 last night. It was alright and gave me a few laughs, but was nothing compared to #2. If you're into rap and hip hop, keep your eyes open, theres lots of cameo's by some popular artists (no Ja Rule this time though, thank God).
I have that on rental, so I might watch that tonight. I thought the first one was best by far though.
Just saw Layer Cake. I thought it was pretty good, but the ending was dissapointing and unclever. It surprised me because the rest of the story seemed pretty well thought out. Any similar movies I should try?

Collision Course starring Jay Leno and the recently late Pat Morita. Super cheesy, but still OK.

A revolutionary turbo charging unit is stolen from a Japanese motor company and was headed to Detroit. While in town, the seller is killed. Jay Leno, a police detective, gets involved when he learns a friend and former partner is killed, too.

Pat Morita is a detective from Japan sent to Detroit to get the turbo charger back. Cheesy one-liners and shootouts ensue. This movie was made in 1987, not 1989 what IMDB has posted.
Watched Mimic last night. My god has that got the most annoying kid ever in film history. I was literally rooting for the big bug thing to stab him hundreds of time. Put those ******* spoons down you idiot!!
The film was ok, not scary or tense. but for when it was made i thought the CGi was extremely good, its better than some films today (Cursed!)

Layer cake gets better everytime i see it. I agree the end is utter cack.

Need to see Scary Movie 4, i seen half of it & was laughing frequently.
Saw World Trade Center today, and before anyone else says it, NO, this movie is not about the event of 9/11. The movie revolves around John McLoughlin, Will Jimeno, and their families. The WTC event reports of death become very rare after a while.


It was quite an emotional movie for me, and everyone else in the theate. Many including my sister did start having tears. The movie ends a "happy" way for John and Will. However, it really isn't when the movie reminds you that even though the 2 men were rescued, there were still other people, and even worse when the film mentions that only 1 other officer would be rescued after John and Will.

It's a good movie, and it's a surprise they managed to fit the scenes of the families and the 2 officers under the rubble for a little over an hour, and how that hour was a waiting game really.

It's not a bad movie at all. Just don't try to watch thinking everything comes with a happy ending for everyone, or expecting to see amounts of wreckage.
I give it 4.5/5.👍
Hell In the Pacific, starring Lee Marvin and Toshirô Mifune. 1968

A Japanese soldier stranded on a small island wakes to find he has a visitor. A shot-down American pilot joins him and a struggle to coexist ensues. After some tormenting, the Japanese soldier captures the American. The American then captures the Japanese. They get sick of fighting each other as well the island and they build a raft together. The get off the island and drift to a bigger once inhabited island where the movie abruptly ends but not after the Japanese soldier thumbs through a Time magazine filled with pictures of dead Japanese soldiers and gets angry.

Great start. Great middle. Crappy ending.
Snakes on a plane (see thread)

I finally saw King Kong again. And after the bashing i gave it last time i'm pleased to say, i didn't find it as bad as i did last time (in the middle hour). But the last hour in New York, i don't think i'd ever been so bored in my life!! the term drawn out dosen't do it justice. I would've turned off had me mum not been watching.
And i still really hate how lucky all the main characters are. Not a single one saved themselves. There either saved by a tree/branch, someone else's gun or (in Naomi's case) Kong.

1st hour - 6/10 (not that bad, jus a little pointless)
2nd hour - 7/10 (3/10 for CGi, its still extremely bad at points)
3rd hour - 2/10
Overall - 5/10
Deuce Bigelow: European Gigolo Funny if your drunk, tired or hard-up for some penis jokes and props. Coffee bar scene was good for a laugh, but that's about it.
I watched "Scary Movie 4" last night. What a garbage. I thought it was another huge Hollywood let down.

Hell In the Pacific, starring Lee Marvin and Toshirô Mifune. 1968

A Japanese soldier stranded on a small island wakes to find he has a visitor. A shot-down American pilot joins him and a struggle to coexist ensues. After some tormenting, the Japanese soldier captures the American. The American then captures the Japanese. They get sick of fighting each other as well the island and they build a raft together. The get off the island and drift to a bigger once inhabited island where the movie abruptly ends but not after the Japanese soldier thumbs through a Time magazine filled with pictures of dead Japanese soldiers and gets angry.

Great start. Great middle. Crappy ending.
Amen. Still, being a fan of both stars, I love this film. Great setting, somewhat anti-war message was great also. 👍👍 Oh, I just realized that crappy ending was important to the message I belive the film was trying to send: Men keep fighting. Sometimes you win, then sometimes you lose. They become friends, and everything's great, but they start arguing over nothing, and starts fighting again. In the end, big explosion. Game Over.
V for Vendetta - Good movie! Loved the political plot and all. And really good action sequences.

Doom - Decent sci-fi action movie, but it's NOT Doom.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Another cool HP movie! I am trying to figure out why Harry isn't allowed a flying broomstick? Although he does use one when he is facing the Hungarian Long Tail Dragon! I thought he must have transformed his wand into one? Haven't seen the movie before this one, so it is probably explained in there!

Skeleton Key! Been looking forward to watching this movie but didn't get to watch it all, unfortunately, thanks to interuptions! What I saw of it though looked pretty cool!

Miami vice, not bad but it wasn't as good as I expected a Michael Mann film to be.
Escape from new york. Seems very dated now & i definately prefer LA. Still good though.

Deauce Bigalow: euro gigalow was so much funnier than i thought it would be. It's the sort of film people wont admit to finding funny. But i laughed my but off frequently.
Escape from new york. Seems very dated now & i definately prefer LA. Still good though.
Mother of God. I swore to myself I wouldn't get into anymore arguments with you over movies, but L.A. over N.Y.? Were you dropped often as a baby? :D j/k
Dawn of the Dead, which was awesome.
Dawn of the Dead remake which I think is just as good.
Capricorn 1 which was kind of dull really but it had a fairly interesting premise though.
Office Space which I rented purely because of how many questions there where about it in the Movie Trivia thread and various other times around GTP. I'd otherwise never heard of it. Very funny movie 👍
Hard Boiled. John Woo + Chow Yun Fat + 2 pistols = 230 intensely choreographed deaths in multiple fantastic shootouts. Thoroughly entertaing movie.

And High Octane Detonate! For the umpteenth time. Great movie. Too short, it needed more car stuff but still a worthy addition to the High Octane franchise. Also the reason for new avatar. It's Frode!
Deauce Bigalow: euro gigalow was so much funnier than i thought it would be. It's the sort of film people wont admit to finding funny. But i laughed my but off frequently.

The first twenty minutes were pretty funny. There was some creativity to the jokes that I thought worked well. Plus, the movie seemed to flow well. But the rest is all penis jokes and the story gets beyond stupid, predictable and humorless. That ruined it.

Nothing But Trouble Starring Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy and Demi More. I love this movie and I never miss it. I don't know why, it just flows for me. Everybody I know who's seen it hates it. The movie is a bit "out there."

What's it about? A financial publisher (Chevy) goes on a drive with a heartbroken waif (Demi) to Atlantic City to go to some convention her former boyfriend was attending to confront him publicly for dumping and using her (not really important, sorry.) Going with them are these annoying Brazilian millionaires who are brother and sister.

On the way to Atlantic city, they take a sidetrack through a small town called Valkenvania and commit a traffic offense. The annoying Brazilians push Chevy to speed and outrun the cop, but he gets caught. He goes before a judge who can't stand bankers. So, he keeps them hidden in his house as he decides what to do with them. Meanwhile, another pair of couples get busted, but this time they are sent to death and killed in the Bone Stripper. They realize they need to get the hell out of there.

The wackiness ensues with zany characters and crazy plot twists and discoveries. Below is the scene when our unlucky friends first meet the judge (Dan).

WARNING! Language

Nothing But Trouble Starring Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy and Demi More. I love this movie and I never miss it. I don't know why, it just flows for me. Everybody I know who's seen it hates it. The movie is a bit "out there."
I'm selling that movie on DVD today! I was getting rid of my DVDs that I don't watch much, and this was one of them. I bought it for like 5 bucks used, but didn't like it as much as I remembered liking it. :D
V for Vendetta - Very good action, but quite boring in the hour+ in the middle.

I prefer LA over NY for 2 reasons.
1, i saw LA 1st & have fond memories of it.
2, NY is really badly dated now.
There both 7/10 LA is just more entertaining.

If penis jokes arent your thing, you aren't going to find Deuce funny. But it is my thing, i have no problem admitting toilet humour is funny to me.
Reversal of Fortune 2006 Documentary

A homeless 45 year old man (he looks 55) shows how he lives his life on the street collecting cans and bottles to earn money for food and beer.

Suddenly, he finds a briefcase filled with $100,000 in cash (planted by the filmmakers of course). With a new outlook on life, we are shown what he's really like and why he deserves to be homeless. In the beginning of the documentary, you feel bad for the guy and think, "He's not such a bad guy. What happened to him? What can be done to help him?" Later, it's revealed why he's homeless and deserves to be that way.

This "movie" does some bit of damage in the sense that you feel all homeless people are mentally 12 year-old idiots who deserve to be that way. This movie was a pure exploitation of a person, but you cannot feel bad for him since he was such a selfish, childish idiot.

Still, I think this "documentary" is crap. It's not a documentary but a well calculated exploit of a homeless person. I've seen these before. I've never seen a "documentary" when a homeless person does something proper with the money they received.
Watched American Beauty again, laying in a hammock while we were camping last week. (yes, I did a lot of real outdoor activities besides that, I just didn't have a book with me, as usual :P) I was interrupted halfway because of crappy battery life. :grumpy:


This movie is as close to perfection as you can get. Awesome casting, beautifully acted and directed, very deeply emotional story, without any sort of cheesyness... you feel kind of exhausted when it's over. The way it manages to blends rather dark cynism and candidness is amazing, as is how all each small events are linked togheter to lead to the end...

If you haven't watched it yet, you really missed something.
Firewall - Was a pretty good, but nothing special thriller. 2 of the supporting cast was completely wasted. Robert Forster & Robert Patrick. It was cool seeing "Chloe" working with a different Jack. Harrison looks well old now, he does that old man running now.

The Long Kiss Goodnight - Shane Black is such a funny man (the writer), i think i prefered Last Boy Scout, but its on a par with Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Sam is great as is Geena Davis. Although the kid is extremely annoying. "i hit my head" oh poor you, she got ******* stabbed!
"Yes it was all very exciting tomorrow we go to the zoo", the dry wit in it is frequently hilarious.

American Beauty was good, only seen it once, like 5 years ago, i think i'd have given it 7/10
Watched American Beauty again, laying in a hammock while we were camping last week. (yes, I did a lot of real outdoor activities besides that, I just didn't have a book with me, as usual :P) I was interrupted halfway because of crappy battery life. :grumpy:


This movie is as close to perfection as you can get. Awesome casting, beautifully acted and directed, very deeply emotional story, without any sort of cheesyness... you feel kind of exhausted when it's over. The way it manages to blends rather dark cynism and candidness is amazing, as is how all each small events are linked togheter to lead to the end...

If you haven't watched it yet, you really missed something.

I agree Carl - I love this movie, I describe movies like this as "thought provoking", also, for me another great one is A Beautiful Mind.

The last new movie I watched was Munich - enjoyed it, but it wasnt mind-blowing.
American Beauty is perhaps my favourite movie of all time, definitely top 3. I've seen it many, many times and it never gets old or repetitive.
I agree Carl - I love this movie, I describe movies like this as "thought provoking", also, for me another great one is A Beautiful Mind.

The last new movie I watched was Munich - enjoyed it, but it wasnt mind-blowing.
A Beautiful mind was a fantastic film imo, I also enjoyed Munich, that was a good film. But as you said it wasn't up there with the best.
Unleashed! Was different to the normal Jet Li movies! It was alright though, cool fighting scenes as usual!

Timeline! Was ok!

The Mothman Prophecies! Am still asking questions after seeing this movie! I think watching it again will help with that! Getting bored through bits of it didn't help things! Pretty freaky being based on true events!

The Dukes of Hazzard! This movie was pretty cool and was what I was expecting! Cool cars in it especially the General, of course, which took alot of beatings during the making of this movie! Sounded awesome souped up! Good choice in characters I reckon!

Next on the list of movies to watch are Red Eye and Noose!
