What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Cloverfield - 2008

It was kinda of a meh. I friend of mine recommended me to watch it, so i did. The first part sucked! and just when i was saying when the action would happen, it happend.

it was fun, but it reminds me of Godzilla but crappier.



I don't want to say too much about it. But it is completely brilliant. And Sam Rockwell should get the Oscar for Best Actor. You'll see why when you see it.
W. - 2008

Brolin's performance is exemplary, you really do believe you are watching W himself. Support cast was great, story was solid (although I'm not sure how much of it really occurred the way it did), I definitely rate this worth a watch purely for the performances. 👍 9/10
Weird, I felt like I was watching a bad Saturday Night Live sketch. I thought the actors seemed like they were basing their characters off of a political cartoon. Last I checked Condaleeza Rice didn't come off like a buck-toothed nerd, nor did Colin Powell come off like Dave Chappelle playing a white guy. And if playing up the "house boy" stereotype is Stone keeping it toned down then I must be missing something.

There was potential to make this movie really good, but they come off as if they are reveling in their own caricature jokes.

Incidentally, there is a Riff off of Cloverfield, should you be interested ;)
One of their worst, in my opinion. Way too much time spent on the "dude" and "after party" jokes.

Death Race (2008) -- Definitely not going to go into make this movie look good or bad; the theme and the actors in it pretty much define it. For those who don't know what it's about, it's Mad Max coupled with Twisted Metal, sans the clown. Nothing notable, save for the babe (Natalie Martinez), but it's a very bloody and violent 'light' movie for a Sunday night. Enjoyable even if it has probably one of the most annoying soundtracks of the year and an insane abuse of stereotypes, though I was amazed the token Asian guy ddidn't drive a Honda Civic. 6/10

Death Race (2008) -- Definitely not going to go into make this movie look good or bad; the theme and the actors in it pretty much define it. For those who don't know what it's about, it's Mad Max coupled with Twisted Metal, sans the clown. Nothing notable, save for the babe (Natalie Martinez), but it's a very bloody and violent 'light' movie for a Sunday night. Enjoyable even if it has probably one of the most annoying soundtracks of the year and an insane abuse of stereotypes, though I was amazed the token Asian guy ddidn't drive a Honda Civic. 6/10

The original is wayyyy better. Most probably because I was very young and impressionable when I first watched it.

Boy A (2007) -- A pretty intense movie about a young ex-con, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child and how he has to 'become' someone else to be accepted into society and how his world later turns against him when they learn the truth about who he is. Filmed and acted almost perfectly, especially the recurring visual theme using tunnels, alleyways, hallways, and bridges, which are things you may not notice, but which add to the feeling of entramptment (sp?) felt by the boy. The reality of who Jack is becomes more powerful and painful as the film progresses and we see the flashbacks of the boy he was. Again, the newcoming actor who plays him is excellent. I'd recommend this movie for it's overall greatness as well as these little details which make it interesting for the bits and pieces you pick up and make it even more interesting. 8.5/10
I saw the original when I was 25 and was far from impressed. I thought it to be an overhyped B-movie.
Like Speedy said, man. Some of the stuff you've seen when you are still young..... :D

When the Precinct 13 remake came out, I went ahead and rented the original. Turns out I saw the darn thing when I was something like 10? I ended up liking both the original and the remake, but boy, the original was much crappier than way I remembered it in my mind. :lol:
(500) Days of Summer (2009)

I think its a very well put together film and flows quite well even though its back an fourth alot of the time. Funny with a bit of Romance.

Has anyone seen District 9?

Reason for asking is that I'm going to see it with some buddies this week hopefully, and I'm curious to see if it's just as good as they say it is. I just want to prepare for an eventual turn-down as The Glorious Bastards turned out to be. Man, that movie was one of the worst movies I've recently seen.
Since it's almost looking like a poll, here was my take:
District 9 - What can I say? As everyone else said, it's definitely up for the movie of the year. Just very well made Sci Fi action flick, but I especially liked the gadgets. "A"

P.S. I also felt let down by the Ingloious Basterds.
I'm tempted to see this just to see what the fuss is about. My mate really enjoyed it and couldn't believe it when I told him that it got a terrible review in my regular newspaper, The Guardian. Indeed, the critics are divided, but on Rotten Tomatoes the "Top Critics" (of which The Guardian is one) rate it considerably lower than the average critics. I reckon this is one for the rental list though...
District 9 falls in to that low-budget semi-indie category, which usually leaves the response by people divided. I kind of look at it as the sci-fi version of early Robert Rodriguez or Sam Raimi. They pumped out films for cheap (El Mariachi/Evil Dead Trilogies) and people either love them or hate them.

The issue you run into is that on one hand you get something original, while on the other you run into some form of low budget cliche issue. District 9 had a relatively new angle on the alien encounter story, but for budget's sake relied on shaky hand cam half the time. If you look at Danoff's review, he felt it was a good film that got ruined by the camera.

District 9: Good plot, good acting, great special effects, good dialogue, crappy movie.
I just want to prepare for an eventual turn-down as The Glorious Bastards turned out to be. Man, that movie was one of the worst movies I've recently seen.

May I ask what you found to be so crappy? Ive listened to a bunch of arguements from friends and people around me and I was just curious to what your views were? I found it to be astonishingly good, but I have met people who REALLY dislike the movie... going from historical inaccuracy to just all out "crap" movie :D
I'm tempted to see this just to see what the fuss is about. My mate really enjoyed it and couldn't believe it when I told him that it got a terrible review in my regular newspaper, The Guardian. Indeed, the critics are divided, but on Rotten Tomatoes the "Top Critics" (of which The Guardian is one) rate it considerably lower than the average critics. I reckon this is one for the rental list though...

I have it lying around in the 'soon-to-watch' list. But I'm also tempted to have it jump over a few other movies since my workmates also told me it was awesome. I'll let you know when I do and I'll try to refrain from a too lengthy review.
May I ask what you found to be so crappy?

Let's see:

The plot is dead. A bunch of lunatic americans wandering through France to kill Hitler. That's the main story. It sounds boring, but at least give some life to it by some good scenes or acting, yet I found neither in the movie. The movie shows more germans and french people then the actual subject of the movie; the bastards.

The humor in this movie is pathetic. I giggled maybe 2 or 3 times during the entire duration of the movie, but aside that I never thoght the movie was even remotely funny. The crowd doesn't seem to catch it either; I find people who laughed with the scene where germans get carved a cross in their skulls wth a knife, or where they get their skulls smashed to bits by a bat, highly disturbing. The movie just was not funny, plain simple.

Brad Pitt had an awful role in the movie. Put Pitt in a movie with epic battles between romans or something, but at least get a wicked actor to try and make a scene better in the funny department. I just felt Pitt is a too good actor for this movie, and his role didn't suit him as an actor at all.

The movie failed big time in the funny department, something which it was supposed to be judging from the trailers. It was not funny, bad scenes, actors that didn't fit the role. I simply did not enjoy this movie. Infact, I think it has landed in the collection of "Bram's worst movies"...
Race to Witch Mountain - 8/10

Watched this with my parents the other night (their idea). I was expecting a cheesy and/or bad movie because it was Disney. Yes, I know, they've made plenty of good movies, but lately I detest them for some reason. Anyway, it turned out to be a pretty darn good movie, with a good plot, some funny bits and good acting. The only thing that didn't seem like it belonged in a non-animated movie was the actual name (Witch Mountain), but that's just because the movie was based on an older movie (also by Disney) with the same plot, same name, and (I think) was animated. If you're looking for a good, fun movie to watch, you can't go wrong with this one.
District 9: Good plot, good acting, great special effects, good dialogue, crappy movie.
Oh my god, am I the only one who busted out laughing at this quote? :lol:

I do remember him complaining about the shaky cam, which I can definitely see where he's coming from. Although it didn't bother me in this particular film, it has been a huge turn-off for me in the past, like in the Bourne Supremacy.

If a critic slam District 9, I think he/she might be an idiot, or is acting like one. It's one thing to not like a film, it happens. But you've got to recognize job well done, even if it didn't do it for you, personally. Like Dan. He absolutely slammed that movie, but he gave credit where it was due.

Actually, this brings me to Old Boy, an film that was recommended by Diego, and maybe couple other members.

First, this film is very unique, if not original. In general .............. I wouldn't say hater, but I am not a big fan of Asian cinema. But this Korean film makes me almost proud that in fact, there are still few Asian studios, directors who can pump out some quality films. Yeah, compared to the Americans and Europeans, we still gotta long way to go.....

Anyway, Old Boy, although I appreciated the efforts, I found it too bizarre. Two things in the story, which I can't give away because they are two most critical twists in the plot. One, I guess you could say was the subject matter. Second was how the bad guy(s) made their evil plot possible. By using this little "trick", IMO, they pretty much destroyed the rules. At that point, they could have put anything, said anything in the film, and it would've been excused, because of the trick that was used in the film. I considered it cheating.

Good acting, solid cinematography, lots of originality, interesting(but !@^%$y)plot, crappy movie. :D:tup: I don't know what grade to give it "?"
May I ask what you found to be so crappy? Ive listened to a bunch of arguements from friends and people around me and I was just curious to what your views were? I found it to be astonishingly good, but I have met people who REALLY dislike the movie... going from historical inaccuracy to just all out "crap" movie :D
Here's why I wasn't so impressed, if you care.

Edit: You know what, FoolKiller's post threw me off. TM was talking about the Inglourious Basterds, wasn't he? Oops!
Race to Witch Mountain - 8/10

Watched this with my parents the other night (their idea). I was expecting a cheesy and/or bad movie because it was Disney. Yes, I know, they've made plenty of good movies, but lately I detest them for some reason. Anyway, it turned out to be a pretty darn good movie, with a good plot, some funny bits and good acting. The only thing that didn't seem like it belonged in a non-animated movie was the actual name (Witch Mountain), but that's just because the movie was based on an older movie (also by Disney) with the same plot, same name, and (I think) was animated. If you're looking for a good, fun movie to watch, you can't go wrong with this one.

The old Witch Mountain movies weren't animated. I remember enjoying those films as a kid but don't remember much about the film itself.
Yeah, I've been wanting to watch the original for awhile now.

I think I heard somewhere that there were heads butting at Disney, because of something along the lines of movie was too violent, or not politically correct or something. I'm sure it was nothing by today's standards.
Let's see:

The plot is dead. A bunch of lunatic americans wandering through France to kill Hitler. That's the main story. It sounds boring, but at least give some life to it by some good scenes or acting, yet I found neither in the movie. The movie shows more germans and french people then the actual subject of the movie; the bastards.

The humor in this movie is pathetic. I giggled maybe 2 or 3 times during the entire duration of the movie, but aside that I never thoght the movie was even remotely funny. The crowd doesn't seem to catch it either; I find people who laughed with the scene where germans get carved a cross in their skulls wth a knife, or where they get their skulls smashed to bits by a bat, highly disturbing. The movie just was not funny, plain simple.

Brad Pitt had an awful role in the movie. Put Pitt in a movie with epic battles between romans or something, but at least get a wicked actor to try and make a scene better in the funny department. I just felt Pitt is a too good actor for this movie, and his role didn't suit him as an actor at all.

The movie failed big time in the funny department, something which it was supposed to be judging from the trailers. It was not funny, bad scenes, actors that didn't fit the role. I simply did not enjoy this movie. Infact, I think it has landed in the collection of "Bram's worst movies"...

Here's why I wasn't so impressed, if you care.

Edit: You know what, FoolKiller's post threw me off. TM was talking about the Inglourious Basterds, wasn't he? Oops!

Interesting views from both of you... I think the high expectations maybe got the best of both of you. I enjoyed the movie for what it was and really enjoyed the Hans Landa character as well... The only thing that disappointed me was the ending... That was a bit cheesy and over the top IMO... but the movie as a whole was quite good in my view and I agree with a6m... the basement scene was very good... Also the introduction scene was top notch Tarantino :D "May I take out my pipe aswell?" :lol:
Went to see UP (from pixar) yesterday night in 3d ..GREAT movie! I really recommend it for anyone into animations.. 👍 👍 👍 And I have to underline, it's also a really nice movie too..