Wow, I think Tom Servo watches a different obscure movie every day. Then again, if he's been watching a movie a day for a while, eventually there'd be hardly anything left but the obscure ones. I hope he compiles all these reviews for a book or something, it's freaking epic.
Checked into this thread a little while back to get some notions of movies to check out, watched a few:
FF5: yeah, 8/10, best of the bunch. Fun, nice cars and action, believable characters with pretty good acting, writing didn't offend me.
HP7: um, 7/10? I get lost over the years exactly what's happening with Harry Potter. Feels too heavy recently especially this one. But pretty good as usual.
Thor: 6.5/10. Kind of silly, but pretty fun. Nice addition to the collection of comics made into B-movies, worth watching when you're in the mood for nothing serious.
Tron Legacy: unrated, didn't finish it. Totally couldn't get into the story, felt really weak and stretched. Too much eye candy, fluffy ideas that didn't make sense. Didn't buy the characters. Wasted 75 minutes before deciding to turn it off.