Ferrari Challenge has a vinyl editor a'la Forza. GRID has one too, although it is very basic (that could be said about the whole game, though(off topic: any of you know if there's a PS2/3 game that has the "race stickers" applycation, like in Forza2?)Thanks!
Actually, a good number, perhaps most of the public Forza 2 servers have damage disabled. Can't imagine why. No, I can, I entered a Nurb race and it was almost a frag fest, and this is with just the eight drivers.At least it would be realistic. And thats pretty much what its all about when you call your game: "The real driving simulator"![]()
Somehow I don't see punters as having enough attention span to obtain all the licenses as in GT.
I wouldn't care just as long as the damage was only cosmetic, and didn't effect the performance of the car.
You must like bouncing off the walls with a statement like that!
The whole point of damage is to force ppl into driving without banging on you and getting away with it.
You just made me come up with a great idea. When you beat a license in career mode that becomes your rank. So if you beat the A license you get a rank of A. This rank would then be used to match you with online racers who have the same achievement. In the beginning, sure, it would suck but after a month the weak would be separated from the strong.
Yeah, It will also add SCARE factor into the game. I know in iRacing, when you practice and crash no penalty, but during a race then can take points off so you can not enter championships and what not.. I think that is a really good system. It adds another factor of being nice to another racers.
That's completely fair. The only exception would be in private rooms if you want to race a lower ranked driver, but open races should be like this.
I can tell that iRacings damage-modelling really makes you drive carefully, and Safety Rating-calculator specially. Not even thought, that I would try pass guy front of me, if I aint totally sure it will be clean pass... before iRacing I never realized how much those few things can change peoples racing-behaviour.
Open practice-rooms are 'free' from SR-calculations, so there you can find your limits, or have your own races with friends without bothering some incidents.
Qualifying and Time-Trial modes also counts SR and iR...
So during qualify and TT you still have to watch out?![]()
NoxNoctis UmbraI know its bit off topic, but it shows how much I want DAMAGE in GT5.
Plus all this talk about damage taking care of the punters is nonsense, once GT5 proper is here I'm sure you will be able to boot them off once they make theirselves known. Also the best way to make yourself better is practice. You don't need damage for practice.
Assuming damage makes it to GT5, requiring damage for high level races is kind of an odd issue. I'm not sure it should necessarily work like that. And I can tell you right now, if damage is required for endurance races, I might never try them. Just two hours behind the wheel without having to worry about damage is enough of a trial for me.
If you say it's nonsense, I'd like to hear where are you basing that fact/opinion... I have too much experience from GT5P, and enough from iRacing, so I'd like to know why my assumptions are failed?
I know that iRacer casuals are more dedicated to racing-etiquette, but I can easily see that qualifying and high-realistic damage modelling and physics really would help GT5's Expert-level races.
Best way to make yourself better is practising, but without realistic damage-modelling/physics you learn to be fast with wrong 'kamikaze' drivingstyle. I needed to learn totally new way of drive/think, when I moved to iRacing... not because physics, (on-track theyre actually quite similar... off-track totally not) but because it was frustrating to 'reset' my car after everytime when I was driving over my limits.
So I reset my mind to new 'realism-level', and BOOM... whole new sim-world opened to me. Driving many years only GT, has changed my drivingstyle to be always 'maximum attack'-way because there is no causes about shortcutting over curbs or hitting walls. Sooo wrong! I see it now.
Damage-modelling rewards consistent and patient drivers, and when everybody learns those skills, GT5-online can have littlebit hope in future.
Yep... it's so great decision from iRacing, to keep everything very realistic. I'm not 'Hotlap-Alien', so this gives better chances to do decent Qualify-run, and have a good grid position.
Off-tracks, spins, and collisions destroys quickly your SR badly, but even you would run total-clear Qualify session, it increase only by few .hundreds... so it's like 'climbing to the tree'. Bit by bit higher, and one 'catastrophe-session' and you will fall down so much as you have messed up. Been there, done that.![]()
Me too... half year ago I was thinking, 'I dont need damage cause I mostly drive on track'.
Now I see that it's not about how I am driving. Unforgiven and realistic damage-modelling changes peoples racing-attitude for more like driving real cars. It's bye bye for first corners mayhem, and over-optimistic passing tries.
Also curbs must be modelled differently in GT5, so people would not shortcut... in iRacing you loose car-control so easily when driving over curbs with wrong way, so in the end it's more vice to drive track how it's meant to drive, than trying win 'nothing' by jumping over curbs and loose everything in some point.
I think Beginner-level could be without damage-modelling, and Int.Med could have only cosmetic damage... but Expert-level must have fully realistic damages or GT-series is history in my eyes.
Well, now this is a different situation entirely, but I understand that online races against friends or serious competitions almost require damage. Yes, almost, because I don't think damage is utterly necessary to have a good, fun, challenging race. But this is where freedom of choice comes into play, so that for setting up races with like minded people who want to race cleanly, damage gives them that "little bit more" they want from a simulation.I was driving MGR Balkan league (rfactor) and we where racing against other league (snip)
Well, now this is a different situation entirely, but I understand that online races against friends or serious competitions almost require damage. Yes, almost, because I don't think damage is utterly necessary to have a good, fun, challenging race. But this is where freedom of choice comes into play, so that for setting up races with like minded people who want to race cleanly, damage gives them that "little bit more" they want from a simulation.
But what I was referring to were single player endurance races. Yes, some of us actually like SP gaming. I mostly race GT5P offline, because it's way more fun with a full field of 16 cars. And the bots drive very much like the people I've raced online with over the past several months. At least in America, the online racers are more hardcore, disciplined and clean. I'm afraid that, at least the first time through to clear an enduro, I'd rather race with damage off so a small mistake won't cost me a race.
I'm afraid that, at least the first time through to clear an enduro, I'd rather race with damage off so a small mistake won't cost me a race.
Well, keep in mind why I put it like that. Enduros in GT2 and I think 3 were about 2-2.5 hrs. For most gamers, that's a small eternity to follow the same circles over and over. In GT4, they average more than 3.5hrs if my math is right, and then there's that insane 24 HOUR RACE! ZOMG... But, okay, that's fine, when I have the time I'll tackle them. Today I just want to have fun, not have a full contact sporting event.There you and I have a slightly different view.