To be honest, I'd prefer weather effects and mechanical damage over cosmetic damage.
I really don't understand people who don't want damage.I really don't understand people wanting damage? What are you going to do with, take every car out and see how much damage it can take?
I really don't understand people wanting damage? What are you going to do with it?:
After driving few weeks iRacing, I finally realized the effect what realistic physics and damage-modelling does... it makes people race with patient and more 'real'. No more kamikaze passes, or over-shouting engines at corners... no more short-cutting over grass/high curbs... no more driving 'over limits', cause when you go to grass, you really go far and finally crash your vehicle totally.
Damage in everyway must come, and also unforgiven realistic physics in expert-level, so people will start respect their speed more. The way how you can save your car in GT5P, even you go wide with high speed, is unrealistic now. Earlier I didn't have anything to compare, but now I have, and I've started to drive with totally new way.
If we get private rooms we don't need damage, because we are clean drivers!
Restricting damage to race cars, and possibly tuners and race modded cars, I don't think would make a whole lot of people happy. It would almost seem like the game was released half finished. I think Forza is a better compromise model, where damage is limited, but all cars suffer more or less equally. I do think damage will be in, and equally for all cars. But I would like to hear from a few people who share greenlightning's view, and why they think that would be a better compromise.
I care infinitely less about photorealistic damage than I do about tire wear, fuel consumption, spiking coolant temperatures and wheel-lift.
Yes, wheel-lift.
Driving over a curb, doing over 1g of lateral acceleration, I expect to see my inside wheels at least three inches off the ground. I don't care if cars don't flip over. I don't care if they don't crumple like tin cans when you go into a tire barrier. You go that far off-track, and your race is over, anyway. I WANT TRIPODING! (and some bipoding, too). And, if possible... monopoding. On a popsicle stick.
True, on all counts.
In GT2, you could get the car off the ground, but once past a certain angle, it would not rotate any further.
In GT3, PD took the anti-roll technology even further, so that you could not fly off the track unless you were bang up against the invisible wall separating yourself and the scenery (cars flying on the test course were actually sliding up the wall). This led to the curious fact that you could have the car fly off the ground (zero rolling resistance) and still have the rear tires planted... leading to top speeds in excess of 1000 miles an hour.
In GT4, they removed all possibility of leaving the ground, except for hopping curbs. (but the wheels would not stay up, even with no weight on them)
I hope GT5 rectifies this. I don't care if the cars won't roll or flip. Just show me something...![]()
I am not necessarily saying restricting damage to race cars, race modified or possibly tune cars is better. However when taking the actual manufactures licenses restrictions in mind that may be what GT5 is faced with. I have not played Forza 2 so can not really weigh in on the detail or lack there of in regards to damage on that game. Realistic damage on any factory show room condition car would equal end of race on almost all crashes or contacts of 50mph or so. Since we are talking about a consule game that no matter how good will still be along ways from actual real life racing their is not much point in making damage to realistic. What they need is decent damage system along with mechanical damage effects. I think that I would rather have the best possible phyiscal and mechanical damge effects possible even if that means it is restricted to race cars only. Rather than a tuned down or resticted damage. Especially if it meant rollovers and flips verses non rollovers and flips etc. Granted damage only to race/tune cars would certainly push GT5 into more of a race car simulator instead of just a driving simulator. At the end of the day though I would much rather see the largest car selection possible, more tracks, more race events, more tuning options, and hopefully full blown race modify / livery editor verses having damage. The GT series to me is like having all the money that you could ever want and being able to buy and tune from a huge selection of cars and then just enjoy them rather that be photo mode, "B"-spec, "A"-spec etc.
Hmm... I hadn't thought about it like that. This idea has merit.They could make the game in two parts though.