What would your reaction be if GT5 is released without damage?

  • Thread starter skingg
It wouldn't ruin the game but given the choice I would prefer damage there because I would like the option to fix my car after the race or leave parts of it knackered like bumpers for a few races etc I think it would be cool seeing the odd bumper come loose etc


I wouldn't think any less of it, but given the option I would want damage.
mmmmmmm i think they should put damage in GT5 because in real life race world there are damage cars, disaster, change of weather you name it all. But nothing in GranTuismo. I no it only game but it is named the real driving simulator it still not a 100% there yet they still need to work on it hard i hope they put damage in GranTuismo 5.
Simulator these days features every aspect from real life. Back in day GT1 no damange, and it was OK, these days, no doubt we should have it.
Yes, GT5 really should release with damage, a good, comprehensive, fairly realistic damage system, both mechanical and visual. I expect it will, at least for race tuned cars and pro race cars. But if it doesn't, I won't love it any less, and I'll drive just as carefully as I do in those games which have damage. And I suspect amost all of us will do the same.
My reaction: Huh, you would think they would have thrown it in there. I guess Ill just wait for another 6 yrs until the next one comes out....HELLO, WALLRIDE!
I guess i would still buy and enjoy the game but the lack of damage will probably disturbs me somehow.We're in 2009 ,nowadays every single car game that comes out includes damages ,so why Wouldn't GT5 afford them ?

I'm rather supsicious regarding their inclusion but hey who knows ?

Kaz has been promising them from a while ( by the way where's my big Fall update ?) and we still can't see the end of the tunnel !

He has better be honest and tell us for once and for all wheter damages are going to be include in Gran Turismo 5 or not !
I'm sick of hoping for it !

I'm thinking of starting a petition !
I don't expect that there will be damage because I really don't think the PS3 can do 60fps with the 1080p graphics of GT5p, car physics of GT5p and also incorporate a realistic damage model all at the same time. That's just asking too much of the PS3 which is not a 4D system
It would felt like we were let down...
It was like a vague promise.. so...
keep to your promises i say.
I would still buy the game but I guess they can't call it the REAL driving simulator if there isn't any damage..
I wouldnt be surprised if it doesnt.

It wouldnt be that PD or the PS3 couldnt handle the modelling, it would be pressure from car companies. If there are just 1 or 2 companies holding out then that would mean they would have to scrap the whole thing.

I think that there HAS to be consequences of damage included.
Even if my car shows no visual sign of damage, I can deal with that, but there needs to be something done to stop ridiculous techniques like wall riding or not braking into a hairpin because its faster to slam into the wall at 350kms and drive on.

I just hope if its included that its not too sensitive. If I glance off a wall or just clip another car during some tight racing, I hope that wont affect the cars drivability, because half the time thats the AIs fault! (think how many times the 5 second penalty has driven you nuts) I would hope only medium to major incidents would affect the cars performance.
Has anyone emailed the car companies? I'm sure they're the ones who need to feel the heat. You know:

"I would love for your cars to be included in the most popular car and racing game in history, and I would hope they feature all the aspects of racing, including racing modifications and damage. I would hate to think you wouldn't want your marvelous vehicles included with any real life aspects removed."
Hi Tenacious D,

We received your email and understand your love for Gran Turismo; we love the game as well.

However, we feel that the current damage model in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue most accurately reflects our fleet of impenetrable super-cars.


Alfa Romeo

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Has anyone emailed the car companies? I'm sure they're the ones who need to feel the heat. You know:

"I would love for your cars to be included in the most popular car and racing game in history, and I would hope they feature all the aspects of racing, including racing modifications and damage. I would hate to think you wouldn't want your marvelous vehicles included with any real life aspects removed."

Dear Mr. Tenacious D,

We appreciate your enthusiasm for Gran Turismo. We would also like to remind you that realism can only go so far. If Gran Turismo was truly the "real driving simulator", our cars would be running circles around stalled 1970s Italian supercars. In order to spare them the embarassment, we cannot agree to your proposal.

Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Toyota
If PD doesn't want to visually trash the cars, no problem. But collision detection is a must. Takes the wallriders out of the equation.
If PD does not have any damage in it..

Chuck Norris will be mad....
look what he did when he found out that promised private rooms did not make it in GT5Prologue.

I would be very happy without any damage.

I feel the same way as this chap:
I'm totally OK with no damage. I've always enjoyed the game without it. I have no doubt that if they implement damage, the process to fix your car will be super annoying.

Mind you, there does seem to be two distinctly different sorts of damage that people want.

1. Crash damage, for bent panels & smashed glass etc.

2. Mechanical failures, for blown engines, over heated brakes and the like.

For crash damage, well, to my mind it's not in the spirit of GT. I would hate for the technical requirements of implementing it to be detrimental to gameplay, ie fps limitations. In fact I don't even want skid marks or smoke for this reason alone. There are plenty of other games for that, GT should stay true to being GT, not trying to copy others.

Mechanical failures, on the other hand, might be interesting to have and would be more suited to the game, in the way the N1 tyres on a Yellow Bird are. :) But I suspect it would still be more of a novelty to the majority of players, and those who fully embrace this sort of feature would be few and far between.

I would like to have the option of cooking engines, burning out clutches, or even snapping axles (Grand Prix Legends, anyone?), but ultimately I think I'd be playing without this for the most part.

While GT games may be subtitled "The Real Driving Simulator", we all know this is a marketing tag line and that the game has never been a serious attempt at being a real driving simulation.

I think environmental effects such as time of day and weather conditions would be add far more to the game in the long run.

edit: With this new GT5 ideas poll on the site (this my first visit back in a while), is there a poll for those who want 'No Damage'? And if not, why not? :)
Dont really care! Racing online with damage would be the most frustrating thing. Anyway i read some where that Ferrari doesnt want damage in theire cars. 👍
"we can dedicate more processing power to the visual environment and vehicle damage modelling."

That was from the april fools interview. Is he saying they are working on damage now?
Damage is not big on my list to be honest. I'd trade that for improved and realistic engine/exhaust notes. GT5:P was a step in the right direction, but it's still didn't sound that great.

Having driven a 2009 M3, I'd say that the exhaust note in the game is about 40-50% of what it sounds like in reality. If only PD was able to make the cars sound as real as they make them look :)
To be honest, Damage is number 1 one in my book. I never bought GT4 because it did not have online racing, and it did not have Damage. I purchased a Ps3 based on the rumor that GT5 will have damage.

I would be satisfied with the number of cars and tracks currently offered in Prologue, but Damage is necessary for me.

For me, its all about the 'simulation' experience. I feel that there has to be some sort of risk when pushing your car to the limit besides just losing control. Every time a colision happens in the game and nothing happens its kicks you out of the simulation experience, because you know something should have happened.

Even when I'm playing by myself just doing time trails, I miss damage. If I wipeout and hit a wall, I would like there to be something stopping me from just turning the car back around and starting again.
I was hoping people would learn the lesson from the Logitech Challenge fiasco...no damage = cheating.
To avoid that on public races is much more important a good penalty system.

A public race with damage could be even worse than a no damage one...
To avoid that on public races is much more important a good penalty system.

A public race with damage could be even worse than a no damage one...

At least it would be realistic. And thats pretty much what its all about when you call your game: "The real driving simulator" :sly:
To avoid that on public races is much more important a good penalty system.

A public race with damage could be even worse than a no damage one...

It could be worse for you...if you don't know how to keep your car on the road. The collision penalty is nothing more than a cop out for the failure to come up with correct fault assessment.

Current collision penalties only cap you for a few seconds, then you're back to driving as if nothing happened. You could win a race by driving recklessly as long as you only hit something once or twice, regardless of how heavy the hit was.
I will be so angry!