I return with news for anyone who may stumble upon this.
First of all, exams are over, so there's that.
Secondly, I have done a lot of googling in order to find a solution that works. I'm delighted to say, it may be working now. That is, if the three-hour 50-GT3-cars-strong full-rain-at-midnight stress test with no obvious issues other than the framerate is anything to go by.
The technical side should be pretty much sorted, then. Now the only problem is me getting the distinct feeling that trying to just continue this where it was left off would be beating a dead horse. Then there's the "market" for this kind of series which (to me) seems to become more and more like Black Friday, tryin' to sell your organisation and everything by providing as many series as possible. If there really is some sort of "collaboration" (those I'm referring to, directly or indirectly, know who they are), then I'm not seeing any effects. And there's also the PC continuing to screw everything up..
Case in point, I'm throwing the towel in when it comes to trying to organise a series. At least for the time being. It was fun while it lasted. While it actually was "for fun".