What's the big fuss about standard cars?

  • Thread starter hinkler
Standard cars have a wide spectrum of quality really, and unfortunately the internet is not the best judge of this. On my HD tv some of the standards like the Sauber C9 look very good, whilst the Nissan Micra leaves a bit to be desired.
I'll have to agree with that. I bought a Ford Lightning a couple days ago and it needs some serious work. On the other hand, my WedsSport Celica looks great:

If I just glanced at the Celica, it could blend in very well with the rest of the Premiums.

I guess PD took some time cleaning up the standards that we all probably like in general.
If I just glanced at the Celica, it could blend in very well with the rest of the Premiums.

I guess PD took some time cleaning up the standards that we all probably like in general.

Indeed, it would seem as if there are 2 tiers of quality within the standards, some look fine, others seriously need work, the disparity with some cars is far to great not to be noticed.
A lot of the more "desirable" standard cars could be confused with premiums if presented to a person ignorant to the difference, outside of the cockpit view at least. Even some of the "bad" looking ones tend to look near perfect in third person view on the track. The used car dealership really does them no justice, you have to watch the demo to really tell.

In short, don't let this "issue" stop you from getting the game.
We knew this going in.
While disappointing, in combination with no wheel changes, Standards are relegated to not much more than "filler" status.
Standards haven't made the game less enjoyable for me at all. While I would prefer if they had a cockpit view, even that of GTPSP, driving them is still as fun as the other cars, in my opinion.
I use the bumper cam anyways, so lack of cockpits isn't a big deal to me. Neither are the slightly lower detail textures on some cars, while some look as good as premiums. They still drive great, and my garage has about 10 standard cars to every premium car. I buy more of those than Premium, because premium are always there, and not to mention some of them are super boring, and do nothing for me. Buy the game, enjoy everything that's in it, don't get hung up on some minor details.
Now that I think about how some standards look obviously better than the others, does that mean that PD was indeed rushed into releasing GT5 for the holidays?

Making a standard car look good surely doesn't require the same amount of work and expertise that a premium car demands...
I use the bumper cam anyways, so lack of cockpits isn't a big deal to me. Neither are the slightly lower detail textures on some cars, while some look as good as premiums. They still drive great, and my garage has about 10 standard cars to every premium car. I buy more of those than Premium, because premium are always there, and not to mention some of them are super boring, and do nothing for me. Buy the game, enjoy everything that's in it, don't get hung up on some minor details.

I think i'll do the same as you and use bumper cam for standard cars.
Half the time I don't even realize that I'm even driving a standard or premium car because I hardly ever use the cockpit view. I might use it more if I had a wheel but I still prefer the full screen view. I really don't have much of an issue with the standard cars other than I can't change the rims on them. But it's not like we have many rims to choose from in the first place anyways.

However, I did see a Standard Mitsubishi GTO in one of the events that kind of looked like it was made out of Legos. It had very rough edges, not smooth at all.
Standards haven't made the game less enjoyable for me at all. While I would prefer if they had a cockpit view, even that of GTPSP, driving them is still as fun as the other cars, in my opinion.

This. I'm always checking the used car lot for anything new and exciting to buy. 👍
My guess is the good looking standards are new models that they couldn't get access to the interiors to model them fully.

The poor ones are likely the GT4 port overs.

Pure speculation on my part though.
The only thing that bothers me about standards are that fact that you can't change the rims. In the past GTs(except Prologue) all the cars were standard, but yet you could change the rims. I don't see how being standard would keep that from being possible. I guess they never got around to it?

But IMO standard cars = track whores, premium = online flash.
Agreeing with the rest her, there are some bad looking standard cars in there, but there are some great as well. If i just where to be able to change the rims on the standard cars as well i would be happy.
I hardly notice the difference and love the balance, the randomness of used car checking/collecting, and the nice stock premium cars always there. As I use chase cam and am not overly bothered about changing rims, the only beef I have is the big question mark over mechanical damage and the restore rigidity/overhaul engine options, which are kinda there from the off with standard cars. I always liked testing cars on practice laps (in other games too) and I feel I will never know if a car is giving me 100% in GT5
I gotta say, some of them really do look like crap, but not many. Most of them really look great. of course not as good as premiums but their not bad at all.
For me, the big fuss about the standards is no cockpit view. I race in this view exclusively, and since the Standards don't have it, I either a) don't buy them or b) sell them if I receive them as prize cars.

Can't change the past, but I would have been happier if PD had spent half as much time with the exterior detailing on the Premiums, if it gave me 150 more cars with cockpit view.

Speculating, I doubt PD will release DLC updating the Standards that are in the game. If they started to do that, then it's a whole project of converting all 800 or so of them or people will criticize them for not completing such a project. I could see any new cars offered through DLC will be Premium though. Again, just speculating. :)
For me, the big fuss about the standards is no cockpit view. I race in this view exclusively, and since the Standards don't have it, I either a) don't buy them or b) sell them if I receive them as prize cars.

Can't change the past, but I would have been happier if PD had spent half as much time with the exterior detailing on the Premiums, if it gave me 150 more cars with cockpit view.

Speculating, I doubt PD will release DLC updating the Standards that are in the game. If they started to do that, then it's a whole project of converting all 800 or so of them or people will criticize them for not completing such a project. I could see any new cars offered through DLC will be Premium though. Again, just speculating. :)

Yeah I agree, I drive only with cockpit as well but I love the standards just as much as I did in the past games so I just use bumper cam. I really don't know what they were thinking doing a roof cam instead of a hood cam. That would have made it a bit better.
I dont really have a problem with standard cars! After all once the race is in progress you cant tell the difference. Even with the graphical faults of these cars the game is still the best looking...I could pick out a few things that I dont like....Like the Ultra blue lake on Trial Mountain..but hey It has a Blimp...Im not sure how it moves but it does...Maybe its the time of day...I dont know but every time I drive that track its over a different point. I think that the moans should be more focused on whats IMPORTANT in the game and is lacking. Firstly the AI sucks. Id like this sorted first since I like to play offline and so far its not really very good. I think the reason for this is the rolling start. The cars get so strung out that the lead car is about 10 seconds in front by the time you get to hit the Gas. In a 2 lap race your gonna have to do some work to make up 10 seconds..However in a grid start the AI drives just as slow so you can overtake em all by the third corner. Second support for the G25 and 27 wheels. I would really like this because of the online dodgems. Its easy for a pad user to get full lock on but if someone "Pits" me I have a turn and a half to make for lock. Would be easier if i could adjust the turn degree of the wheel. Third the lack of Events previous versions of GT have kept me occupied for months. Im at 49% now after what a week? The Licenses seem a bit harder but a lot more percent of the total game. Fourth the fact that online races are worthless. Either make em give XP or even Online XP or Cash...Im not so bothered about cash....But at the moment there is no rank system. and finally a system to seperate wheel drivers from pad drivers (see previous rant). Since most lame people want to try and spin all players give the wheel drivers a chance. Its a Millisecond to get the lock on with a pad even if the wheel is 360* then its longer than that....Thats my rant
I gotta say, some of them really do look like crap, but not many. Most of them really look great. of course not as good as premiums but their not bad at all.
Honestly, all the Standards I've looked at so far look like the Wedsport Celica and Falcon V8. Obviously there must be stinkers in there somewhere, but I've seen quite a few, and they all look stellar. Check out the Jay Leno Tank Car demo. It's hard to believe that's a Standard.

I know some people have gone half-bonkers over the unchangeable wheels, but frankly, I only care for four or five of the wheels they did model. I've only swapped one set on a Premium so far. I can understand people hating lack of interiors though.

I highly recommend people try out roof view on the Standards. I like it much more than cockpit view personally. You're centered on the car's center of gravity so you can "feel" the car better, and you get a great view of the road, plus a peek beside your car. It takes a little getting used to because the photo-real graphics do give you the sense that you're riding on top of the car, and it is a bit disorienting at first. But after a few laps in GT4, I fell in love with it. I think it's the perfect view, if you can't have the behind the wheel thing.