Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
I will say, I've noticed this same type of bounciness in real motorsport and in the hardcore PC sims and I haven't seen many complaints about how they've replicated it. The cars having less static reactions to bumps and uneven surfaces is something I've wanted to see in GT so, while it adds some trickiness, I'm happy with the change. I think it's more of an individual car basis, as we've been using the same couple of cars over and over as examples lol

To say there is absolutely nothing wrong when that Ferrari bounces so hard, it flips from a small curb on SH tires is kinda wild though
This is getting old really quick. Please refer to the third line of my signature, people.

Edit: I'm gonna simplify this, since this comment got laughed at... MOVE ON, people. There's more important stuff than a game...
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This is getting old really quick. Please refer to the third line of my signature, people.
Remember, these are video games. I take video games mostly lightly and so should people. games?? This is the real driving simulator! That means that the physics perfectly simulate real life and should not be questioned, grr!

Also...does the last part insinuate you are not a person?
We don't even fully understand quantum physics the best math we have runs on farms of super computers.

"game has some math issues and collision issues" is not that real of a problem.

Drive other cars, boycot the franchise, go to another game.

But let's be very clear here, we are driving their best effort at making an entertainment product (if you fall for the marketing that's on you)

So we have nasa, space x, Boeing, airbus all trying to simulate physics and I'd rather they get right rather than a bloody racing game.

Sure it's annoying and I get the whining but quite honestly without providing alternative math it's just moaning.
The discussion has dragged on because one or two naysayers are feeling too smug to admit they were proven wrong by articulate reports and evidence.
Says the person who claims a car (Ferrari) is broken… but never actually drove the car themselves… yea ok… Your buddy literally drives the car fast shows the replay… the lap is nice and pretty fast… everything looks as what I would expect from a car in the 50’s to drive like… but the car is still broken… ok 👍
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Says the person who claims a car (Ferrari) is broken… but never actually drove the car themselves… yea ok…
I’ve driven other cars in the game on which the suspension behaves exactly like the 500 Mondial. This is why one my previous posts said the discussion has too much emphasis on the Ferrari.
Your buddy literally drives the car fast shows the replay… the lap is nice and pretty fast… everything looks as what I would expect from a car in the 50’s to drive like… but the car is still broken… ok 👍
You are clearly not watching the parts where the car starts twerking, or you need glasses.
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I’ve driven other cars in the game on which the suspension behaves exactly like the 500 Mondial. This is why one my previous posts said the discussion has too much emphasis on the Ferrari.

You are clearly not watching the parts where the car starts twerking, or you need glasses.
You said the car was broken and not drivable did you not…? Again your buddy does a flying lap and the car looked fine… please show me where the car was broken in his video? It’s a car made in the 50’s what do you expect?! Oh yea it should be as stable and stiff as a 911 Gt3RS my bad… Did you see super GT video on the classic mustang he race? Did you see how shakey that car looked in the video? That car is actually prepped for racing and it was still moving around…. please post video of the cars you driven because before that you were extremely confident that Ferrari was broken… now we are putting to much emphasis on the Ferrari… cool no problem please post your videos.
You said the car was broken and not drivable did you not…?
I don’t remember. I think more than a week has passed since I invested much energy in explaining this bug.
Again your buddy does a flying lap and the car looked fine… please show me where the car was broken in his video?
Whose video? I’m not sure who my “buddy” is. Anyway, it doesn’t take much time looking at the various videos posted to see that something is not right. I cannot help you if you don’t already see this.
It’s a car made in the 50’s what do you expect?!
I expect something closer to how car suspensions behaved before update 1.49 in July. Cars weren’t twerking or jumping excessively before that.
Oh yea it should be as stable and stiff as a 911 Gt3RS my bad…
I never said that.
Did you see super GT video on the classic mustang he race? Did you see how shakey that car looked in the video? That car is actually prepped for racing and it was still moving around…. please post video of the cars you driven because before that you were extremely confident that Ferrari was broken… now we are putting to much emphasis on the Ferrari… cool no problem please post your videos.
Waste of time to post any more videos, as the people who matter (PD staff) have probably seen enough to understand that something is not right with the current physics. In fact they’ve known since cars started flying in July’s update 1.49. For some reason they are taking their time to properly fix it, but I’m 99,98% sure it’s not because they share your view on the matter.

Besides, you and someone else have already demonstrated that documenting the bug with video evidence isn’t worth our time. You aren’t really receptive to it, for whatever stupid reason.
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I don’t remember. I think more than a week has passed since I invested much energy in explaining this bug.

Whose video? I’m not sure who my “buddy” is. Anyway, it doesn’t take much time looking at the various videos posted to see that something is not right. I cannot help you if you don’t already see this.

I expect something closer to how car suspensions behaved before update 1.49 in July. Cars weren’t twerking or jumping excessively before that.

I never said that.

Waste of time to post any more videos, as the people who matter (PD staff) have probably seen enough to understand that something is not right with the current physics. In fact they’ve known since cars started flying in July’s update 1.49. For some reason they are taking their time to properly fix it, but I’m 99,98% sure it’s not because they share your view on the matter.

Besides, you and someone else have already demonstrated that documenting the bug with video evidence isn’t worth our time. You aren’t really receptive to it, for whatever stupid reason.
Ok my friend… I figured you would say something in that range it’s cool though and it’s all love! Let’s see if they fix it as your saying in the next update!
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It's worth noting at this point that GT, since Sport, has always had an issue with rear suspension particularly but suspension in general.

The stock suspension setup of all cars is weird, and it's weird to the point that in some cases you can't actually set the values in customisable suspension to match those of the real world. Like, it's really easy to find out all the values for an NA MX-5; try and put them in. 1.49 changed the stock setup of a lot of cars, but this still persists.

If you want to actually see it in action, just go to any race where the AI cars are road cars at 500PP or less. The way they pitch under braking is absurd; sure these aren't stiffly sprung performance cars (except, you know, those that are), but the rear suspension reaches maximum travel on even benign stuff like the Alfa Romeo MiTo with very little provocation and the AI can even get the rear tyres off the ground (because they can exert more braking force than you can, by a long, long way). Just on stock brakes. And even on the dirt.

How the new physics works exactly, I can't say, but the fact is the launching cars in 1.49 and the persisting issues with some vehicles some of the time in 1.50/1.52 look very much related because it's all about rear expansion. In 1.49 the physics engine was clearly returning an out-of-range value and glitching out to cause the launches; for the current game version there's some instances where the rear expansion will reach maximum and then reset to cause bouncing. And yes, it exists.

Now... with all things considered, it's like there's some kind of fudging calculation between [suspension wants to do A] and [suspension does C] that's something like [suspension is supposed to do B] in order to create a more realistic behaviour - hence the weird stock settings and the impossibility of entering real ones.

I'm not saying that it's exactly the same thing, but... way, way back in the olden days of GT3 you could use things like GT3gEdit to extract full vehicle settings values as .ini files, edit them in Notepad, and then insert them back into the game - sometimes creating extreme values. There was a strange value called "Grip" which, it turned out after making some adjustments to it, seemed to be a setting for how "connected" (for want of a better word) the car's suspension was to its body. It had no obvious visual effects, but if set super low it made the car do this:

(ignore the F1 car chassis and the extreme camber)

High values, as I recall, basically made the car entirely inelastic.

Again, not saying that it's the same thing at all, but there is obviously a middle step in the suspension physics that we can't see and in GT3 "Grip" was just such a thing.
Someone tried the Alpine A110 '72 with the new physics? Another car I liked that will gather dust in the garage.
I’ve sold mine, but I had them tuned to race car specs. Had to adjust the weight distribution towards 50:50. The rear pendulum effect was ridiculous without ballast.
The discussion has dragged on because one or two naysayers are feeling too smug to admit they were proven wrong by articulate reports and evidence.
That's EXACTLY true!! See we agree!! Some say "the game is broken" and certain cars are "undriveable", and when people, like myself, prove these notions wrong with articulate reports and evidence, there's name calling from people with fragile egos...people who can't POSSIBLY accept that they might have to change the way they play, or just use a different car, or apply the racing suspension, which is an already existing fix for the issue.

anchorman GIF

Just admit that THE GAME is not "broken" and the cars are indeed quite drivable. Some people might be slightly annoyed by how one specific, esoteric car behaves on one specific type of tire, because they're, once again, unwilling to apply a fix that they game provides (racing suspension). At the very least, this is a viable solution for the foreseeable future.

Personally, I think that's a better solution than petitioning the developer to make a game wide change that will affect all 400+ cars, many of which are used all the time.
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and when people, like myself, prove these notion wrong with articulate reports and evidence, there's name calling from people with fragile egos...people who can't POSSIBLY accept that they might have to change the way they play.
The only thing you proved was how stubborn you are while still being wrong.
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The only you proved was how stubborn you are while still being wrong.
I'm not the one refusing to use an already existing solution.

If it were me, I'd have just put the racing suspension on it, fixed it, and never said anything to anyone.
You’ve completely missed the point yet again
Is the point to endlessly go on about how one car is slightly wonky on the default suspension with SS tires? If so, then yes, I missed the point.

Fix your car and move on, because the other 400+ cars work fine.
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