Whats up with this new penalty system its absolutely ridiculous

  • Thread starter Boris353
For people who are not DRS and think the update is ok or do not see a problem this is what we DR S drivers have to put up with

Some of those penalties are stupid but he only has himself to blame for not getting rid of the penalties once it got to 5s before they got added on. Also the incident on Lap 21 was poor driving on his part, why did he not back off when the gap was clearly closing on the outside of the corner? I managed to recover from 19th to 5th at the Suzuka race yesterday and only picked up a 1 second penalty despite having to consistently overtake slower 1 stoppers.

Also weird hearing him get so annoyed at a 2 second penalty and trying to get rid of it whilst he has a clear lead. I got a 2 second track extension penalty at Maggiore on Lap 8/26 and just held onto it until before the line when no one was behind me.

It's not making racing 'impossible', just a bit frustrating. Ease the rear contact tap penalty a bit and a lot of issues are instantly solved.
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For people who are not DRS and think the update is ok or do not see a problem this is what we DR S drivers have to put up with

I like that dude, but in this case i don't really agree with him, he brought most of it on himself.

His original penalty, well he was TO close to the car in front, maybe that driver messed up (and had to server a penalty), but in any case he bumped him.
Then TC is coming hot on a dude that just lost his car and is going slow, naturally he goes for what he perceives is a opening. Optimistic? absolutely, but as so often has been discussed here, someone goes of track and when they are back, they always try to defend whatever place they get into, even if slow. And he is not wondering where to burn his penalties, he is clearly angry, he should burn them at once, instead he drags them around and still races the other cars, he then serves his penalty at the APEX on a fast corner.

Maybe S drivers are a dead race, and the new fast guys will be the other ranks..
For people who are not DRS and think the update is ok or do not see a problem this is what we DR S drivers have to put up with

Yeah, that is annyoing indeed if it happens to you.
I was wondering if the S-S drivers where punished more or heavier.
But, this is just the same if you are not S-S rated. I got rewarded with penalty´s too whilst being tapped from behind or side. Why would this driver choose to scrub the penalty off allmost standing still on the ideal racing line though 💡

Looks like the system is the same for all, right ?
I got a 2 second penalty at Bathurst today, found ti really hard to get rid of, i tried being slow out of a couple of corners and it wouldn’t drop, had to practically stop on a straight to get rid of it. Lost about 6 or 7 seconds overall as a result. However, having said that, I think the new system is an improvement.
When people do get a penalty whether or not its is warranted, Why do people have to slow immediately to take it while still on the racing line. and then wonder why someone plows into the back of them. Had people do that at Bathurst on the mountain.

We have been trying to explain this; I was so looking forward to Bathurst today but I've just gone from SR:99 to 85 in one race, and I never hit anyone - that was all one driver who kept tapping me. He was an AS, he left the race an AC. Luckily I'm still SS but now I'm feeling as though I can't do another race at Bathurst because for all I know the same could happen again.

I'll stress again, I hit no one that race, but kept getting penalties for being tapped through skyline or the dipper :nervous:

But yeah, how Z28 is feeling is how I've been the feeling the last few days - just feel like you can't race anymore.

You were having people tap you through skyline and dipper? They were travelling that close through there? No matter what penalty system is in place, I've never driven Buthurst or Nordschleife in a public daily.

Unless I was racing in a league, where I knew everybodies racing habbits, I wouldn't drive like that behind somebody period on either of those 2 tracks..
The view from the cheap seats: (D/S): Might be just me, but a lot of the complaints I'm reading seem to come across like "I can't drive like a Jackhammer anymore, this sucks..." I've had more good mostly clean races in the past few days than I have sine I bought the game in December. As far as actual RACING goes, a lot of folks seem to forget that CATCHING is not PASSING. RACING clean includes PASSING clean. It doesn't mean "move over or I'll slam you."
I got a 2 second penalty at Bathurst today, found ti really hard to get rid of, i tried being slow out of a couple of corners and it wouldn’t drop, had to practically stop on a straight to get rid of it. Lost about 6 or 7 seconds overall as a result. However, having said that, I think the new system is an improvement.
I wonder if doing a pit drive-thru works on getting rid of penalty, if a car is behind you and you drive through skipping tires and fuel, you should still be able to pull out in front of the car that was behind you. I'm gonna experiment with that later in a custom race.

EDIT- nope doesn't work the way I thought, but you do run off the penalty driving slowly through the weird pit S enterance. I entered with 1.29s remaining on penalty and exited with 1.29s and lost positions, so I guess that isn't a good way to run off a penalty.
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You were having people tap you through skyline and dipper? They were travelling that close through there? No matter what penalty system is in place, I've never driven Buthurst or Nordschleife in a public daily.

Unless I was racing in a league, where I knew everybodies racing habbits, I wouldn't drive like that behind somebody period on either of those 2 tracks..

Neither would I, he even tried the argument after the race that because he was so close behind there was nothing he could do... oblivious I suppose to the fact that that's why you don't try to do qualifying laps in traffic over the mountain...
It was worse than just a few taps, he tried to get past through the esses... he pulled out on the exit of skyline and tried to put his nose inside - just ridiculous -and of course because I'm an S and he's an A (for now) I got the penalty.
When people do get a penalty whether or not its is warranted, Why do people have to slow immediately to take it while still on the racing line. and then wonder why someone plows into the back of them. Had people do that at Bathurst on the mountain.

Whoever is driving there is a prime example of why we need these tougher penalties. That car would be lucky if it still could run in a real race. Bumper car party.. And clearly nothing is on the line except virtual points...
anyway, regardless of whos at fault or whatever, here is my simple fix for this type of ambiguity: put a red dot next to the name and position plate above the cars of players who have penalties they need to serve. then you can watch for them slowing down ahead of time

This is what i most want atm. Should be their next addition.
put a red dot next to the name and position plate above the cars of players who have penalties they need to serve. then you can watch for them slowing down ahead of time

Nice idea. Or perhaps you could be insta-ghosted as soon as the penalty appears on screen.
As the games goes by rank. Rank S is like premier league. Rank D is like non league. Penalties would be more focused on the higher level rank S, as they should be able to race harder, cleaner, faster. Some of the moaning sounds like when rich people moan about getting more taxes than the rest. The better you are, the harder it should be.
As the games goes by rank. Rank S is like premier league. Rank D is like non league. Penalties would be more focused on the higher level rank S, as they should be able to race harder, cleaner, faster. Some of the moaning sounds like when rich people moan about getting more taxes than the rest. The better you are, the harder it should be.
You would probably be singing a different tune if every time you got bumped by a lower ranked driver you received a penalty and they didn’t.
You would probably be singing a different tune if every time you got bumped by a lower ranked driver you received a penalty and they didn’t.

But im not singing a tune (cant sing good). Its not always lower ranked drivers is it? I mean S drivers arent that perfect are they? What happens when its an all S race? I get hit i get hit, im aint no special driver.
But im not singing a tune (cant sing good). Its not always lower ranked drivers is it? I mean S drivers arent that perfect are they? What happens when its an all S race? I get hit i get hit, im aint no special driver.

Bumps happen from all level drivers. But if I’m racing against other A/S or S/S at least I know if they bump me they get the same penalty. If I get bumped by a B/S or lower ranked driver, I get an automatic penalty and they drive on without anything other than an SR drop.

Keep telling yourself it’s fair.
Bumps happen from all level drivers. But if I’m racing against other A/S or S/S at least I know if they bump me they get the same penalty. If I get bumped by a B/S or lower ranked driver, I get an automatic penalty and they drive on without anything other than an SR drop.

Keep telling yourself it’s fair.

No its not fair. Im not going to get that far. I dont care about rank im just a casual racer.

Know what they "if you cant beat them, join them". See you in rank B.
When people do get a penalty whether or not its is warranted, Why do people have to slow immediately to take it while still on the racing line. and then wonder why someone plows into the back of them. Had people do that at Bathurst on the mountain.

I started laughing at 5:37, bumpbumpbumpbump and then his penalty started ticking up every second.
The best thing they could do, besides being less stringent on penalties, is ghost cars serving a penalty. I'm sure the game can recognize when a car is slowing too much (or stopping) in a place it shouldn't be. This would alleviate a lot of the problems people are having now with this system. Why should you incur a penalty because someone else is serving one? The same goes for passing under a caution. You're not supposed to pass another car because he screwed up? Penalties begets penalties begets penalties. All of this is frustrating and just sucks any enjoyment out of playing the game.
When people do get a penalty whether or not its is warranted, Why do people have to slow immediately to take it while still on the racing line. and then wonder why someone plows into the back of them. Had people do that at Bathurst on the mountain.

Three explanations
1) Anger.
2) It goes up if you don't do it quickly if it's above 5 seconds, you can see that at the end of your video.
3) If you dither trying to get rid of it then you can lose more time - I tried to scrub one off on the exit of a corner and lost 2 seconds but only 0.073 of the penalty.
It's working great for me. The system sucks at assigning blame yet I only had a minor bump at T1 in Monza in 2 out of 9 races today. Only once my SR dropped from 99 to be back at 99 the next race.

Compare that to a marathon of 32 GR.1 races on Monza I did a few weeks ago where it was never without significant contact and in the majority of races a complete chaos. I started that at SR 99 and from all the ramming it got down to 50, never managed to get it above 66 after that. One SR.S race I got -24 SR from repeatedly getting pinballed into cars in front of me. No thank you, it's much better now.

If you look closely, the car who rammed you usually gets a higher penalty. I got rammed as well today, still happens. I got 5 sec, the car that hit me 10 sec. I had a blue rating at the end, the car that hit me a red rating. It's a vast improvement to getting punted off the track in every race. Only 2 dive bomb attempts today and both ended up with a red A. It's working.

As an update to my previous experience. Currently I'm down to 59 SR. Monza sprint races with the Vulcan, I could not escape the cars not braking for T1. As long as the penalty is 5 sec or less, drive on. Yet a few times I got 9 and 10 sec for getting punted at T1. Thus slow down off the racing line and merge safely again, yet then you're in the middle of the pack of DR.B to DR.D that drive with different rules and still have a destruction derby going on.

So Monza is back, I'm stuck in that 50 to 66 SR, max +5 per race, 1 in 3 races can't escape people not braking and lose everything gained again. DR is still going up as the rest of the race is fine and overtaking is not difficult once you have your braking points down. Not fair to the B to D drivers, yet still some nice clean races with other DR.A players that got thrown down the SR ladder.

It all started with crappy matchmaking this morning. Couple DR.A up front, DR.D in the back, 9 out of 16 without a qualifying time, no clue where to brake. Start in 5th...

Next race is on, on with the challenge.
I've only done 4 races under the new system but I have to say it feels like an improvement. First race I did yesterday I outbraked myself into the car in front, got a 10 sec penalty which kept growing until I slowed down. I thought it is a fine mechanic as people will be extra clean when racing wheel to wheel. On my next race I noticed lapped cars getting ghosted when they're about to be lapped which is great as well. And I didn't get any unfair penalties when being the victim of an incident. Happy with it so far.
As an update to my previous experience. Currently I'm down to 59 SR. Monza sprint races with the Vulcan, I could not escape the cars not braking for T1. As long as the penalty is 5 sec or less, drive on. Yet a few times I got 9 and 10 sec for getting punted at T1. Thus slow down off the racing line and merge safely again, yet then you're in the middle of the pack of DR.B to DR.D that drive with different rules and still have a destruction derby going on.

So Monza is back, I'm stuck in that 50 to 66 SR, max +5 per race, 1 in 3 races can't escape people not braking and lose everything gained again. DR is still going up as the rest of the race is fine and overtaking is not difficult once you have your braking points down. Not fair to the B to D drivers, yet still some nice clean races with other DR.A players that got thrown down the SR ladder.

It all started with crappy matchmaking this morning. Couple DR.A up front, DR.D in the back, 9 out of 16 without a qualifying time, no clue where to brake. Start in 5th...

Next race is on, on with the challenge.
I was in some of those races earlier. The Vulcan feels like it has no rear brakes or something! It's not much faster than the GT3s but you have to brake way earlier. It caught me out on the first corner for sure although I didn't hit anything/anyone or gain time. The game made sure it gave me an 18 second penalty for it though!
Yeah I just did some Bathurst races, first corner I was getting rammed twice by the same guy and he received no penalty and I got a 3 second penalty then got rammed again at the top of the hill. Looks like it rewards aggressive driving.
