Whats up with this new penalty system its absolutely ridiculous

  • Thread starter Boris353
Z28 Here.

Interesting take on the video. I notice a lot of you think I didn't play fairly and think my first penalty was a cut? Completely incorrect. In the FIA top 24 race I had zero cut penalties when I bumped Snow. He lost focus, breaked and lifted on that turn when his dad came in the room. I was not too close, he went wide and the car body language showed he was taking the turn normally. He messed up and my slight bump should not have been a penalty.

My penalty from snow didn't grow at that point. It was two seconds and doesn't grow unless it's 5 seconds +. (So I've been told)

Regarding helz. I wasn't going to cut him off. He was going slow at that point. (Over a second slower per lap) Snow and I caught him quickly and I was trying to pass, but needed to do so on a turn as I was saving fuel. The turn where it appeared I would cut him off, he took the turn wrong. You're supposed to take that turn as I did and come out wide. I didn't get a cut penalty for that. I ran a 1:22.6 with that route and used it to my advantage short shifting and only pitting once the entire race.

I've been getting personal hate messages from people on this forum and I would appreciate it if you stopped. I read all of my private messages and calling me an idiot and all of this ridiculous stuff over a video game is a little much. I have no idea who it is, but they claim to be members here. Your derogatory remarks leave a dent.

Thanks for watching the video and sorry if you disagree. But the reality is that I didn't have any penalties until the poor break choice by snow and I didn't cut helz off. He took the turn slow due to poor tires and was going way below pace. When you have the #1 guy behind you, yeah you're going to push a little hard and every turn counts. To be honest, I should have cut the inside even more and made the pass. (I could have made it with no penalty) If I did, snow had 4 secs of penalties to burn and I would have been hard to catch without burning too much fuel.

One more thing. After the bump from TC, I should have slowed down immediately and I could have had 3rd place pretty easily. But I was frustrated because I'm a human being. It's easy to look back and chat in these forums saying "he should have done this, he should have done that." But you're not taking in account driver emotions. That's the entire reason why snow slowed down in front of me. Lost focus and was annoyed with his track cut. He's better than that and better than I am. Period.

I don't claim to be good at this game, nor advocate that I'm some top player. That stuff doesn't matter to me. I enjoy racing with other players and making them improve. Win or lose, time on the track with the friendly GT Sport community is where I have fun.

I will put my input on this. I race with Z28 all the time, Z28 is very precise, calm, fast, cautious, and very clean.

For what it is worth, in terms of folks that appreciated your commentary, I actually cited your comments at the start of the clip in support of my own inconsequential moaning account of the penalty system in a post here. The bit where you say you did not want to go over everything (i.e., watching some stuff again) because you just didn't feel like it. I thought it was a real American thing - and while I am not American - totally agreed with the sentiment :)

Really enjoyed watching it (peeking through my hands over my eyes) and listening to you describe your experience (while cringing) because I went through the same kind of emotions in the first 2 days post-update. For me, I have no interest in a post-hoc, blow-by-blow analysis of the race to look for shoulda-woulda-coulda, just no point to that as it was so obviously a frustrating product of the revamped system.

Just giving you insight man. I race with Z28, he is very clean, precise, calm, cautious, professional, and an awesome driver. I am very happy to be racing with him all the time.
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I know there's an update coming tonight but I've spent the time making the video now so here it is:

The main thing they need to fix to stop me quitting is the penalties for light brushes/bumps with no consequences (2:57 & 3:19).
The next biggest thing is to stop giving penalties for either going off track and losing time (0.00-2:48 & 7:15), especially ridiculous 18 second ones.
The next biggest thing is to stop giving me 8s penalties for gaining 0.05s from a slight corner cut (0:40 & 1:44 in my video here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...itial-impressions.375680/page-3#post-12229032).

Come on PD, you can do it!
I've been getting personal hate messages from people on this forum and I would appreciate it if you stopped. I read all of my private messages and calling me an idiot and all of this ridiculous stuff over a video game is a little much. I have no idea who it is, but they claim to be members here. Your derogatory remarks leave a dent.

That's insane. If anything they should be thanking you for bringing attention to the SR system and giving your ideas on how it can be improved. You're using your platform and spending your personal time to discuss these things and I know I appreciate any and all efforts to make the game better for everyone.
If they were forum members...

I would bask in the knowledge of being a celebrity, they clearly have you on their mind more than anything of any worth in their own life.
This Youtuber is kinda toxic. He complains when opponents overlap on the inside in exactly the same way he was doing when attempting a pass earlier in the video.

Just another example of “what’s acceptable when I try to pass is not acceptable when you try to pass”.

For people who are not DRS and think the update is ok or do not see a problem this is what we DR S drivers have to put up with
This Youtuber is kinda toxic. He complains when opponents overlap on the inside in exactly the same way he was doing when attempting a pass earlier in the video.

Just another example of “what’s acceptable when I try to pass is not acceptable when you try to pass”.

"He complains when opponents overlap on the inside in exactly the same way he was doing when *attempting* a pass earlier in the video."

The pass by TC was perfectly fine. However, the penalty was not. (Which is why I was upset) This pass was not similar to my attempted pass on helzfire, because I decided not to make the pass. The reason is because I was aware the system is too sensitive and didn't want to risk giving myself, or helzfire a penalty.

If you've ever truly watched me, I don't try and ruin people's races. I always slow down if I feel something was wrong. (I'm sure that I'm wrong a lot)

These videos are really important to show different perspectives of how the penalty system is working for different people. This is how games can become better. Feedback from all of us who play. If my opinions are toxic to you, then I'm sorry. I'm doing the best I can.

That's insane. If anything they should be thanking you for bringing attention to the SR system and giving your ideas on how it can be improved. You're using your platform and spending your personal time to discuss these things and I know I appreciate any and all efforts to make the game better for everyone.

Thank you.
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What's up with this new penalty system ? I will be hit from another car & incur a penalty & if i dont stop 4 this penalty it starts becoming higher & higher this is absolutely ridiculous. So now ive got a penalty 4 someone ramming into me & have 2 stop not slow down STOP. So if this penalty was say 3 seconds its realy more like a 10 second penalty because i have 2 stop. So most races I've been in since the new update I've had 2 go all the way to the back because of someone elses mistake & When the race ends they dont have a penalty open your eyes gt ( oh & in the livery editor cut,copy & Paste/grouping decals & u should be able 2 copy all the decals on the left side of the car 2 the right side with 1 botton ) there thats my rant 4 now but yeah realy peeeved off with the new penalty system

The new system is bloody ridiculous. Got hit twice from behind and ended up with twenty second penalties.
I didn't get an accumulated penalty from the bump from snow and I tried to take the penalty immediately. (You can see in the video) The problem is, it didn't register immediately because the S was approaching and I would have had to come to a complete stop. I didn't want to do that and potentially cause an accident from the fast cars coming behind me, so kept going to find a better spot and spun out because of frustration. It was still 2 seconds, I know the video made it seem like it was longer at that point. The penalty started accumulating after the second bump from TC. Which at that point, I was already done with the race anyway and didn't care.

Fair enough.. you made it seem like it was a huge penalty...

If it was in fact just 2, you probably should have just carried it to the end :lol:
This new penalty system is just ridiculous. I was hoping they would modify it during this week's maintenance, but I haven't heard anything has changed. I haven't played the game in a week and won't until something changes. I won't be a frustrated little guinea pig for PD until they learn how to fix this.

I doubt many here remember a movie called 'The Boy In The Plastic Bubble'. It was about a boy who had to live in a bubble because he was born without an immune system. Maybe that's the solution. PD could put a bubble around everyone's car so they don't touch each other. Problem solved, no penalties. BTW, the movie sucked. Kind of like racing in Sport mode does now.
I think what we’re seeing is an iRacing style penalty system in terms of severity, but without a very important part of iRacing: heavy, realistic damage.

In iRacing your car is a little eggshell and you baby the thing around the track and avoid rear ending people or braking early because your race is over, not necessarily because you are watching your safety rating.
I went online in Race B today for the first time since the new penalty system, and instantly knew it was a bad decision.

B/S driver rating, started 5th on the grid with a qualiy of 2.01. Maintained 5th until the start of lap 2 and the dive bombing and taps began. Everytime I got hit I got a penalty. Got nudged off the track and got a penalty. I was riding around with around 11 seconds of penalties by the time I approached Parabolica. On the start finish straight, I pull to the far right of the track to stop my penalty time growing. Re-entered around 13th. And it just kept getting worse.

On the last lap, I'm around 9th now, but from Lesmo all the way to, and including Parabolica there are cars just slowing down on the fast part of the track to kill penalties. On Parabolica the car in front decided it was time to do around 30mph to get rid of a penalty! Needless to say I hit their rear and got a 5 second penalty.

Anyway, I went from a B/S rating to a B/B. My SR dropped from 88 to 40!

The gamers who hit me during the race ended up with blue SR's at the end. How does that happen?

I knew I should have stayed away from Monza!
Is this the short thread for people who hate reading 38 pages :)

Would be nice if mods can keep everything a little bit together. Hate different threads at the same time about the same issues.
"He complains when opponents overlap on the inside in exactly the same way he was doing when *attempting* a pass earlier in the video."

The pass by TC was perfectly fine. However, the penalty was not. (Which is why I was upset) This pass was not similar to my attempted pass on helzfire, because I decided not to make the pass. The reason is because I was aware the system is too sensitive and didn't want to risk giving myself, or helzfire a penalty.

If you've ever truly watched me, I don't try and ruin people's races. I always slow down if I feel something was wrong. (I'm sure that I'm wrong a lot)

These videos are really important to show different perspectives of how the penalty system is working for different people. This is how games can become better. Feedback from all of us who play. If my opinions are toxic to you, then I'm sorry. I'm doing the best I can.

Thank you.

Don't listen to the haters man! I think everyone who's seen your videos know how legit awesome you are to the community. I would take this opportunity to thank you for all the lessons in sportsmanship i have gotten from your videos. And kudos for saying hi to almost every bloke that watches your stream and writes to you! Thats really cool.

For the topic, i personally love to new penalty system!! Have had 5 executive clean races in the row since the update. People really have no choice than really try their best to avoid accidents. Of course they happen sometimes, but that's just a part of the game.
My view on the new penalty system:

I didn’t race, so I don’t know... but I saw so many people complaining, that I decided to let everybody learn how not to crash into each other in this first week. Now I can go back to racing, because people already know they should keep distance. This helps me not to get hit and loose my precious S/S. lol
It just gets better!

First he gets hit fairly hard and gets no penalty, then he goes straight across the chicane at speed and gets no penalty. Meanwhile I get touched so lightly I don't notice and get a 1s penalty and outbrake myself into the chicane and get reset to track losing time and get an 18s penalty. And more hits at 2:30 & 2:46 with no penalty. The definition of broken!
A/S here... haven't had much issues with the new system. Didn't have too many with the old one either. I think people need to start taking a little more responsibility for how they race and stop blaming the game so much. Personally, this seems to be a generational thing. Old-school gamers like myself (I grew up in the 90's) tend to put more blame on ourselves whereas new-school gamers tend to put more blame on the game.
A/S here... haven't had much issues with the new system. Didn't have too many with the old one either. I think people need to start taking a little more responsibility for how they race and stop blaming the game so much. Personally, this seems to be a generational thing. Old-school gamers like myself (I grew up in the 90's) tend to put more blame on ourselves whereas new-school gamers tend to put more blame on the game.
Good post. I have had only one issue with the new system since the update and that was last night, I got sandwiched between 4 cars on the hairpin under the bridge at Blue Moon, got hit from behind, hit someone in front, bounced into another before finally getting free... ended up with 11.7 seconds of penalties in total :lol: other than this (and 1 very minor incident last week), every other race I have received clean race bonus.

Edit: oh, A/S as well. And low A, so getting matched with ~80% B and ~20% A in every race.

Hitler responds to the type of accusation made by @war_ops_84 and other players.


Food for thought, ya.

On the whole things seem to have improved in the B/B-A class since the new rules kicked in. The new start procedure may have helped as they, on some tracks at least, give the lead guys and chance for a decent start so if you are in 1-3 you may get away without seeing any slower cars even having a stab at you in the first corners.
A/S here... haven't had much issues with the new system. Didn't have too many with the old one either. I think people need to start taking a little more responsibility for how they race and stop blaming the game so much. Personally, this seems to be a generational thing. Old-school gamers like myself (I grew up in the 90's) tend to put more blame on ourselves whereas new-school gamers tend to put more blame on the game.
SS here (not the Hitler ones). Explain why I deserved penalties for any of the clips in this video I posted earlier
I think what we’re seeing is an iRacing style penalty system in terms of severity, but without a very important part of iRacing: heavy, realistic damage.

In iRacing your car is a little eggshell and you baby the thing around the track and avoid rear ending people or braking early because your race is over, not necessarily because you are watching your safety rating.

Which is ridiculous, but for a second reason. iRacing attracts hardcore sim racers who tend to know the basics of racing and etiquette. GTS is a much more casual game that attracts a more casual crowd. Trying to implement something from iRacing into GTS like that is a recipe for disaster.

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