Wheel V Pad

  • Thread starter thedarski
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Both front and rear have 0.20 positive toe, would that make the car less sharp in steering and having tendency to understeer ? The rest of the tune seems pretty generic, like any usual FR tune.
Its clear that i won't show a video? Because i physically can't at the moment? You really lack reason man. Like i said... When i get a chance, by Saturday at the latest. haha... Your a trip man. I just got the video part haha... You are funny.

Sounds good, looking forward to it :D
Both front and rear have 0.20 positive toe, would that make the car less sharp in steering and having tendency to understeer ? The rest of the tune seems pretty generic, like any usual FR tune.

According to what the Help section says yes. (going off what i saw someone post) The special manual people got when they purchased the first edition or hardened edition or whatever it was, said something different.

Someone said that the section referring to toe angle in that manual stated the opposite of what the help section in the game says (no idea if this is true)

But when i first started playing i just kind of thought about it like this.

On a corner, positive means that the outside wheel (the one with all the weight on it) is turned more in the position you are trying to go.

For me, positive toe in the front makes the car react quicker, turn better, and everything. I ONLY get negative effects from using negative front toe. Thats just me though. And none of my equally as fast wheel buddies use the toe i use (they have tried it, also trying to achieve a 6:27) i think it just helps for controllers.

@arora, that is what you should have said pages ago man. Lets keep it like this from here until saturday, then you can continue... whatever it is you were doing.

@ridox, When i first saw you saying it was better, i looked into it. But i only use the face buttons for the E-brake, Come to think of it my whole driving style involves little taps on the e brake to shift weight forward for corners.. But anyway i use R2 and L2 and the right stick as a slap shifter.
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@arora, that is what you should have said pages ago man. Lets keep it like this from here until saturday, then you can continue... whatever it is you were doing.

I'll take a pass on any advice from you 👍
According to what the Help section says yes. (going off what i saw someone post) The special manual people got when they purchased the first edition or hardened edition or whatever it was, said something different.

Someone said that the section referring to toe angle in that manual stated the opposite of what the help section in the game says (no idea if this is true)

But when i first started playing i just kind of thought about it like this.

On a corner, positive means that the outside wheel (the one with all the weight on it) is turned more in the position you are trying to go.

For me, positive toe in the front makes the car react quicker, turn better, and everything. I ONLY get negative effects from using negative front toe. Thats just me though. And none of my equally as fast wheel buddies use the toe i use (they have tried it, also trying to achieve a 6:27) i think it just helps for controllers.

Mmmm, interesting find on that front positive toe ( wheel pointed inward ) instead using negative toe ( wheel pointed outward ). From my experience, having front positive toe gives greater stability by sacrificing steering response and less direct turn in. A negative front toe will make the car more responsive but less stable in maintaining racing lines. But those little thing can be fixed by other settings like spring, damper and ARB. I am curious about how you feel with FF and negative toe, would you mind to try my tune here :

What is the limit hp for 280 class - 280hp or 300hp ?? I am putting place holder here for my Top Fuel EK Civic Type R :embarrassed: A detuned version of 390ps Top Fuel Civic from the late 90's.

TOP FUEL CIVIC ZERO 1000 (EK9) 300HP Touge Version

Premium Civic Type R EK '97 bought from NCD - stock wheels, body paint : Frosty


Specs :
300HP/8700rpm - 208ftlb/6200rpm - current with 100 miles on the odo, if over after breaking in - power limit to 300 :)

Weight : 972kg

Parts installed

weight reduction stage 1
window weight reduction
carbon Hood

engine tuning stage 3
racing air filter
clutch : twin plate
flywheel semi racing
sports intake manifold
racing air filter
catalytic converter: sports
titanium racing exhaust
mid rpm range turbo kit
5 speed close ratio transmission

full custom suspension
ride height : -20 -20
Spring Rate :15.5 8.9
Extension : 6 7
Compress : 7 8
Anti roll bar : 3 5
Camber : 4.5 2.0
Toe : -0.50 -1.00


Initial : 18
Acceleration : 9
Braking : 9

BB 10/9 or your own BB - no ABS when tuning.


Tuned with 1.07 GT5, please test it online, see if it's drivable ...:embarrassed:
More to come ... :D

I am interested to hear you opinion about the handling - the car has big camber and massive negative toe front and rear for maximum turn in and steering response. And you can see from the 1st picture, front negative toe and camber gives the car bigger steering angle ( I think )

The car managed 1:15.xxx at Eiger Norwand Short, rolling start, offline with Sports Hard tire and no ABS. Feel free to try it, as it's tuned for Eiger.

@ridox, When i first saw you saying it was better, i looked into it. But i only use the face buttons for the E-brake, Come to think of it my whole driving style involves little taps on the e brake to shift weight forward for corners.. But anyway i use R2 and L2 and the right stick as a slap shifter.

I also mapped the R2 and L2 for brake and gas as a secondary input - for that extra precision, I also often use E-brake for better turn in or killing understeer on late braking or corner exit - Tsuchiya style :lol:

Those who said that going over 50% input, modulating any higher or between 50 to 100 percent is difficult on pad, not entirely true, watching my videos should show that. It takes a lot of practice and muscle memory to get used to, oh and the type of the pad also helps with the feel, DS2 in this case which I am accustomed to since years ago.
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I religiously only drive rear wheel drive cars but when i get a chance, I will try it out.
Ok so I gave it a few goes and managed a 6'36.6 with the M3 CSL at 550pp, standing start, online race with no draft.

Now it was a half decent lap but say with more hours and practice I could run a low 6'3x. Highly doubt I can run a 6'2x. Now you are claiming as a "casual play now and again gamer" that you ran a 6'27? Based on my testing that time would put you amongst the very top drivers in the game. So either you are making things up or you are extremely fast.

Oh just so you understand what makes me so "educated" Here you can see Mr Holland, only 3 seconds faster. I can also link online racing results proving I have driven with some of the best drivers around. Now don't mis-read this as me claiming I'm superfast, what it give me however is a great sense of "whats possible".

If your time proves to be true with those stipulations then my hat goes off to you sir.

For what its worth I agree with Arora, you simply found a few youtube vids and made up a time.
Don't worry Dion, Saturday will come soon enough :lol:

Maybe we will be blessed with a decent version of a pinkthefloyd style vid :dopey:
Ok so I gave it a few goes and managed a 6'36.6 with the M3 CSL at 550pp, standing start, online race with no draft.

Now it was a half decent lap but say with more hours and practice I could run a low 6'3x. Highly doubt I can run a 6'2x. Now you are claiming as a "casual play now and again gamer" that you ran a 6'27? Based on my testing that time would put you amongst the very top drivers in the game. So either you are making things up or you are extremely fast.

Oh just so you understand what makes me so "educated" Here you can see Mr Holland, only 3 seconds faster. I can also link online racing results proving I have driven with some of the best drivers around. Now don't mis-read this as me claiming I'm superfast, what it give me however is a great sense of "whats possible".

If your time proves to be true with those stipulations then my hat goes off to you sir.

For what its worth I agree with Arora, you simply found a few youtube vids and made up a time.

Hey man, its ok that you agree with him, No one ever believes 6:2x's are possible, until they see it in their own lounge to ensure the rooms settings are correct. And thanks for the compliments, As soon as i can i will post up a video. Join some of the British rooms also if you have time, A LOT of them run CSL's full time. They all run low 6:30's, 1 of them has pulled off a 6:28 i think. His name is xPrinceRajax or something. I can check further when i get a chance to check the PS3. And even though you think i'm full of crap, thanks for at least having a level head and not being a child. Appreciate it.
I'm expecting to see something like this, so here is hoping you not only get a vid up, but more important upload the replay file so we can see what is what.

EDIT-I was just playing into your childrens game.

please grow up a little

I'm going to send my actual reply in a PM, you can do the same. Please stop cluttering this thread with your garbage.
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I know i know, you can't handle reading anything more then 2 sentences
Yup, very hard to read all your dribble, I admit that.

Your delusion of grandeur is quite amusing. What is it exactly you think your bringing to the table here? Your not fast, your not very intelligent. You troll video game forums for hours on end posting a bunch of nonsense for what reason? What exactly do you gain from this right now? And what do you expect to gain when i upload the video? Your making a fool of yourself, your still cluttering this thread with crap, and quite frankly you have got to be the most annoying person on these forums. I don't know how you haven't been banned yet. Someone makes a claim on a video game forum, not being able to prove it until a later date, and you constantly nag and nag and nag... For what reason man? Whats your motive? I feel i am forced to hit the nifty little report button as i feel there is no stopping your delusional retardation. Your just annoying man.
No delusions here, you however are not amusing, in fact you are a black eye on the gt community. Simply bringing to the table that people should not be cought up and feel intimidated by a lying hack. I'm probably faster then you are but that is not the point, I am slow sure. Not intelligent? ok, I'm a moron also :D It's not nonsense and there is a reason, the in the knows are tired of people like you, the noobs don't know any better so I'm here to warn. You are the crap clutter tbh. I'm only annoying to you because you are full of it and don't like being called out. I might get banned yet, don't worry so much about that. Report away my friend, you are the one making a fool of yourself.
I hope that stuff made sense as I was simply replying to each part and not trying to make an eloquent paragraph.

Also, how old are you. This might give me some insight in the way your acting, and whatever nonsense babble you come up with after the video is posted. I stated long ago what i needed to say, people are waiting until Saturday. Why are you still causing problems? Your the worst kind of person this forum can have. You literally have nothing wroth while to say whatsoever. Anyone who wasted the time to read through all of your mindless babble will agree.
Full grown adult. Your video I doubt we will see, and if we do there will be some element of deceit I bet. I'm the worst kind of person only to you. I have plenty of worth while things to say, wheel is faster then pad in gt5, I covered all that earlier.

Really man, go back and read this thread.. Realize how stupid you are being.. Even if i was full of B.S, you still argue like someone that barely passed 8th grade. Do it for yourself man. Are you like this in real life? Or is this you making up for something. The thread started to get normal, and you just keep popping in with your stupid crap. Relax, go out and meet some women, do some recreational drugs or something.
I'm not being stupid, boring perhaps but not stupid. Funny, yes I am college educated, yes I have women, more then I know what to do with tbh. I'll leave the drugs to you as you seem to already be on some

Just relax and let the thread go on without your garbage. I'm not the only one that doesn't want to see it, I am sure.
I'm relaxed, the thread will go on with or without me, no doubt but, you are the one filling it with garbage. I'm sure plenty do not want to see me say these things, unfortunately I only do it because you persist with whatever...

EDIT: Everything he said, I just quoted.
You forgot this part. If your going to quote me, quote all of it...

(quotething)And think about this dude.. I plan on using this account to enter series and so on and so forth for a long time. Why the hell would i make this crap up, AND THEN keep the lie going for so long if i wanted to Keep using this account. Why would anyone do that? (quotething)

Please man grow up a bit, you have no idea if i am lying or not, you have no proof or evidence saying that i am. Why are you so hell bent on this argument, that you know nothing about... This is way beyond you man, I understand you think it impossible to achieve such things, but there are alot out there who can, Your just not on the same level but hey thats cool. Your not providing anyone with any type of positive service, As far as i'm concerned you are a noob, to the game and debates. Why can't you wait until saturday? Why do you clutter threads with your uninformed opinion? Why the hell do you even care? Just back off man. Let other people enjoy this forum. Your absolutely insane... I am entirely done replying to you. You are just an idiot, and its impossible to reason with people like you. If you think you can be somewhat of an adult, try and let this go until saturday ok?

**** man go online, Spend some time Looking for a 550 room full of fast guys.
You will see that most of the online community can run way below 6:36's You have no idea man, Your not in the know about anything. Your ranting, and that is all you are doing.

Don't even reply, just go online and check for yourself. TONS of guys on this forum race 550pp exclusively. They know whats real and whats not. Low, and i mean low 6:30's is actually really common online. Why don't you educate yourself a bit sir.
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I just gave it a go... 45.1 but I crashed entering the first long straight. I ran the laps again and had a 4 second faster time going down the final straight but crashed in the last turn under braking, couldn't get a good lap after that. If I fixed my mid section I could do a 39 tops flat. I can normally get within 12 seconds of the aliens of the ring so I could see this time happening. Man, I need to get more laps in at the ring, I'm slow again :lol:
Anyone running 27 is not a "casual" gamer at all. Why don't you try time trials? If that laps real you will have a great shot at a top time. I really can't wait to see this video.
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I don't do time trials because i don't have much time to play, The only reason i am fast at the ring is because its mainly the only track i drive, with a small selection of cars. And i only really enjoy racing other people online. I hate time trialing by myself.

I didn't do bad in the only time trial i ever tried (one ridox put me up to) It was the 550pp italian one (the one the gallardo was #1 in). I hated the tires being used, so i didn't spend more then 30 minutes on it but i managed to get within 2 seconds i think? of the fastest time. I was 113th the last time i checked it, probably well out of the top 150 now, I don't know haven't checked it since i ran the time. But anyway i don't have time to learn all the tracks and cars and tires. I'm not an alien capable of running super fast time no matter what the car and track combo. I'm just really, really good at Nurb. Those guys have a skill i am not sure i could master.
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Whilst I was practicing for Gamestas' series a few months ago , I noticed no difference whatsoever in terms of Wheel to Pad differences in terms of tyre wear .

Everything was very consistent apart from being able to deliver faster times on the wheel . Do we have a definitive answer for the OP's request yet ?

And wow , epic debate ...

// Grabs popcorn //

If your fast at the ring , you will be almost certainly fast on every other track. I'm so utterly hopeless on it and I'm always in awe of people who can master it so well.

With regards to wheels , I am trying to find a reliable place that reviews them so I can upgrade from my really low end Thrustmaster to a nice big force feedback setup. Is it a case that the G37 and Thrustmaster T500-RS are really the only viable options for a PS3/GT5 and PC wheel?
Lol this is way past epic man. Yes the OP's answer is way back before all of arora's ranting. Page 3 i think?

Anyway i just checked the TT, i was bumped to #310 (i take back my previous statement thats horrible) and i was 3 seconds behind. I had no patience for that stuff. Super boring for me.


I'm so accustomed to 1 track. I don't even know when to brake, or which way the blind corners are going to turn without looking at the mini map (i stare at it so it causes missed apex's and such).. I race some friends on the nurb, and they switch it up every once in awhile and laugh at me on other tracks. Its bad lol.
Sounds to me like intelligence isn't one of your strong suits, nor are manners.
Oh the irony.


Do you realize how debating works? You can't just make claims that you can't back up. That's not how things work, and especially not how courts work. No one is saying that your claims are lies, but you've not nothing to back them up, so until then, no one will believe you. Simple.
Oh the irony.


Do you realize how debating works? You can't just make claims that you can't back up. That's not how things work, and especially not how courts work. No one is saying that your claims are lies, but you've not nothing to back them up, so until then, no one will believe you. Simple.

You are indeed right, very ironic.

Thanks for not informing me on anything.

Maybe read the thread pal, I understand that i have no proof until a specified date (how often can someone not access a PS3 for a few days.. Often i think) that is very close, and that people don't believe me, thats fine. In the end it will get proven, so try and come up with something a little smarter in the mean time eh? Don't follow the other guys path, and ruin any type of realistic conversation going on. Sorry to be harsh (i really am but jesus people), read the thread, sure you will understand. Maybe.
Lol this is way past epic man. Yes the OP's answer is way back before all of arora's ranting. Page 3 i think?

Anyway i just checked the TT, i was bumped to #310 (i take back my previous statement thats horrible) and i was 3 seconds behind. I had no patience for that stuff. Super boring for me.


I'm so accustomed to 1 track. I don't even know when to brake, or which way the blind corners are going to turn without looking at the mini map (i stare at it so it causes missed apex's and such).. I race some friends on the nurb, and they switch it up every once in awhile and laugh at me on other tracks. Its bad lol.

I see . I watched a bit of this vid -->

And noticed the only driver to experience the understeer really badly was the guy using FRONT [ Racing Medium ] REAR [ Racing Soft ] .... And , erm , he was wondering why his tyres were burning out perhaps ?? :dunce:

It's the old noob adage that they think '' Oh noes !! My front wheel tyres keep burning out !!! How im'ma gonna fix it ?? 💡 Racing mediums son !!! ''


Funny to see there were still drivers that did this on GT5 !

Yes folks . Nothing to do with a bad front end setup at all there !!
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I see . I watched a bit of this vid -->

And noticed the only driver to experience the understeer really badly was the guy using FRONT [ Racing Medium ] REAR [ Racing Soft ] .... And , erm , he was wondering why his tyres were burning out perhaps ?? :dunce:

It's the old noob adage that they think '' Oh noes !! My front wheel tyres keep burning out !!! How im'ma gonna fix it ?? 💡 Racing mediums son !!! ''


Funny to see there were still drivers that did this on GT5 !

Yes folks . Nothing to do with a bad front end setup at all there !!

We all came to the conclusion that he was overturning the wheel, he hasn't logged on since the end of that debate, i don't blame him. Read on.
We all came to the conclusion that he was overturning the wheel, he hasn't logged on since the end of that debate, i don't blame him. Read on.

Indeed , I saw .

I believe there's also a highlight show coming up that will feature some silky smooth Nurburgring laps ??

I love Nurburgring , that is however for a different thread 👍

So what happens now ? OP is answered // Check //

Claims have been made but not proven // Insert Check //

New thread for the remaining topic in hand gents ??

Just an idea 💡
You are indeed right, very ironic.

Thanks for not informing me on anything.

Maybe read the thread pal, I understand that i have no proof until a specified date (how often can someone not access a PS3 for a few days.. Often i think) that is very close, and that people don't believe me, thats fine. In the end it will get proven, so try and come up with something a little smarter in the mean time eh? Don't follow the other guys path, and ruin any type of realistic conversation going on. Sorry to be harsh (i really am but jesus people), read the thread, sure you will understand. Maybe.
I find it interesting how defensive you act when presented with such a trivial matter. Honestly, what are you trying to achieve with you throwing out insults everywhere? Certainly won't make you get to your PS3 any faster.
I find it interesting how defensive you act when presented with such a trivial matter. Honestly, what are you trying to achieve with you throwing out insults everywhere? Certainly won't make you get to your PS3 any faster.

Dude you said nothing informative at all, everything you said has been stated already, Like i said, I'm sorry for being a little harsh but read the thread man. I think you might understand why i am fed up with comments like yours.

It comes down to this.

We had a debate about something else, someone highlighted ONE OF MY sentences, and stated it was a challenge. I gave the dude the times to beat (was i suppose to not answer him?) I will prove it when i can. But i can't at the moment. Until then (i stated when) every comment like you made, and the loads of garbage the other guy said is just a waste.. Its really not that hard to grasp what i said, again, and again and again...

I'm not insulting everyone.

I don't mean to attack YOU personally, i am just fed up with stupid comments. I apologize man, mucho love. I didn't even entirely write this just for you, nor the one you already quoted.

Just get in a damn car and try to beat the time until saturday jesus lol....

@TJC we have a 1 on 1 coming up, I'm down to a 6:15 with the specs we agreed on, any insight on your lap time so i can gauge how this will go? :)
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It comes down to this.

We had a debate about something else, someone highlighted ONE OF MY sentences, and stated it was a challenge. I gave the dude the times to beat (was i suppose to not answer him?) I will prove it when i can. But i can't at the moment. Until then (i stated when) every comment like you made, and the loads of garbage the other guy said is just a waste.. Its really not that hard to grasp what i said, again, and again.
In fairness, that one sentence did sound very provoking.
I don't mean to attack YOU personally, i am just fed up with stupid comments. I apologize man, mucho love.
No offense taken.
In fairness, that one sentence did sound very provoking.

No offense taken.

haha your right (i knew that writing it) but it doesn't warrant all of the crap that came from it ya know. I can understand its validity being questioned, i even hoped for it. But all of that was just uncalled for. I can't imagine what he's going to say when i post the video, probably say i was cheating or something.

Thanks for putting up with my wound up bad attitude on the subject (i'm trying to real it in) sorry again.
@TJC we have a 1 on 1 coming up, I'm down to a 6:15 with the specs we agreed on, any insight on your lap time so i can gauge how this will go? :)

No idea , not been near GT5 for a while . I'll set a time during the week at some point though . My week is usually 8-5 pm at work , with an 80 mile drive each day , then spend my weekends at the girls house usually , getting back on Sunday evening ... so I just get on when I can right now .

EDIT - Double checked my old thread and the fastest guy there ran an 8.12 quali lap ( Non-Turbo'd ) ...

6.15 sec ? GT500 @ 502 Bhp / Race Mediums and a turbo or 2 ??

This should be interesting :lol: 👍

Disregard - We raced Nurb 24 !! I am :dunce: :lol:
No idea , not been near GT5 for a while . I'll set a time during the week at some point though . My week is usually 8-5 pm at work , with an 80 mile drive each day , then spend my weekends at the girls house usually , getting back on Sunday evening ... so I just get on when I can right now .

EDIT - Double checked my old thread and the fastest guy there ran an 8.12 quali lap ( Non-Turbo'd ) ...

6.15 sec ? GT500 @ 502 Bhp / Race Mediums and a turbo or 2 ??

This should be interesting :lol: 👍

Disregard - We raced Nurb 24 !! I am :dunce: :lol:

I was reading that like OH NO NOT AGAIN lol... We can do 24h if you like, I enjoy both. I won't even bother posting my times there, as i never save any of those replays.
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