- 87,835
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
smoovejasI believe that abortion in this situation is knowing before having sex that you can delete your mistake. Adults who decide to do this have no respect for life in general.
I don't think ANYONE has sex with the thought "If I get pregnant, I can have an abortion." foremost in their head.
Abortion is part of a panoply of safety nets for sex. We have prophylaxis (contraception) in the form of barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, "femidom") and chemical methods (The Pill and spermicides), which can be used in conjunction with one another. Then we have the IUD and Morning After Pill which can be used not to avoid fertilisation but to prevent implantation. Last and most desperate - and remember that... Most desperate - is abortion, surgical intervention to avoid a serious medical condition.
People who go for an abortion always go as a last resort. If someone wants to enjoy frankly the best experience a human can have (hey, it's always good for me) and engages in multiple prophylatic methods to avoid the potential consequences then fair play to them. If the prophylaxis doesn't work then they are entitled to whatever method they choose to avoid inflicting the world upon a child they have no desire to have.
People who jump out of planes know that it might kill them. Nevertheless, they do it anyway because they enjoy it. They have a parachute (which, coincidentally, the femidom resembles quite closely) to avoid the potential consequences but occasionally this fails. Their last and most desperate resource to avoid the potential consequences is their reserve 'chute - without it they'll meet thier consequences head on (literally).
Skydiving = Having sex - Participation by choice in an activity with potentially fatal consequences.
Parachute = Contraception - External device to avoid the potentially fatal consequences.
Reserve = Abortion - Last ditch method to avoid potentially fatal consequences.