- 1,382
- New Jersey
Wake up on the 23rd at approx. 2pm
Get lunch
Go to my 4:30pm class
Get out of class at 545
Drive to the bank and withdraw 65 dollars
Go to my local gamestop and pay off the balance on my pre-order
Depending on the line if there is one I will wait or go get dinner and come back and get on line
Wait till 12 impatiently
Receive gt5
Play all night
Pack up ps3 and drive home for thanksgiving break
Hook up ps3 at home and continue...
Get lunch
Go to my 4:30pm class
Get out of class at 545
Drive to the bank and withdraw 65 dollars
Go to my local gamestop and pay off the balance on my pre-order
Depending on the line if there is one I will wait or go get dinner and come back and get on line
Wait till 12 impatiently
Receive gt5
Play all night
Pack up ps3 and drive home for thanksgiving break
Hook up ps3 at home and continue...