us of a is on 37th place on WHO report on health care [24th on infant death, 31st on life expectancy]. costa rica takes better care of its citizens.
as mentioned before, you just got out of treating black people as lesser beings. took a long time for a civilised nation. and kkk?
freedom? of what? im glad not to be american 'cos you could sue me for saying what i think, right?
not to forget that you slaughtered the real american people.
Kinda like slavery - not a great moment for US. But keep in mind that the natives were stealing from and killing our people as well. Not exactly the greatest moment for them either.
that usa actually used WMD.
Saved lives on both sides.
that usa made it through ww2 unscratched,
Perl Harbor, D-day (lives)
Bollocks. Healthcare IS life or death. Its a fundamental building block of a civilised society.
Sure, a country's health care technology is a measure of how civilized it is - but that doesn't mean that if a country steals from some to give health care away it is civilized.
Stealing money from some to provide healthcare to those who have not worked for it is theft, immoral, and uncivilized.
He talked about low payed jobs... come on, don't pretend that you didn't get that...
Corporations are not allowed to steal from others in the US. People who work jobs in the US do so voluntarily in a free exchange of services for an agreed upon price.
Well, of course it is important how much of your money you give away... So it is the same when a person that earns 50000 $ a year donates 5000 $ as well as a person that earns 2000000 $ per year ? Yes, maybe the effect is the same, but we are talking about values here
If you're talking about how much good one person does versus another, the normalization of the donated money by how much one earns is not important. Bill gates has voluntarily contributed more in terms of man hours purchased by his donations and accomplished more charitiable good than mother theresa.
A civilization or civilisation has a variety of meanings related to human society. The term comes from the Latin civis, meaning "citizen" or "townsman."
1. In the technical sense, a civilization is a complex society in which many of the people live in cities and get their food from agriculture, as distinguished from band and tribal societies in which people live in small settlements or nomadic groups and make their subsistence by foraging, hunting, or working small horticultural gardens. When used in this sense, civilization is an exclusive term, applied to some human groups and not others.
2. In a broader sense, civilization often can refer to any distinct society, whether complex and city-dwelling, or simple and tribal. This definition is often perceived as less exclusive and ethnocentric than the first. In this sense civilization is nearly synonymous with culture.
3. Civilization can sometimes refer to human society as a whole, as in "A nuclear war would wipe out Civilization" or "I'm glad to be safely back in Civilization after being lost in the wilderness for 3 weeks." Additionally, it is used in this sense to refer to the potential global civilization.
4. Civilization can also mean the standard of behavior, similar to etiquette. "Civilized" behavior is contrasted with "barbaric" or crude behavior. In this sense, civilization implies sophistication and refinement.
5. Another use of civilization combines the first and fourth meanings of the word, implying that a complex society is naturally superior to less complex societies. This point of view has been used to justify racism and imperialism; powerful societies have often believed it was their right to "civilize," or culturally dominate, weaker ones ("barbarians"). This act of civilizing weaker peoples was sometimes called the "White Man's Burden."
This article will mainly treat civilizations in the first, narrow, sense. See culture, society, etiquette, and ethnocentrism and for topics related to the broader senses of the term. See also Problems with the term.
So where is the tax definition you always speak about ?
Number 4.
ledhedFrom the definition you show , it seems that you are either civilized or you are not. More or most civilized is a stupid concept and is subjective by the criteria you posted.
Max_DCDifficult subject here I think... because judging over politics ( inner and outer affairs), history, etc and then drawing a line is a bit ... well.. you know I just think that there are too many aspects....
ZAGGINwhich is the most civilised nation on earth? i believe a nation can be deemed civilised by its actions, how it treats others, how it treats its own citizens (ie sick, poor, disabled), its view of the world (foreign policy, foreign aid etc), how others nations view that nation, and by its history.
so come on, stand up for your nation and state its good points (as well as its bad points). no matter how big or small your country may be, let us know your views about the place where you live, and give opinions about what you think about other countries.
That's your opinion, not an American opinion. Many Americans would also disagree with you here.
Looking at the previous remark it shows me that you're contradicting yourself. You say the taxes are theft, yet theft is illegal in the USA. Taxes are legal. What is stealing?
Expenditure on development funds should be seen as an amount per capita, you can't compare nominal amounts. Of course the nominal amount of the USA is higher, simply because you guys have more people generating income.
Not enough, many black people still experience racism in their daily lives in the USA, which still can be traced back to slavery and the hanging of blacks by the KKK. Especially in rural areas people still wish that slavery would still exist.
danoffSure, a country's health care technology is a measure of how civilized it is - but that doesn't mean that if a country steals from some to give health care away it is civilized.
Stealing money from some to provide healthcare to those who have not worked for it is theft, immoral, and uncivilized.
Corporations are not allowed to steal from others in the US. People who work jobs in the US do so voluntarily in a free exchange of services for an agreed upon price.
If you're talking about how much good one person does versus another, the normalization of the donated money by how much one earns is not important. Bill gates has voluntarily contributed more in terms of man hours purchased by his donations and accomplished more charitiable good than mother theresa.
Number 4.
danoffThey are immoral.
danoffEverything is legal for the government - that doesn't mean it isn't theft. Corporations do not get to define what they are allowed to do within the law, so they are not allowed to steal the belongings of others and call it legal or moral.
danoffOur ability to have more income allows us to do more good in the world through charity. That's to our credit.
So letting someone get really sick and die just because they can't afford healthcare is civilised (or them fearing going to hospital because they're too scared of the charges, even though they desperately need surgery...)? Remember kids also get born with many and various serious health problems, with no chance to 'work' for their right to get decent healthcare. They cannot choose their parents, or how much $$ they have.Sure, a country's health care technology is a measure of how civilized it is - but that doesn't mean that if a country steals from some to give health care away it is civilized.
Stealing money from some to provide healthcare to those who have not worked for it is theft, immoral, and uncivilized.
James2097So letting someone get really sick and die just because they can't afford healthcare is civilised (or them fearing going to hospital because they're too scared of the charges, even though they desperately need surgery...)? Remember kids also get born with many and various serious health problems, with no chance to 'work' for their right to get decent healthcare. They cannot choose their parents, or how much $$ they have.
Healthcare should not be treated like any other commodity, it is a matter of life and death. In a fair, RICH and civilised society, it SHOULD be a right. America's health system is recognised worldwide for being incredibly screwed and prohibitive to many very needy people. If you don't agree, you can't see beyond your own situation. You're wrong here buddy.
I'm talking about people that REALLY need medical attention here, idiot, not damn liposuction etc. Again, healthcare should not be a commodity, to be bought and sold. Its price should not be set by the free market like everything else in American society. As hard as it is for Americans to be generous for the common good (uber capitalists) and HELP your fellow citizens, decent healthcare should be a RIGHT. You are the richest country on the planet. People that are BORN needing open heart surgery (like me in Australia - I was fine, and didn't have to pay later...Australian Medicare is a FANTASTIC system, no one whinges about tax going to public hospitals - we actually think its GOOD...) should be able to have the needed surgery and not pay a cent. Think of it as an investment in their future, as well as the moral decency to SAVE THEIR LIFE. Capitalism doesn't fit as the perfect solution to EVERY DAMN aspect of life...
Australia (and many other countries) are about a million times further up the road of working out issues like this in a fair way (my mates studying med just LAUGH at your system). You guys need to be a bit more compassionate (ie civil). It won't hurt anywhere near as much as you think. 👍
danoffSure, a country's health care technology is a measure of how civilized it is - but that doesn't mean that if a country steals from some to give health care away it is civilized.
Stealing money from some to provide healthcare to those who have not worked for it is theft, immoral, and uncivilized.
In North America, Canada rates as the country with the fairest mechanism for health system finance ranked at 17-19, while the United States is at 54-55.
which means that they spend a lot, but dont really know how to do it. which may make them feel robed, and wish that all those poor sick people die before reaching hospital.
Let's just say it for a peace of mind. There is no way Americans would believe otherwise with the national pride they have, or nationalism really. [After all, so much effort was and is being put into brainwashing them to believe it]
Health service funded by taxes is stealing?!?
Horrible Indians deserved the carnage.
Waging wars across the globe is bad? How come?!? Wouldn't you like your country to become one of the united states? It is great, believe me.
So letting someone get really sick and die just because they can't afford healthcare is civilised
They cannot choose their parents, or how much $$ they have.
Healthcare should not be treated like any other commodity, it is a matter of life and death.
I'm talking about people that REALLY need medical attention here, idiot, not damn liposuction etc.
Think of it as an investment in their future, as well as the moral decency to SAVE THEIR LIFE.
Capitalism doesn't fit as the perfect solution to EVERY DAMN aspect of life...
You guys need to be a bit more compassionate (ie civil).
health care is socialism?!
Because they disagree with you?
Keeping people poor and low-educated to keep them willing to work for low wages is theft to me, stealing their opportunity to make it in life.
So you're saying that the USA is the most civilized nation now when looking at the donated charity funds. With your definition the northern American continent would be extremely uncivilized if the USA would have been split up by more national borders.
DanoffThat's funny. No obviously 5 year olds do not need to earn their education. Their parents have an obligation to earn their education. But not in America. Here in America one of the things we do in an uncivilized way is steal money from others to support our childrens' education.
(about the same about healthcare, as discussed a gazillion times)
DemonSeedyes ok. it was a 'joke' proposition, hence the smilie
danoffyour crazy ideas
vladimiri actually like america and (most) american people.
and a good friend is the one who tells you the truth not someone who follows you into everything...
a6m5Boy, looks like a lot of America hatin' went on here this morning!I just want to say, no Americans I know thinks like danoff and Viper Zero. Before you guys start hating USA(maybe it's too late), please know that while U.S. has too many baggage to be named "The Most Civilised
Nation On Earth", They are not this evil nation you guys made it out to be. Maybe there was too much arrogance and egging on that came from the U.S. side in this thread.
That's OK. Actually, I'm an Japanese living in Oregon.smellysocks12I forgot that you were the first American here with sense in his mind. Sorry!
a6m5That's OK. Actually, I'm an Japanese living in Oregon.No matter what my passport says, Everybody I know, Japanese or American, they all tell I'm an American. I've lived in Oregon, USA for over 18 years now.
Also, as I've said earlier, Americans in general thinks very different than the Americans in this thread.
You've spent enough time in the "Opinions" forum, you do realize you'll be waiting for a while.smellysocks12Ah, in that case I'm still waiting for the first American to make sense.![]()