On one hand the system makes them pay a lot of taxes, but because of this same system they have the money to be able pay taxes to begin with.
spite of that system they have the money to be ablet o pay taxes to begin with. And you're... ehem
if you pay taxes in percent, how can that be unfair?
Because the percentage is higher for some people than others - easy.
Exactly, and who says a premiership footballer works harder than ONE full time nurse? Right now an average professional soccer player already earns more than a nurse. Have you ever been in a hospital or elderly home? Those people work their asses off doing dirty work while those soccer players earn 10 times as much or more, even with the 40% taxes on top of their income.
Soccer players earn 10 or 100 times more.... think about that. They
earn it. They worked for it and made it. You may think a nurse works harder, but that doesn't mean he or she
earns as much money. Nurses get what they
earn unless they're funded by the government.
I can spend all day digging a ditch and filling it back in and have done some very hard manual labor - but that doesn't mean I
earned any money. But manual labor is some of the easiest work on the planet. It's much more difficult and much more productive to work with your brain than with your muscles. Still football players work with their muscles and their brains and bring entertainment to millions. That earns a ton more money than a nurse who changes a bedpan for one sick dude.
You can move to a country where you don't have to pay taxes if you don't like to pay them.
That's an interesting argument. You're saying that its moral because they stayed in the country - so they're voluntarily paying taxes. Let's say that you passed a law that said all blonde people would be executed and gave them 5 weeks to get out of town. Perhaps some people stayed behind and you executed them. Does it make it any more moral to kill them because they chose to stay in their homeland?
You do make more money when your wages are higher, it's not like they cut you wages at a certain point and take everything, just a higher percentage.
That's right, the government takes more money. And that's fair and just because?
Calling the wealthy rich an oppressed minorty is the most retarded idea anyone ever mentioned to me. Oh my god, they feel so oppressed sitting on their yacht 150 foot long yacht thinking about what ferrari to buy next while playing with their pink chihuahua. I almost feel sorry for them
Doesn't mean that its is fair or just to steal their money. If you are starving and a rich person has bread, that doesn't give you a right to the bread just because he's rich. Your need does not give you rights.
or murdering them... murder is a far greater crime than theft (in the us as well as anywhere else). no nation can be called civilised if it still uses babaric means to kill its citizens.
Capital punishment is just.
When a person violates someone else's rights they forefit their own rights within society. When you kill someone, take their entire existance from them... and do it several times or in ways that show complete lack of regard for human existance - you have no right to your own existance.
It is a fair, just, moral punishment and does not make a country uncivilized.
but weren't many men who were sent to Vietnam drafted? I think they did, why else would BILL CLINTON AND GEORGE BUSH RUN TO CANADA???
Only half right. George stayed put.
I'm not religious myself, but being so selfish (thinking social responsibility is stealing...) is actually against the bible ("..help you fellow man.." etc... Christianity is big on generosity..), a huge contradiction amonst the ideaology of many hard right-wing republicans.
I'm not religious and I'm not a republican. Taking money from one person because you think it should be given to someone else (or yourself) is theft. There is no way around it. Nobody has responded to this fundamental question.
How is it moral for the government to take more money from some citizens than others?