famine, your want to be careful what you say, i dont take kindly to insults. im no more a scrounger than you are. like you i have had to rely on handouts from the government.
When I did my first degree it was entirely paid for by "the Government"
I was unemployed for a while.
your happy to attack people who claim benefits, but will gladly also claim those same benefits when you need to, that stinks of double standards. apart from destroying your own argument, you've proved yourself to be hypocrite.
heres the definition in case you need further clarification:
'hypocrite - n : a person who professes beliefs and
opinions that he does not hold'
ok, then if it is nonsense, why is the national average wage so high? by its own definition 'average' answers the question itself.
take 10 people all working and earning money. 9 of them earn £10,000 each and one of them earns £100,000. now work out the average of what those 10 people earn and you get £19,000.
according to that calculation each one of them earns £19,000. 9 people in that group of ten will complain that they earn nowhere near the average, whilst one knows he earns 5 times that.
like i said the reason the national average wage is so high, is because there are so many people earning top wages. if ive missunderstood what average means, please feel free to correct me.
when i worked full time i was paying nearly £120 a week in tax, national insurance, and council tax (as well as other associated taxes) - almost a third of my wages was taken off me by the government, and whilst i grumbled, i knew that if ever i needed help, it would be there. its all swings and roundabouts mate. sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind. thats life in the uk, if you dont like it move to monaco with the rest of the tax exiles.
That family? Remember? £36,000 in benefits and a free place to live, which amounts to £300 a week per kid. All handed out from "the Government".
could you explain the math behind this statement. where do you get the figure of £300 a week per kid? for that family, it probably does work out to £300, but to use that as an example (a poor example at best), and apply it to every situation makes no sense. £300 per child is not the norm and you know it. if i receive £300 a week for my daughter, why do i bother to go out and work? infact, i receive less than a third of that.
if you need clarification of how much i receive from the government, pm me. i am more than willing to prove to you that i do not recieve anywhere near the £300 that you seem happy to quote.
Calculate it. Don't forget to add your local Council Tax and National Insurance contributions. You'd be astonished.
to do this calculation, i would need to know how much you earn. how much, (given that you have TWO degrees) do you earn?
When I did my first degree it was entirely paid for by "the Government" (with my living costs paid for by student loans). My second degree had no living costs as I lived at home with one of my parents, while the tuition fees were
funded by the death of the other one. I'm SO grateful of THAT opportunity.
like i said you've had a privilaged life thus far. i grew up in care. i never had parents like yours, that had the forethought to provide for my future. i WISH i had had the opportunity you seem to think was so worthless.
Don't predict the future based on what politicians say.
old people are living longer in the uk now than when state pensions were first introduced. back then, the government expected the average pensioner to live no more than 10 years. nowadays, pensioners can live well in excess of 20 years past retirement age. its easy to see the problem. as our population gets older, the burden on the state will get greater. eventually the state will not be able to support the ever increasing number of pensioners. why do you think that there is a government
drive aimed at getting everyone to take out some form of private pension?
Just a reminder - is this the same Government that, in its first election manifesto pledged to do 5 things and managed not a single one of them? And the same one that gave the excuse that "it was a 5 year plan and we only had four in
office", despite the fact THEY called the next election and have had another 4 full years (and one election) since then?
and your point is? (see the statement below)
Don't predict the future based on what politicians say.
famine, your rambling. thats the second time you've destroyed your own argument.
Besides, what incentive do I have to earn more? I can manage my money (which makes me the Devil) and exist happily. If I earned more then there'd be Ninja Death Squads, led by people like you, banging on my door to steal more of my money each month.
famine, you want to stop handing out insults. why do you think that you are better than me? because you have TWO degrees? you dont know what your talking about when it comes to benefits and how much people actually receive. if unemployment benefit is so generous (as your posts suggest), then why did you bother to get a job at all?
i used to respect and value your opinion, but you've proven yourself to be selfish, disrespectful, and ill-informed. just because you have TWO degrees, doesnt make you better than anyone else. you might be able to woo people here with your vast knowledge of all things trivial, but when it comes to the real world, your living in laa-laa land.