Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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As a non-American, here is my take on the candidates and who I would like to see as president.

For Bush, the largest problem, is that there has been so much exposure during his term as president that there would appear on the face of it, to be overwhelming evidence of his capacity to apply the figurative sledgehammer to a thumbtack. Under his presidency, the dollar has weakened against all major currencies (and some not so major), the US economy has slowed down compared to under Clinton's administration and the oil price has doubled. Whether these occurances are due to external factors put into play by global economics, or by his influence could be debated. If I remember correctly from university days, a weakened trade deficit and budget deficit (both of which the US is experiencing) will lead to a weakened currency. A weakened currency in a large export nation is undesireable, hence interest rates have increased. This has cooled down economic growth and the stock markets havent experienced their meteoric rise of the previous 6 - 8 years prior to his election.

How does this impact me? The largest factor for me, are the economic implications of the election. Previously my local markets took their lead from the US markets exclusively. In the last 3 years or so, they have moved away from taking the lead from the US and risen on dependancies from local factors, currency related factors and partionally due to the effects of international markets. Thus, should the democrats win, and presumable concentrate more on the economy as per Clinton, the expected rise over the 4 year term, of the markets would positively affect my investments. Alternately, the dollar may regain some of its strength, placing local petrol prices under pressure and thus local inflation. This begs the question, what of the oil price? It is impossible to guess its direction, so assuming an unchanged oil price, a stronger dollar will mean higher petrol prices, and eventually higher inflation.

Thus: Bad. Bush's ill worked economic policies, whether by intent or circumstance, have made my economic life easier via a weaker dollar and less dependency on the Dow Jones etc..

Another question. How has Bush impacted global safety? He has liberated Afganistan and Iraq from brutal regimes. The result? Liberted populations of those countries. And a heightened presence of decentralised terror organisations. Bin Laden and Al-Zaqawi are on the loose, terror organisation are stunting attempts for peace in Iraq, and soldiers and civilians are being killed daily. Bush was keen to invade, but what now? Withdraw, with the invaded country in economic and infrastructural shambles? That wont win many friends among coalition partners who have stuck steadfastly with Bush's plans. In short, a snapshot of Nov 2000 and a snapshot of now reveals the world is less safe. Whether by circumstance or by design is again, up for debate. Kerry wants to withdraw from Iraq. What does that achieve? Pacified fundamentalists and a poverty stricken populas? Not much to gain in that situation either. But one could argue that the suicide bombing will subside, and kidnappings cease.

As for Kerry, not much is know of him, here (at least). Besides a focus on his wife's business breeding line and his service record in the armed forces, he remains a bit anonymous. Blame lies squarely with the media, but that doesnt resolve the problem.

So, on the face of it, I want Bush to win for economic reasons, and Bush to lose on global stability reasons.
Viper Zero
Kerry has called American troops criminals, it's a proven fact. POWs were tortured for refusing to admit that Kerry was right in calling them war criminals in Vietnam.

Watch Stolen Honor. It is an excellent and truthful documentary.

Truthful as in Fahrenheit 9/11 I'm sure ...
Why bother to even put the independent's, green party, communist party, and other parties on. They just detract votes and nobody votes for communist or anything anyway.

Not trying to sound rude, but you're the kind of person who will keep the presidential elections dominated by the Republicans and Democrats. I've talked to a number of people and friends that feel the same way you do. If everyone I talked to (assuming a large amount of people share these same beliefs) had an open mind and didn't limit their options to the two major parties, and would vote for a third party candidate, there may be a chance that one would be elected.

Right now, I'm thinking I'll be voting for Nader.
Not trying to sound rude, but you're the kind of person who will keep the presidential elections dominated by the Republicans and Democrats. I've talked to a number of people and friends that feel the same way you do. If everyone I talked to (assuming a large amount of people share these same beliefs) had an open mind and didn't limit their options to the two major parties, and would vote for a third party candidate, there may be a chance that one would be elected.

Right now, I'm thinking I'll be voting for Nader.

In a real democracy, if Nader would get 10% of the real votes, he would have 10% of the seats in Congress ... ;)
Viper Zero
You know exactly why the US went into Iraq and it wasn't just because of WMD.
Those WMD were the biggest complot theory I've ever heard of. And untill now not any valid reason remained upright.

I'm a military myself, and do not want to be torn in an adventure like Iraq as member of a "US coalition". An adventure with the military guys risking to loose limbs and lives for the personal benefit of their leaders, and the leaders risking at worst not to be re-elected, and having to retire with their fortune made ...
Badnarik wanted to participate in the debates, but was arrested along with David Cobb for crossing a police barricade in protest.

Oh, and as another tidbit for those who don't think third parties make a difference – In 2000, there were 16,000 votes for the Libertarian Candidate (Harry Browne) in Florida, while Bush won that state over Gore by a mere 500 votes.

Which one is the third party? Green? Libertarian? One of them has to be fourth. Right?
bush lied to you (and to your allies(which is why they did want not support the war)), bush sent you sons and daughters into war, bush did not get osama bin laden (but made him very happy by creating even more terrorists), bush turned a positive household into a negative one, bush cut down your liberty (which you are so proud of) and you still want to elect him a second time? it is unbelievable...
bush lied to you (and to your allies(which is why they did want not support the war)), bush sent you sons and daughters into war, bush did not get osama bin laden (but made him very happy by creating even more terrorists), bush turned a positive household into a negative one, bush cut down your liberty (which you are so proud of) and you still want to elect him a second time? it is unbelievable...

Lied to the allies...which is why they did want not support the war...curious sentence in terms of grammar and truth.

The allies you speak of are Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, South Korea and UK.

You are aware of course that all the countries listed above have increased their troop deployment in Iraq.

South Korea increased to 3000 from 670, the Polish increased to 2500....doesn't sound like a lack of support. Maybe research a little before you post. "Cut down your liberty" I'm sure all the americans here are feeling oppressed ;)

Oh and if you research your keyboard a little as well, you might find that there is actually a shift key. It can be used to make capital letters...amazing :)
But the reason why our Parliament supports our presence in Iraq is not because we are faithful allies, but because we don't want to let down the Iraqi. We have considered leaving until we can return under the flag of the U.N., but the Iraqi beg us to stay. We have 1400 men there.

I'm not aware we increased our deployment, but maybe we have and I missed it. In the meantime, a number of countries (I thought it was 8 but I'm not sure) have left the alliance. That is more significant than the few faithful allies who have increased there troups.

Oh and that Stolen Honor thing, it's on the net and I'm watching it. Can you spell 'S.A.D.'? It's the same story again ... It's not just 'John Kerry' wasn't a hero in the war, but he's a traitor because he went there and didn't think it was a good thing, he didn't keep his eyes closed for the horrors and the reality that the U.S. wasn't a saint rescuing the world.

What makes it even worse, this thing here denies just about everything that was bad about the war. In fact, it's only because of Kerry that this war didn't end in a glorious victory, 'the only war the U.S. ever lost!' Disgusting.
I'm not aware we increased our deployment, but maybe we have and I missed it.

Actually your right there...the article was Key US Allies extend troop deployment. Where some countries like Poland have significantly increased troop numbers, the Netherlands have only extended the length of the deployment.

"The Dutch parliament has overwhelmingly backed government plans to keep some 1,300 troops in Iraq until March 2005"
In short, since I only approve of half of the platform of the Republican Party, and half the platform of the Democratic Party, I voted Libertarian, and thus, for Badnarik.

I'm not going to influence either side, since I stand to gain nothing major from either one getting elected. I'm not falling for scare tactics and reform from either party. I'm tired for my tax money being wasted so that each Red and Blue candidate can tell me how to vote, and fall short of tossing mud at each other. And I'm tired of each party feeding me pablum about what is good for me.

Don't waste your time telling me that I wasted my vote, because nothing is going to change with our two-party system when Kush or Berry and Chedwards or Eaney are lying to us telling us how much better our lives are going to be when they win the election. In any case, life will reamin as-is no matter what happens when the sun rises on the morning of November 3rd.
I really don't know who I would vote for if I was of age. I don't like Bush's ideas and his intellectual qualities, and I don't know if Kerry even has any ideas. I don't know enough about the other parties to cast a vote for them in any case.
Kerry (the back stabbing weasle) or Bush ?

the back stabbing weasle, haha.

how can you vote for bush, you gotta have an IQ below 15 to vote for him. "Im a president with war in mind", George W Bush. Thats who youre voting for. A man who worked with the Bin Laden family and sais that Iraq and Al quaeda planned the attack on 9/11.

That bastard cant say one ****in sentence. You can see in his face that hes a ****in liar.

Now you take care of youre self USA, or these muslim ****ers will throw Nuclear bombs at ya that have never been found and are no facts about at all.
Viper Zero
You know exactly why the US went into Iraq and it wasn't just because of WMD.
Actually, I don't. We all know the WMDs were just so Bush had a reasonable excuse to wage war on Iraq. As for the real reason, I think that may be something we will never know. It could be oil, to get revenge on Saddam from '91 (Bush Sr. might have prodded W. into the war for all I know), and there are other possible reasons. Had the war truly been to liberate Iraq and it's people from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, I would still be supporting it.

10 votes for Kerry: 5 Canadians and 5 Europeans...
Kerry is exceedingly popular outside of the US. If the elections were open to other countires, Kerry would win by a massive margin. But that obviously is not and never will be the case.

But if there are any Americans here who support Kerry, we need to hear your voice! Nearly half the USA is going to end up voting for Kerry tomorrow (most likely).
...Now you take care of youre self USA, or these muslim ****ers will throw Nuclear bombs at ya...

One count excessive swearing. One count unacceptable descriptive about Muslims. This sort of language is not tolerable. Consider this a warning.


If that was the case, he would be put in prison for treason. Back this up, as this is total horse **** in my eyes.
It's true. The Bin Ladens are amongst the richest families in Saudi Arabia, and are huge in oil. Bush, another oil business man, has worked with the Bin Ladens in the past.
A man who worked with the Bin Laden family and sais that Iraq and Al quaeda planned the attack on 9/11.

It's a tenuous link at best. You can only find documentation on "Conspiracy sites". The link is through the Carlyle Group, a Washington based investment firm, one member was Osama's brother. Also what K_Speed fails to mention is the link is actually with Bush Senior, not Junior...
It's true. The Bin Ladens are amongst the richest families in Saudi Arabia, and are huge in oil. Bush, another oil business man, has worked with the Bin Ladens in the past.

And Osama Bin Laden is disowned by his family and banished from Saudi Arabia. So the point of this is...?
tacet. junior freakin worked with his dad and still does now.

if its about Oil they all work together, its all about the money in oil business and nothing else. thats why bush is in iraq. thats a part of it.
Hey, everybody's favorite conspiracy-theory poster child is back! You been hiding from the Trilateral Commission or something?

I'm tempted to vote Republican just to see your hysterical reaction when Bush wins.

Give Lyndon LaRouche my love and kisses...
no sorry, i meant 14
I am voting for Bush tomorrow. My IQ is something like 135. Not that is matters a bit, because IQ measures nothing other than one's ability to take an IQ test. You ought to come up with better insults, maybe something funny.

Incidentally, I'm surprised at how many people are taken in by Kerry's absolutely synthetic personality. It makes me think they're not observant, and very poor judges of character. I have no idea about their IQ's.
If I even think about my people going into war and getting themselves killed and other innocent people there because of a person that sais that there are WMDs. It just makes me sick...and you guys voting for Bush are doing that.

If it wasnt for Bush, there wouldnt be another video from Osama...and now you will vote for him so you can fight even more and get another warning.

cant believe you people. give me one reason why youre voting for him.

why do I actually care, my country aint messed up. hmm but still.

Bush and Blair are both ignorant people. Get em out of the way. Or are you people to patriotic...