Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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Who Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The US?

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I read somewhere that he also has an IQ of 81. 75 is required to attend public school. I also heard, on TV, during a speach, him say "missunderestimated". And my quote "the mangling of the English language" was in refference to him making up words and poor grammar, not stststutterering.

Tom Cruise is dislexic.
Which one is the third party? Green? Libertarian? One of them has to be fourth. Right?
You win. ;)

I am so anti-Bush its not even funny. Bush is quite possibly the dumbest US President ever, with his mangling of the English language,
My physics teacher has terrible spelling and grammar – does that make him stupid? Stephen Hawking can't even talk – does that make him stupid? What about professors from other countries with thick accents – are they stupid? Intelligence does not equate to speaking ability, otherwise we'd have a speech portion for the SAT. (Which isn't really an intelligence test to begin with, but you know what I mean.)

his choking on a pretzel
A few years ago I saw a man choke on a hotdog. It never, ever occurred to me to think, "Hey, he choked, therefore he must be stupid!" Your ability to regulate your throat muscles doesn't equate to intelligence.

then falling off the couch and hitting his head on the coffee table while laying on his ass watching football,
So people who watch football are stupid? People who fall off couches are automatically stupid? Once I walked straight into a wall within even realizing it, and it knocked me unconscious for a few minutes – does that mean I'm stupid?

his poor stature,
Oh please… next thing you're going to tell me is that he's stupid because he's short. What on earth does stature have to do with intelligence?

[…] but also etiquette teachers.
Oh, etiquette teachers are by far the most intelligent beings on the face of this earth!
I read the article twice. It sounds like Osama wants to kill Bush, not vote for him.

Osama does have a Kerry bumper sticker on his goat cart.

In other news... the first votes have been casted. In a small town called Hart's Location in New Hampshire casted 16 votes for Bush, 14 for Kerry. 50 miles away in Dixville Notch, 19 for Bush, 7 for Kerry.


Bush is leading the election right now.
Let me show you another point of view. Let's face it, the USA are the most powerful country in the world, therefor the president of the USA is the most powerful man in the world.

If there were elections of the German chancellor, pretty much noone outside Germany would care. But the whole world cares when the US president is being elected, because it has an effect on the whole world, and not only on the USA.

So if pretty much the whole world comes to you and says: "Don't vote for Bush, he's not good!", don't you think there must be a good reason why they say this? Maybe this could mean that he really is not good. If a few people came and said this, I wouldn't care either if I were you. But if the whole world says it, I would start thinking if I'm doing the right thing voting for Bush.

If you say:"Fine, but I don't like Kerry!" thats ok, but then vote for Nader or Badnarik.
Viper Zero
Bush is leading the election right now.

yes, bush is leading the election at the moment, but he has already lost 3 voters, compared to the last election.

bush has got 35 of the midnight votes this year and kerry got 21, but in 2000, bush got 38 votes and al gore got 18.

that shows us that bush has already lost 7.9% of his voters to kerry and if this trend continues, kerry will win the election by a big margin. ;) .tup:
Viper Zero
I read the article twice. It sounds like Osama wants to kill Bush, not vote for him.

"in which the head of al Qaeda said his group's goal is to force America into bankruptcy."
I like all this "rest of the world would vote for Kerry" crap. There's an interesting article on the Evolution Six site with my thoughts about that.

As for who I'd vote for, it'd be Bush. Kerry consistantly lies through his teeth just to try and swing voters his way, and encourages young people to vote (for him) because he's aware of the fact that young people are gullible and don't bother to research the facts, they just go by all the bull that Kerry spouts. Yes, I realize this is a broad generalization, but I also do not care.

Now if only I had registered to vote, I'd be headed for the polls.
Ghost C
As for who I'd vote for, it'd be Bush. Kerry consistantly lies through his teeth just to try and swing voters his way
Sure, he does that because Bush-voters won't change their mind and vote for somebody else whatever you tell them. You can bring on any arguments you might have, they won't change their mind. By the time George W. Bush has made you believe that everything said against him is a lie to get him off the throne. So, how do you want to have a proper discussion with a Bush-voter?
the Interceptor
Sure, he does that because Bush-voters won't change their mind and vote for somebody else whatever you tell them. You can bring on any arguments you might have, they won't change their mind. By the time George W. Bush has made you believe that everything said against him is a lie to get him off the throne. So, how do you want to have a proper discussion with a Bush-voter?

Oh give it a rest...you're as biased as anyone. You talk like there is a creature called a "Bush voter", do you even realise how many people you are insulting.

How do you have a proper discussion with a Bush voter...well you could start by avoiding "conspiracy theories" or getting your facts from Fahrenheit 9/11 ;)
How do you have a proper discussion with a Bush voter...well you could start by avoiding "conspiracy theories" or getting your facts from Fahrenheit 9/11 ;)
oh i have tried it...but in vain...
i usually get my facts from unbiased and respected newspapers, but it is always the same. they call you "anti-american", "unpatriotic" or just "crazy" and "nuts". they believe everything that bush says and say everyone else was telling lies...
this new gulf war was started with lies just like the other one, when the government of father bush told the false story of slaughtered babies in iraqi hospitals...
Do you have even the slightest idea of what you are talking about?

Survey says... NO!

I was 25 years old when the first Gulf War occurred, and I remember it quite well, having lived through it and followed the news reports quite carefully.

Were you even born then? I doubt it. Try informing yourself before you continue to spout ignorant and misguided blather.

oh no, that was not a lie, i can assure you that it did in fact happen.

sure, i know. and in order to get the congresses support, the last bush government presented an eye-witness called Nayirah [oh look, the shift-key still works!], who told the congress that iraqi soldiers were slaughtering hundreds of babies. the congressmen started to cry, the tv audience was shocked, and america rushed to war.
"Rushed to war"?! now I know you have no idea what you're talking about.

Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990. The UN immediately responded with a stiff memo warning Hussein to be a good boy and leave. The US, with the (convenient) permission of Saudi Arabia, mobilized a huge force on the Kuwaiti/Saudi border. There they sat for six months while we gathered support from about 30 other nations (and some more nifty memos from the UN for backup). After Hussein had been publicly calling Kuwait "Iraq's 19th province" for 6th months, Operation Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm on 17 January 1991.

Yeah, we rushed to war all right, completely taken in by a story about cute little Iraqi babies...

Quit while you're ahead. You only make yourself look bad when you post with no idea what you're talking about.
You talk like there is a creature called a "Bush voter", do you even realise how many people you are insulting.
Why? Is Bush-voter a swearword? With "Bush-voter" I'm only talking about people who want to vote for George W. Bush. But instead of writing "people who want to vote for George W. Bush" I wrote "Bush-voter" because the other prhase a little long if you agree. Where's the insult in that?

How do you have a proper discussion with a Bush voter...well you could start by avoiding "conspiracy theories" or getting your facts from Fahrenheit 9/11 ;)
Then present me the facts that show me that I'm wrong. All you do is tell that Michael Moore is a liar, and all conspiracy theories are false. But who says that the people telling you this are telling the truth?
the Interceptor
Let me show you another point of view.

So if pretty much the whole world comes to you and says: "Don't vote for Bush, he's not good!", don't you think there must be a good reason why they say this? Maybe this could mean that he really is not good. If a few people came and said this, I wouldn't care either if I were you. But if the whole world says it, I would start thinking if I'm doing the right thing voting for Bush.
Or, I would think that possibly a lot of non-Americans were resentful of America's current position in the global hierarchy, and wanted to see a president that would weaken America so that their own country seemed more powerful in comparison.

Remember, just because a lot of people think something, doesn't make it right. Especially a lot of people whose agenda is quite different from your own.
the Interceptor
Why? Is Bush-voter a swearword? With "Bush-voter" I'm only talking about people who want to vote for George W. Bush. But instead of writing "people who want to vote for George W. Bush" I wrote "Bush-voter" because the other prhase a little long if you agree. Where's the insult in that?

Then present me the facts that show me that I'm wrong. All you do is tell that Michael Moore is a liar, and all conspiracy theories are false. But who says that the people telling you this are telling the truth?

Yeah...and the moon landing was faked, the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile and the Loch Ness monster is alive and well :)

The clue about conspiracy theories is in the title :) A fact is something completely different...corroborated, and independently verified 👍
Or, I would think that possibly a lot of non-Americans were resentful of America's current position in the global hierarchy, and wanted to see a president that would weaken America so that their own country seemed more powerful in comparison.

I want Kerry in, but not for the above reason. Just because non-US citizens would prefer a different president, it does not mean that we are jealous in any way. I think the the US would benefit from haveing Kerry in the Whitehouse. But that's just my opinion.
Do you have even the slightest idea of what you are talking about?

Survey says... NO!

I was 25 years old when the first Gulf War occurred, and I remember it quite well, having lived through it and followed the news reports quite carefully.

Were you even born then? I doubt it. Try informing yourself before you continue to spout ignorant and misguided blather.
as usual...i can find no argument whatsoever in your post.

if i am so uninformed, then why don't you explain me the "nayirah" incident?
tell me what happened, back it up with facts and i might be persuaded!
i usually get my facts from unbiased and respected newspapers,

Already picked up by neon_duke...

this new gulf war was started with lies just like the other one, when the government of father bush told the false story of slaughtered babies in iraqi hospitals...

I read this yesterday and was pretty shocked to hear thats why the Gulf war started :lol:
You say respected papers, but I'm thinking "The Beano"
as usual...i can find no argument whatsoever in your post.

if i am so uninformed, then why don't you explain me the "nayirah" incident?
tell me what happened, back it up with facts and i might be persuaded!

"Rushed to war"?! now I know you have no idea what you're talking about.

In 1989 and 1990 Saddam Hussein tried for months to get OPEC to support a cutback in oil production, in order to artificially drive up prices so Iraq could make more money. They were nearly bankrupt from years of war with Iran. The other OPEC nations were making plenty of money just selling the stuff and not wasting it on a pointless war with their neighbors, and they refused to support cutbacks. Hussein became increasingly frustrated and desperate. Since he couldn't get what he wanted he found a different way to get it.

Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990. The UN immediately responded with a stiff memo warning Hussein to be a good boy and leave. The US, with the (convenient) permission of Saudi Arabia, mobilized a huge force on the Kuwaiti/Saudi border. There they sat for six months while we gathered support from about 30 other nations (and some more nifty memos from the UN for backup). After Hussein had been publicly calling Kuwait "Iraq's 19th province" for 6th months, Operation Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm on 17 January 1991.

Yeah, we rushed to war all right, completely taken in by a story about cute little Iraqi babies...

Quit while you're ahead. You only make yourself look bad when you post with no idea what you're talking about. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that "Nurse Nariyah" was actually created by the Kuwaiti ruling family (calling themselves "Citizens for a Free Kuwait"), who were in exile at the time. The girl who played Nariyah was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador.
I don't expect another post from Vladimir after that. If he does post, I am intrigued as to what is comeback to that might be, because, I don't think there is one. A point well made Duke 👍
Or, I would think that possibly a lot of non-Americans were resentful of America's current position in the global hierarchy, and wanted to see a president that would weaken America so that their own country seemed more powerful in comparison.

Remember, just because a lot of people think something, doesn't make it right. Especially a lot of people whose agenda is quite different from your own.
You know what the USA look like from over here? Like you're suspecting every non-American to be trying to do harm to your country because (s)he is jealous of what you have and (s)he doesn't. I admit that a lot of people don't like the USA and what it stands for, but you should try to separate the good from the bad.

I have put a lot of effort in my posts in this thread, I used my spare time to post things here. But I'm not trying to weaken America by telling you whom to elect as a president. I gave advice on voting for somebody else than George W. Bush because I think that he's not a good president.

This suspicious attitude is not good for your country, because you automatically start separating from all the other countries and you start locking yourself in. I have a totally different view on these things, because I'm very interested in astronomy and therefor have a more global point of view. So start thinking global and stop thinking like "here's the USA and there's the rest of the world."
Yes. They are. The founders of America didn't come here for the scenery.

Actually, I'd say they're not. In the end the differences are subtle. The differences lie mostly in the extremes. America has lots of extremes in all directions, Europe is on average a little more moderate. And our 'liberalism' comes mostly from the wars. The World Wars affected Europe very differently from the U.S. because Europe was left in shreds, Europe was the battlefield - certainly a lot of U.S. soldiers were involved here, but in the end the massive graveyards, concentration camps, and cities bombed to bits were all here and left a much bigger and more lasting impression that fighting each other is stupid, war is bad, and we should work together and love our neighbours.
ok, i apologize for the use of the word "rushed". a bit of sarcasm does not seem to be allowed here?! you started the war, you went to war...just insert the word you like most. :)

oh and by the way, i never said that the war was started because of that fake nurse. of course the war was started because kuwait was invaded by saddam and there was a broad support for it.

the problem is that saddam was not only driven out of kuwait, he was fought back almost back into baghdad and i wonder whether there would be any support at all within the population for such a war.
if bush sr. would have said "oh, kuwait has been invaded, lets free them", i fear there would have not been a majority to support the war.

you need to sell a war or otherwise no one would buy it. in order to do this they brought up this nurse. or do you want to tell me the USA will allow every nurse to speak in front of the congress and to tell her tales?

instead of investigating whether the nurse had told the truth, bush sr. spread her tale on every occasion. it was a lie and it was used to sell the war, just as the WMD lie was used this time.

sorry guys but you "misunderestimate" me...who is misinformed here?

this "discussion" is ridiculous and it is almost entertaining that the superpower america can't even hold an decent election. we don't need the OSZE to watch over our elections here in germany and we don't need lawyers and courts to decide on the outcome, we simply count the ballots. ;)