It's okay if you don't like Kerry, there are plenty of other alternatives to Bush to choose from. From what I have seen in the news and documentaries here, I can confirm what Michael Moore said about the war: troops were send to Afghanistan, then an artificial connection between Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden was created. This gave Bush the backup he needed to be able to invade Iraq without people wondering why.milefileIncidentally, I'm surprised at how many people are taken in by Kerry's absolutely synthetic personality. It makes me think they're not observant, and very poor judges of character.
Michael Moore is a fat stupid liar
Can you blame someone with a different native language for misspelling some words?Tacet_BlueSince you make out that the US voting public has an IQ of less than 15, I'd like to point out your own lack of education![]()
Its "says" not "sais", you've done it twice now so it can't be a typo![]()
"isn't" or "is not" instead of "aint"
"too" not "to"
"Them" not "em"
Try adding a few more apostrophes and the odd capital![]()
K_Speedmilefile, embarrassing that you're still voting for Bush although you've got an IQ of 135 wow.
Kerry is not the greatest, but he's definitely better than Bush. Bush LOL...
I haven't met one person in Europe now, where have I been lately? Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria Switzerland. And talking to all those people, not one person is for Bush.
Saying Bush to someone here is already a cussword.
Yes you are right writing in German is funny. But at least I would know to spell German with a capital GK_Speedyea, i wanna see him speak or to write in another language. try german....have fun
Yes we do. But he uses none because he's too lazy to use the <shift>-button and he knows that in the English language only the names are spelled with a capital letter.milefileDon't Gernams spell all nouns with a capital letter? And he uses none. That's strange.
I agree ...cardude2004You guys should get back on topic.
because ... ?cardude2004I think Bush should win.
he lied when he said that he had proof for the existence of WMDs, proof for an iraqi nuclear weapons programme, proof of a connection between al quaeda and saddam. those allies who went to war with you were betrayed, but other allies like france and germany refused to engage in this war.Tacet_BlueLied to the allies...which is why they did want not support the war...curious sentence in terms of grammar and truth.
The allies you speak of are Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, South Korea and UK.
oh no, that was not a lie, i can assure you that it did in fact happen.ledhedYou mean the other war that started when kuwait was invaded ? Or was the invasion of Kuwait a lie?
sure, i know. and in order to get the congresses support, the last bush government presented an eye-witness called Nayirah [oh look, the shift-key still works!], who told the congress that iraqi soldiers were slaughtering hundreds of babies. the congressmen started to cry, the tv audience was shocked, and america rushed to war.And of course you are intelligent enough to know that bush is just a president right ? And that it takes the congress and the people to be convinced ?
you want to tell me the bush goverment had all its information from the telly? that would explain a lot!seems like the same info Bush had was the same info we all had at least the 75 % of the American people who supported the invasion of Iraq ..not the info you have in your alternative universe that has countrys being invaded and wars faught because of lies about dead babies.
bush IS stupid [hey, its capslock day today!]. without karl rove and dick cheney, he would get lost in the whitehouse...he does not know a thing.cardude2004Just because he has bad speech doesn't mean he is stupid. And if you choke on something does it mean that you are stupid. I don't think so. He probably acts like a Texan and you think it is weird because you're a Canadian. I saw somewhere that at time the people who have trouble talking are smarter than the people who have no problem talking. They are so smart that they don't know what to say and have trouble carrying on a conversation.
vladimirbush IS stupid [hey, its capslock day today!]. without karl rove and dick cheney, he would get lost in the whitehouse...he does not know a thing.
ArwinDyslectic ... I almost never hear about it, but I read once, and once only, that Bush is dyslectic. He sure shows all the signs of being one. Am I right?
He knows a thing or two about becoming very rich and powerful
Doesn't he have a business degree?
Is it just a clever ploy so that his opponents are caught off guard by underestimating him
Edit: In his election campaign he was self deprecating, that tells you a lot about him. He knows how he comes across in public speaking, and can joke about it. You say he lies, but this sort of thing makes me see an honest man, who knows his own weaknesses. He may have been misguided in some areas (WMD) but I really don't think he is deceitful.
cardude2004I don't say he lies.