Who else hates the Cape Ring?

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
I never used to use the cape ring, for the reasons many people have stated above. It's long, and the configuration seems a bit whacky. Then, one day I decided to test out a couple of LMP and Group C cars around there, and wow. This track is absolutely amazing for testing cars on.

Yes, it's completely implausible in real life. And the configuration seems a little crazy, but it tests every aspect of a car. I think it might be just too long and open for a production car, but driving the LMPs and later on some GT500 cars around there made me realise that I loved testing racing cars on it.

That doesn't mean you have to like it, it just means that I like it. Everything here is personal opinion, some people like the Nurburgring and some don't. Whatever you do, don't think for a second that the opinion you form of a track has anything to do with whether it is a 'good' track or not. You may hate it but I and others enjoy it.

P.s. I do hate one part of this track, the stupid jump before the giant carousel part. That is completely implausible, stupid and arcadey
Cape Ring is not my favorite track, but I don't hate it. I think I said that somewhere in this thread.

But I LIKE the 5 lap races on the full track(despite not caring for the loop-n-jump). Less than 8 on the short versions is too short in my opinion, just like most of the other tracks in the game. Just wanted to put in a positive vote for some reasonable-length races, since everybody seems to be hating on the 5 lappers.

I just want to switch race lengths with Bob, for every event. Then I'll be [reasonably] happy. He makes me so damned jealous sometimes. :P
It's much too long for my likings.. 3 laps max before it starts feeling like an enduro :lol:
300pp shuffle 5 laps cape right shuffle.. yeah, its an enduro..
I think we already had the exact same thread ages ago...

Never mind, I would really love it without that jump.
I like all the variations without it, but that thing is too ridiculous, especially with the unrealistic jump physics from the game.
I cant stand the track. Its very obvious that it has been a 'manufactured' track as opposed to a traditional circuit.

I try and avoid racing it, but if I HAVE to race it, I'll usually pic a car that I can drift in or slide in and just fool around in to keep in interesting.
It's so BLAND.
Track just screams 'we want to save precious bandwith'..... sneakiest use of bloom lighting to reduce enviromental detail ever. Take a bow PD, pure rush job/laziness.
+ lamest hoop jump in a 'simulator' ever.
Yeah, loathe that track :P
Terrible track that got similar comments from IGN.

It has no soul. If we look to the older fictional tracks, well, they have personality. Some are believable like El Capitán, Apricot Hill and Midfield. And some are simply fun like Red Rock Valley. Can't forget Seattle Circuit, either.

Cape Ring leaving GT wouldn't phase me, but at the end of the day, more tracks = always better.
The track is one of the best original tracks that Gran Turismo has ever had after Trail Mountain and the old Complex String(which are my favorite originals).

If you guys don't like it, too bad. You don't know what you're missing. The full track I must say is too redundant, but the outer ring and at least one of the inner mini versions are simply amazing.

Another thing that I would agree to take out is the loop thing, plus the jump.

But whatever. Most people hate it so I'm pretty sure PD will take it out in the next game... Too bad.
Worst track in GT5, I really hate it.

Boring scenery, lack of flow and everything feels wrong:(

lack of flow? Your kidding! I love this track it tests everything about the car, just wish they would get rid of the jump or at least force ŷöū to slow down!

Cape ring is the test track for GT5. If you hate it, your car setup is incorrect as it tests almost all types of corner/banking and transition.

A real test of skill, not just the driver.

Agreed 100%
I am very frustrated reading all this, this track is great when you learn to drive it, it's one of those where you think you did a good lap but when you learn where to position your car you can shave loads of time off.

Also some of the bends you can take flat out you would never imagine possible.

I am going to get some stick for this but ... And this is not trolling.. My favourite track apart from the jump and the ring bit.
I think the reason many people don't like it, is that they can't cut corners like on most other tracks. The kerbs are a little high when you go over and unsettle the car. Me, I like it. It forces you to drive more cleanly like you should.

I do think though that the jump is silly and ruins it somewhat. Also, this one corner with 5(?) apexes close to the finish line of the Inside version breaks the flow. But there's passages in there that are really as good as they come.

Also, how do many people want Complex String back and then complain about Cape Ring being too sterile? (Don't get me wrong, I do like Complex String)
lack of flow? Your kidding! I love this track it tests everything about the car, just wish they would get rid of the jump or at least force ŷöū to slow down!

The jump itself forces you to slow down (in fast cars).
What more do you need, some kind of speed limit sign or a spike strip? :dopey:
The jump itself forces you to slow down (in fast cars).
What more do you need, some kind of speed limit sign or a spike strip? :dopey:

I would like behaviour of the car to be simulated. I don't often drive at over 100 miles an hour over ramps but I think it might be a little less than a perfect landing every time when your using a FF car. Maybe your drive home from work includes this?
I would like behaviour of the car to be simulated. I don't often drive at over 100 miles an hour over ramps but I think it might be a little less than a perfect landing every time when your using a FF car. Maybe your drive home from work includes this?

Ah, I got your point now. You mean you don't have to slow down before the jump to survive the next right hand corner in FF cars. And you want more realistiv/challenging "landing physics" to make that jump more thrilling.^^

At first I thougt you meant the exact opposite, and want to be forced to slow down before the jump to make it into the next corner without crashing. :D Sorry.

You could try it with an FR car instead. The Viper GTS for example will give you a good thrill out of that jump. :nervous:
I used to hate it, but since that American TT Seasonal from a little while ago, it's become a fav!
The Full Ring is too artificial for me.
But the Inner and outer Ring Layout they are great Tracks.
Although I hate that 360°-Corner.
On both shorter versions you can feel a flow of the Track and I like them allot. But the Full Ring is just a chain of sectors to me with no feel or flow.
=> it´s a hate-love relationship for me (hate the full // love the seperated)

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