Who else hates the Cape Ring?

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
I also dislike most of the original/fantasy tracks with their fake and unrealistic turns and elevation changes.
GT's Original tracks should become more realistic and inspiring than all of the actual ones. I hope PD will never bring back the old original tracks. I know fantasy tracks are a big part of the GT franchise but they need to improve them.

SSR 7 is a very cool track : )

For me, a track like Grand Valley or Deep Forest is infinitely more interesting that SSR7.

Imho SSR7 is purely there for the street racer wannabe kids. PD clearly aren't that excited by it either since it's used in almost no events at all.

What's worse, for me, is that the only wet track in the whole game, that actually has a road surface which looks wet, is SSR7! :)

What I would prefer.
I'm not joking....I literally fell asleep while driving on this track once before, boring as hell....they could of brought in spa, road atlanta or brands hatch instead.

Major fail
Cape Ring's not bad, not very difficult. I don't "hate" any track, but if there were one I dislike/less experienced on, it would be the Nurb.
I also dont like the long version of Cape Ring but I find the South version great. Especially the last corner, where you fly by the pit wall by inches.
I really hate it , why create a few layouts of a new track that's absolutely terrible when they could have just rendered a few of the old tracks they didn't include :(
-> I don't personally 'hate' the track. I think of it, if a track shows up in Gran Turismo it has to stay like the 10 commandments. ;)

-> Of all PD's Original (technical) Tracks, I would say 'The Cape' ranks pretty average compared to other all time PDOT based on serious/fun ratio:

1. Special Stage R11 '90s
2. Grindelwald
3. High Speed Ring '90s
4. Mid-Field Raceway The 2nd
5. Apricot Hill
6. Grand Valley Speedway '00/A
7. Roma Italia (Rome Night)
8. Complex String
9. Cape Ring (series)
10. High Speed Ring '00

Cape Ring is the track I started doing pratice runs on and comparing different cars. I find it fun and very challenging. It also has Sling-shot lines, where if you hit them just right and maintain the car's balance you'll be able to full throttle it.

My only complaint is the sceneary makes it feel very "computer generated". If it was in a wooded forest or on the cleff of some cliffs (Think Rocky Mountains) then it would be a much better experience.
I love some sections. i am not a fan of some corners like the carousel and the "mini turn8 from istanulpark"

i only hate the jump also on eiger norwand. How on earht can it be a race track whit such a high jump. in reality you will break all your race cars.
I don't hate it's just that it looks awful, it's long, there are 5 version of it, and allot of the more advanced races have 5 laps of them!
Not particularly keen either. Autumn Ring, Grand Valley, Trial Mountain, Deep Forest etc all, despite being fantasy tracks, have a lot of character... the feel like real tracks and defining sections or corners and little quirks that make them challenging.

Cape Ring feels like a series of corners connect with straights... if you see what I mean. It feels like the new F1 tracks to me. Character-less and boring.

My mind, in your message.
The complete version is too long to make us do 5 laps on it, why they didn't program 3 laps in A spec i don't understand.

Long version i don't like but don't mind the shorter ones actually. ****ty thing is that the AI always takes the big round loop waaayyyy too slow, so even if you take a underpowered car you always are ahead after the first lap, makes completing the remaining 4 laps a pain in the *ss.
Has a few "Bad" corners but it also has some realy nice chunks of Asphalt. I didn't like the spiral Bridge - even more so as the AI really can't deal with it. The silly jump is poor... That said the sections either side of this are cracking.

The start of the lap really nice flowing curves on the cliff edge. And the fast right, slight left crest, and the left/tight right then down to the mexico esses... tip top.

The end of lap to the interior section with the multiple apex job is hard, but once you learn it it isn't that bad. The Chicane is a bit faffy.... Really like the "Mexico Esses" bit, such a lucky bag of corner radius and curvature and they crank it up with some subtle elevation changes.
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It's a good track and looks great in some parts. The full version is boring and too long, but some variants such as Cape Ring South are brilliant!
I don't understand how people can hate Cape Ring. It's probably because your suped up 700HP GTR couldn't beat a normal 400HP car. Speed isn't everything on this course. Every new corner is a challenge about getting the best line, saving your tires, and not getting in the grass. I actually find it pretty enjoyable when you have just one type of car racing (i.e. Mazda Roadster TC) because close racing on this track is insanely fun. If I can race on it with comfort soft tires in my 400 HP car, then you should be able to race your 700 HP GTR with Racing Softs on it (I'm only calling out the kids who think they're good online :lol:).

Cape ring is the test track for GT5. If you hate it, your car setup is incorrect as it tests almost all types of corner/banking and transition.

A real test of skill, not just the driver.

Absolutely agree on this! 👍
I'm not the biggest fan of the Cape Ring to be honest. Driving 5 laps just seems to go on..and on..and on.. if you know what I mean. For whatever reason the whole circuit reminds me of Complex String for some reason. And Complex String was actually better.

I adore the Cape Ring Periphery however, the track actually flows and I love driving supercars around it. I don't know, it just works.
I love how half of the posts in this thread saying why they like the track can't do so without saying some variation of how if you don't like it must be your fault. Because yep. It's absolutely impossible to dislike a track unless you aren't good at driving it.
I used to hate this track because I couldn't tune my car properly to stay on the carousel and I was no good at this track either. But I practiced and fixed my tunes for it. Now I can get any car cleanly around this track up to speed.
I like this track a lot, dare I say it's my favourite original track. I never owned any GT games prior to GT5:Prologue so I'm unable to compare it to tracks like El Capitan and Midfield. I like it a lot because it feels very "complete"; you can sort of use what Jeremy Clarkson said about that Romanian highway to describe Cape Ring. In other words, it's like PD took every kind of corner "style" and stitched them all together. And because of this, it can almost double as a test track where you can test various suspension set-ups work for hairpins and which don't, etc.