With all the hate for this track, I'm affraid PD will take it down from GT6.
At least most agree that the outer ring and the inner mini rings are ok. I hope that PD reads this thread so what's possibly one of the best trakcs they've made gets the necessary fixes.
PD, take note: The full track's existance is questionable. Keep the outer and inner rings, and give a reverse option for at least the outer ring. The loop bridge although it's the trademark for the track realy hurts the flow, specially since it's between what I consider the best sections of the track, and because the A.I offers no challange whatsoever in this section. So it would be good to get rid of it. The jump after the loop is probably the worst part of the track, so smooth it up. Add weather and maybe time effects, and you'll see how much love this track will get.
Don't get me wrong. As I said in the previous post, I love this track and I want it to stay for future GT games.