If you look at sports like football, nba, nhl, soccer, etc..... the level of detail and realism is incredible. Playing the game is realistic and no aspect of the game is missed. This has been developed over years and years.
I've been buying F1 games for 15 years, hoping to get that level of realism and it hasn't happened. I'll agree the driving feel, FFB and graphics is great. The problem is...... the actual game.
For example:
1. Drivers exiting the pit with 30 seconds left in qualifying to destroy hot laps.
2. VERY few failures, punctures, accidents, etc...
3. Extremely limited ability to receive strategic info from the pits. (Weather, tire degradation, fuel, who your racing etc...)
4. Slider scale for difficulty. F1 is precise and within hundreds of a second. Need to have 0-100 difficulty scale to allow for all levels of skill, not just beginner, intermediate, etc....
5. AI tire degradation the same for all and they NEVER fall off the cliff or slow significantly.
6. No risks EVER taken by any AI cars.... (switch to 1 stop and it doesn't work out...Perez).
7. Different personalities for different drivers. You have a 90% chance of getting hit passing Maldonado, but less so with others.

8. Penalties for getting hit by AI.
9. AI NEVER gets a penalty
10. Slow pit stop. Trouble getting tire on. Missing lug nut.
I could go on and on..........
The fundamental point here is that a typical F1 race has quite a bit of strategy, failures, penalties, risks, changes, etc.... None of this is represented in any F1 game and quite frankly, there is no excuse. It is 2015 and all other sports have evolved to realistic representation of their equivalent.
It's very difficult to get really involved in a game, when the AI comes out in Q3 with 5 seconds left to screw up your hotlap. Or someone smacks you from behind and you get a drive through (no damage for anyone BTW). Or you get no information from the pits about when to change to wets and destroys your whole race. Or there is no hope of a bad pit stop with your opponent. Etc, etc, etc..... It's just not realistic.
Can you put pressure on Rosberg with 10 laps left to increase the changes of him making a mistake and you getting the win? Of course not. That's just not built into the equation. No mistakes, no risks, no errors, no failures, no strategy shifts, no race engineer, no fun..... Plenty of unpredictable events happen in every F1 race. Nothing unpredictable happens in these F1 games.
I hope one day an F1 game will actually be able to replicate a race weekend, with all the intricacies involved. Sadly, I think we are FAR away from that.