Yes, people hate it when other people are safe.... uh... no.
Funny that, because from my personal experience a lot of people do. Like people who think 40 mph in a country lane on a dark, wet night is too slow because the speed limit is 60 mph, from my recent experience. (Feel free to streetview the B4562, Cardiff at the eastern end.)
Motorists get infuriated because cyclists are the rudest people on the road. Why do I say that? What other vehicle do you know what would travel 20 or even 30 mph below the speed limit and assert their dominance over the road. Not everyone who is queued up behind you volunteered their afternoon for a slow bike ride.
I, and every cyclist, would rather be rude, than be dead. So I make no apologies if leisure or commuting cyclist inconvenienced you ever so slightly.
I'll apply the same rules to cyclists that I do to large trucks. If you have more than 4 cars behind you pull over to let them pass (or speed up, or stop driving on that road). If you have fewer cars behind you than that but they've been there for about 3 minutes, you need to pull over and let them pass (3 minutes is a long time to find a place to pull over). If doing so will cause you to pull over so often that it'll take you forever to get where you're going, your alternative is to stop using that road.
For a start, if you're on a bicycle on roads where it's difficult to overtake you're not going to have the luxury of counting cars behind you.
And secondly, if I am holding up traffic I do slow at suitable points to allow people to pass, but as acceleration from a standstill is probably the most dangerous time for a cyclist on the road (unbalance, physical effort, and clipping into pedals) then no, I don't routinely come to a complete stop.
Some motorists don't treat cyclists with the respect they ought to - that doesn't mean you know better than all of them and you have to ride as if it's a contest for road space with them as the aggressor. Similarly some cyclists don't treat other road users with the respect they ought to - but you won't catch me driving "assertively" around all cyclists.
So the alternative is you assume all road users are competent and then got caught out by the bad ones? No. That's how you get hurt.
I don't deny there are bad cyclists out there. I don't jump red lights. I've never touched anyone else's car even to lean on, and I certainly don't cut people up or tailgate them. But I do ensure I have my own space on the road.
The road is a shared space, between pedestrians, cyclists, motorbikeists, cars, vans, trucks and lorries (occasionally trams - rarely trains unless the points failed again). We all have our bit to do and if we all do it, we can share the space without needing to be a bit of a dick to anyone - but as soon as it's seen as "
competing for road space" any concept of co-operation is lost and it becomes a battle. Conducting your roadgoing affairs with the mindset of controlling other users is an aggressive act of someone who thinks they're in a battle - you're psychologically set up for combat and that's when road rage occurs. Who loses when that happens, the driver or the cyclist?
There's a significant difference between combat and survival. I'm not acting in any way out of
want, I'm acting purely out of
Talk of sharing space is easy when you're inside a steel box, because when things go wrong it's hopefully, and most likely, to be a relatively minor incident for you.
Not the same on a bicycle.
Sometimes people make mistakes too, regardless of what vehicle they're in. That doesn't necessarily make them stupid, bad or aggressive - it makes them people.
Offer up consideration and other road users give it back. Offer up aggression and you're perpetuating the problem you think you're solving.
Brilliant if you've time to build a relationship with people. I haven't. I
have to assume everyone is an imbecile. The one time I make the wrong assumption is the one time I'm dead.
I know you both have a lot of experience driving, I know you're both very logical people. But you both clearly have limited to no experience of cycling on a road. I've shared the road with everything from mopeds to 100 ton road trains and even things bigger than that. You both suggest a level of trust with strangers that
you can not afford as a cyclist.