Shower wakes me up in the morning and makes me feel nice and clean for the coming day...
I don't care about getting clean. I shower in the morning to wake myself up.
Cold shower > Coffee
I always do it, and having a shower in the morning always feels good to wake you up.
There's the feeling of freshness. Also you might not want to smell bad at work.
Nope, none of this is even remotely convincing.
In the evening (when you're filthy from the day), you can shower yourself clean, get into your clean sheets (because you're always clean when you get in them), put your head on a clean pillow case (because you're always clean when you lay on it), and stay clean all night. When you wake up in the morning you're almost as clean as when you went to bed... and you've been clean all night.
Showering in the evening before bed will not leave you smelling bad when you wake up.
How is that not convincing enough ?! For some, coffee is enough to wake them up...
For me, and most of us here it would seem, shower is the one thing that pulls their heads out of bed...
For me, i would not leave the house without a shower...
I want to be clean, fresh and ready to confront what the day has in store for me...
... but after the war, once all the damage has been done...
I would also take a shower at night before going to bed... make it much more comfy to cuddle up, because that's another war too...
Unless the day has been light, and i haven't broken any sweat, then i sometimes would skip shower at the end of the day if i consider myself clean enough to jump straight to bed...
... or if i like the sweat i have work up to have by the end of the day, then i can leave it for my honey to enjoy it!
In summary, for me:
- Shower in the morning is a must !
- Shower in the evening is optional, but preferred.