Why do people shower in the morning?

  • Thread starter Danoff
I don't get it.

I think this is a good post upon which to summarize my findings. I came in wondering why on earth people shower in the morning, and the good people of GTPlanet have answered overwhelmingly with three responses:

1) I sweat at night.
2) I use it to wake up.
3) Otherwise I can't do my hair the way I want.

The sweating at night thing is inexplicable to me, seems like you guys are sleeping in balmy conditions - which is awful. If you really can't avoid that, I think showering twice/day is better than laying in grease all night, but that's your call.

Using it to wake up is just as inexplicable to me. I'm really not a morning person, and I don't drink coffee. Takes me a while of stumbling around like a zombie to wake up, but it doesn't seem worthwhile to take an extra shower to avoid that... and it especially doesn't seem worthwhile to lay in grease all night to avoid that.

For the 3rd one, I have no hair so one might say I can't comment. But I used to have hair, and when I did I showered at night still. I had a spray bottle with water in it to get my hair wet in the morning, took 5 seconds. Again, doesn't seem worthwhile to lay in greases all night to avoid that.

Now, because a tiny minority here get upset when I say things directly I'll say that the choice is yours. It's your body, its your hygiene, feel free to lay in grease all night if you want - even though it's nasty and easily avoided if you just adopt a obviously better routine (sorry, that's the best I can do).

Thanks GTPlanet for answering my question. I knew there had to be a (bad) reason for so many people to behave in this way, and now I know it.

Wow wow wow man, hold on a second. First of all, why do you care about that? You will change your habits, or you are just curious about useless information? What will be the next thing you will ask? Do you brush your teeth clockwise or counter-clockwise? clockwise is inexpicable to me, it is just wrong. Like, ew man... clockwise? Really? You are such a weirdo.

Second, people shower for whatever their reason is, wake up, feel clean, PREFERENCE... also, put this in mind, just because you take a shower in the morning doesnt mean you go to sleep dirty, because guess what? You can take other! Isn't this the most awesome thing ever?

And third, nobody here is "upset" about your "directly" way of speaking. If you consider ask people their preferences and call it being wrong, i am sorry dude, but the world doesn't turn around "your sun", you know? Plus, pay attention, read the second part again, where i say: " - Just because you take a shower in the morning, doesn't mean you can't take other in the evening/night."

Forth, once again, it is not about bad or good, easy or hard, win or lose, put this inside your brain!
You like to "pluck" in the shower?

It's air guitar so I don't really think there is much plucking involved. Unless perhaps you was making a joke, in which case, I do apologies, I left my sense of humour at home this morning.

No, I really did.

I showered last night and this morning because I usually shower at night and this morning I wanted to shave so I needed to soften my facial hair in a way that not sink wash can provide. True story.
Unlike some other people in this thread (it's a thread about showers people, c'mon...), I see where you're coming from, Danoff. And there's no reason to get up in arms over such a trivial subject. However I hope you don't mind one more rebuttal from the "other side". :P

The sweating at night thing is inexplicable to me, seems like you guys are sleeping in balmy conditions - which is awful. If you really can't avoid that, I think showering twice/day is better than laying in grease all night, but that's your call.

I don't sweat at night at all - I usually sleep in fairly cold conditions, in fact. But, for one reason or another, my body just accumulates body odor quickly, so if I shower at night then by the time I come in contact with people it's not a good smell, and one that I definitely don't want to have around other people. You wouldn't either. "Use deodorant etc." ...I do, but it still ends up that way if I don't shower. Part of the reason is my very very thick hair (much thicker than most peoples') which accumulates odor very quickly, and I suspect the other part of the reason is my very fast metabolism.

And to be fair, if I could take two showers a day, I would, but I'm not the one paying the water bill so that's out of the question. In college though, I can see that being a possibility for me.

Using it to wake up is just as inexplicable to me. I'm really not a morning person, and I don't drink coffee. Takes me a while of stumbling around like a zombie to wake up, but it doesn't seem worthwhile to take an extra shower to avoid that...

Agreed with you there. I don't need a shower to wake me up, and as is if I wake up with an alarm early in the morning and am still groggy when I get into the shower, I usually have to catch myself from dozing off in it.

For the 3rd one, I have no hair so one might say I can't comment. But I used to have hair, and when I did I showered at night still. I had a spray bottle with water in it to get my hair wet in the morning, took 5 seconds.

For those who use at least medium amounts of hair gel, I can see their reasoning. Not everyone's hair (my older brothers', for example) can be sculpted exactly the way they want it (and some people know exactly how they want it) just by getting it wet - they need the whole deal. My hair, while thick, doesn't need any gel whatsoever, and I don't use it. What's nice about showering in the morning, though, is rather than taking more time out of my morning to ready my hair (something I would never do - I really don't care the way my hair looks most of the time), I just make it presentable after I get out of the shower when it's still wet. I enjoy being efficient, so that's a plus.

Now, because a tiny minority here get upset when I say things directly I'll say that the choice is yours. It's your body, its your hygiene, feel free to lay in grease all night if you want - even though it's nasty and easily avoided if you just adopt a obviously better routine (sorry, that's the best I can do).

Not "obviously better". Obviously better for you. Remember, I used to shower at night, but discovered that showering in the morning is better - for me. Now if you respond by saying "no it isn't", that's uncalled for, because you aren't me, and have no way of knowing how each affects my body - even though I have laid it out multiple times, clear as day. And in any case, given the choice I'd rather sleep in grease at night where at least there's no one unfortunate enough to share the experience (and, like I said before, this may change if I get a significant other) than walk around in grease all day, making everyone else's day unpleasant. These things may hold true for you but you are not the same person as everyone else (which may or may not happen to you - but it does for me).

What most people who are getting all upset in a shower thread about (:rolleyes:) is that you have been proclaiming your opinions as indisputable fact. They may be rock-solid truth for you, but you are not the only person on the planet. Even the GTPlanet. :P An open mind is a wonderful thing. ;)
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I shower in the morning. Unless I have football at night. Then I need one in the night. Considering the amount you perspirate in your sleep, having one in the morning makes sence.
I don't like to smell :sly:

But seriously, most people sweat while they sleep, so a shower in the morning or at least one before you leave out for the day is usually needed.


Do you all check GTPlanet before
or after you shower in the morning !??


I normally don't have to leave out early for work, so on most days I check before.
^I get out of bed, into the shower and to work in 15 :lol: I live in the same block as I work which is awesome, though I gonna move next year :(
I'll never understand how people have a hard time getting up in the morning. I go to bed around midnight and get up between 5-5:30 without any issue. Getting up 15 minutes earlier than you absolutely need to so you can jump in the shower is pretty easy. Plus the shower makes you feel refreshed.
I go to bed around 10-11pm and have to draaaag myself out of bed at 7:30am because I'm already late. Consider yourself blessed Joey.
I'll never understand how people have a hard time getting up in the morning. I go to bed around midnight and get up between 5-5:30 without any issue. Getting up 15 minutes earlier than you absolutely need to so you can jump in the shower is pretty easy. Plus the shower makes you feel refreshed.

Only 5 hours of sleep? That is madness! I need at least 6 to get me going in the morning. I had 7.5 hours of rest from last night and I'm good as refreshed. I also don't drink any caffeine either.
Most nights I go on 5 hour sleeps too :( Doc has recommended to go to bed early but I can't.
Last night I was up til 2 o'clock and woke up @ 7. :indiff:
Only 5 hours of sleep? That is madness! I need at least 6 to get me going in the morning. I had 7.5 hours of rest from last night and I'm good as refreshed. I also don't drink any caffeine either.

People are different but at 5hrs, I wouldn't be surprised if it catches up to him sooner or later. It could already be affecting him in some ways.
I've been doing it since last August pretty much every weekday. Prior to that I was sleeping around the same amount of time from last April back quite a few years. You just need to figure out how your body's sleep cycles are, when you do, you're golden. I sleep about 10 hours on the weekend, which is two sleep cycles for me.

People run on that much sleep or less all the time, look at anyone in the military for example.
I just stopped fighting the morning habits of my Jew-fro by middle school, and thus, switched to A.M. bathing times.

Otherwise, I would bathe by evening all the time...but I do take advantage of some of the free linens and water hotels have to offer.
I just stopped fighting the morning habits of my Jew-fro by middle school, and thus, switched to A.M. bathing times.

Throughout school I shaved my noggin so I didn't have to deal with the Jewfro.

In this day and age when people spend a small fortune on hair product to get the 'get out of bed' look I'm ahead of the game.
Only 5 hours of sleep? That is madness! I need at least 6 to get me going in the morning. I had 7.5 hours of rest from last night and I'm good as refreshed. I also don't drink any caffeine either.

I can't sleep, 5 hours would be a blessing. Even if I do end up sleeping, I wake up almost every hour or two for no reason.
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I've been doing it since last August pretty much every weekday. Prior to that I was sleeping around the same amount of time from last April back quite a few years. You just need to figure out how your body's sleep cycles are, when you do, you're golden. I sleep about 10 hours on the weekend, which is two sleep cycles for me.

People run on that much sleep or less all the time, look at anyone in the military for example.

I'm in the same boat. I think it was caused from when I worked at an Animal Shelter for 5 years, starting from the age of 16. I used to have to start work at 7am every Saturday and Sunday, being 16-22 at the time I basically went out drinking every fri/sat night and if I rocked up to work with 4 hours sleep it was a quiet night, when I was old enough to drive I also did animal deliveries and generally started at 5am weekdays. Again being young you still want to go out with mates so 5-6 hours sleep was pretty good back then.

Now I'm slightly older I'm still a 2-3am sleep to 8:30am-ish wakeup kind of guy. With my job though now (IT Stuff), I often work through the night once a week and generally those days I won't sleep at all, maybe a couple of hours if I'm lucky, and I'm fortunate enough that it doesn't really effect me. Perhaps my body is dieing from the inside but from the outside I feel fine.
Looking at it subjectively, hey, if one wants to live in the shower - or not bathe at all - well, I guess that is their business. I, myself, have pretty odd hours, and, like Kaz, may go 30 hours awake before I actually sleep. I may or may not shower during this period depending on what I'm doing. And I don't shower with only cleanliness in mind; sometimes a hot shower is relaxing to tired muscles.

Anthropologically speaking, I have to side with Danoff; excess showering kills off the beneficial bacteria that lives on skin, and which are important to your health, as well as destroying your natural pheromonic signals.