Unlike some other people in this thread (it's a thread about showers people, c'mon...), I see where you're coming from, Danoff. And there's no reason to get up in arms over such a trivial subject. However I hope you don't mind one more rebuttal from the "other side".
The sweating at night thing is inexplicable to me, seems like you guys are sleeping in balmy conditions - which is awful. If you really can't avoid that, I think showering twice/day is better than laying in grease all night, but that's your call.
I don't sweat at night at all - I usually sleep in fairly cold conditions, in fact. But, for one reason or another, my body just accumulates body odor quickly, so if I shower at night then by the time I come in contact with people it's not a good smell, and one that I definitely don't want to have around other people. You wouldn't either. "Use deodorant etc." ...I do, but it still ends up that way if I don't shower. Part of the reason is my very very thick hair (much thicker than most peoples') which accumulates odor very quickly, and I suspect the other part of the reason is my very fast metabolism.
And to be fair, if I could take two showers a day, I would, but I'm not the one paying the water bill so that's out of the question. In college though, I can see that being a possibility for me.
Using it to wake up is just as inexplicable to me. I'm really not a morning person, and I don't drink coffee. Takes me a while of stumbling around like a zombie to wake up, but it doesn't seem worthwhile to take an extra shower to avoid that...
Agreed with you there. I don't need a shower to wake me up, and as is if I wake up with an alarm early in the morning and am still groggy when I get into the shower, I usually have to catch myself from dozing off in it.
For the 3rd one, I have no hair so one might say I can't comment. But I used to have hair, and when I did I showered at night still. I had a spray bottle with water in it to get my hair wet in the morning, took 5 seconds.
For those who use at least medium amounts of hair gel, I can see their reasoning. Not everyone's hair (my older brothers', for example) can be sculpted exactly the way they want it (and some people know
exactly how they want it) just by getting it wet - they need the whole deal. My hair, while thick, doesn't need any gel whatsoever, and I don't use it. What's nice about showering in the morning, though, is rather than taking more time out of my morning to ready my hair (something I would never do - I really don't care the way my hair looks most of the time), I just make it presentable after I get out of the shower when it's still wet. I enjoy being efficient, so that's a plus.
Now, because a tiny minority here get upset when I say things directly I'll say that the choice is yours. It's your body, its your hygiene, feel free to lay in grease all night if you want - even though it's nasty and easily avoided if you just adopt a obviously better routine (sorry, that's the best I can do).
Not "obviously better". Obviously better for
you. Remember, I used to shower at night, but discovered that showering in the morning is better - for
me. Now if you respond by saying "no it isn't", that's uncalled for, because you
aren't me, and have no way of knowing how each affects my body - even though I have laid it out multiple times, clear as day. And in any case, given the choice I'd rather sleep in grease at night where at least there's no one unfortunate enough to share the experience (and, like I said before, this may change if I get a significant other) than walk around in grease all day, making everyone else's day unpleasant. These things may hold true for you but you are not the same person as everyone else (which may or may not happen to you - but it does for me).
What most people who are getting all upset in a shower thread about (

) is that you have been proclaiming your opinions as indisputable fact. They may be rock-solid truth for you, but you are not the only person on the planet. Even the GTPlanet.

An open mind is a wonderful thing.