Umm was it really necessary to revive this thread?
Well said. Also I agree with your earlier point that there is good pop music out now. Foster the People and Grouplove come to mind. Also, the fangirls that love Beiber can't admit that they love him because they like his music, because they don't. They love him because it's the cool thing (among girls) to do.Michael Jackson is actually a fascinating comparison to Justin Bieber.
Michael Jackson made excellent music (early on anyway), and had real talent. He has been hyped beyond belief since becoming famous. He turned out to be an awful, crazy person. There are fewer things more universally despised in humanity than a child predator, and everyone suspects Michael was guilty of this. Yet, somehow, despite all of that, he is unbelievably loved.
Bieber makes crap music and has no real talent. He has also been hyped beyond belief since becoming famous. But he's not an insane person (yet) who has done awful things that people despise. Yet his is mostly hated.
People love talent, and will forgive all sorts of awful behavior if you're talented.
Mental image!For the money he's making I would walk on stage in 80's hair metal clothing and make up singing "Barbie Girl".
Look the usual homers giving likes Taylor Swift sheesh , not even in Biebers league. -- BIEBERNINJA
Wasted the time to reply back must be a closet Beliber. -- BIEBERNINJA
People love talent, and will forgive all sorts of awful behavior if you're talented.
Bieber is a legend. The haters just don't want to admit they're jealous of his lifestyle.
The sister of a girl I know actually started crying when she heard Bieber got arrested. Proof that humanity is regressing.Why would I be jealous of someone who is one of the most hated public figures in Western society? (Even when you take into account his legion of minions). He's a spoiled brat who acts like a child and has no measurable musical skills (which is why all his songs are written for him), he once said the rape "Happens for a reason", he was rightfully arrested for street racing, he turns up late and someones not at all for concerts swathes of horny teenage girls have paid to see (God knows why), and he had the audacity to suggest that Anne Frank would have appreciated what can only be described as auto-tuned noise on his part if she was alive today.
Because he's a very talented...
He can sing better (range-wise) than most people can dream of doing, unfortunately. His only redeeming quality.
Justin Bieber is nowhere near as talented as Vanilla Ice.
This x1000.You guys get trolled too easily.
"Why does no one like Justin Bieber"
Because cartoon ponies sound better, and are also cooler. Which is impossible on paper.
My advice -
Which is also better than Justin Bieber.
He can sing better (range-wise) than most people can dream of doing, unfortunately. His only redeeming quality.