That's the first I've heard of this. The closest thing to that I've heard is that some smaller manufacturers will give Polyphony a break with the license fees, offering their cars at a significant discount, or free, in exchange for the "advertising" of having their car in Gran Turismo.There was a time when car manufacturers had to PAY to even be in GT.
Then you should have realized this a long time ago. We've been getting bits and pieces of it all along the way. I agree with the above posters. If some of these companies don't want to be a part of the most wildly popular racing series of all time, it will seem more like an insult to me than to Kazunori and Polyphony. And I will have plenty of other cars to drive and love.What if Kazunoris' dream is nothing like what we want?
That's the first I've heard of this. The closest thing to that I've heard is that some smaller manufacturers will give Polyphony a break with the license fees, offering their cars at a significant discount, or free, in exchange for the "advertising" of having their car in Gran Turismo.
Going back to the original topic, there could be a number of reasons why certain manufacturers are absent. The only one we know of for sure was Ferrari, they used to have an exclusive license with Electronic Arts, and EA would have to effectively give permission for the cars to appear in any non-EA game on the Playstation platform (so you still get your Outrun games, etc). I'd heard (can't verify) that Ferrari ended up a little upset at this arrangement as it wore on, so when it came time for the license to be renewed, Ferrari wouldn't allow EA to have the exclusive anymore. And lo and behold, the very next GT game has Ferrari in it.
Speculation says that EA held similar exclusive licenses with Porsche and Lamborghini, and may still hold them today, but we don't know for sure. We know that Polyphony wants them... the locked Lambo and Porsche in GT3 proves that, and the constant inclusion of RUF as a sort of "stand-in" for Porsche (don't take that the wrong way, I love the RUF cars). And it would be idiotic to assume that Polyphony hasn't at least approached every single car manufacturer out there, including the exotics that we don't currently have.
At this point, I would say that any difficulty in getting a highly-desirable car license would be because another company or contract is getting in the way. Or, the license simply isn't worth it to KY to pay whatever they're asking, but that would probably only apply to less-desirable makes. If KY really wants a particular car, and there's no exclusivity in the way, I think he'd find a way to make it happen.
Personally, I'm quite happy that we've finally gotten Ferrari. And I've already gotten the chance to drive my personal favorite... the F40. Porsche is neither here nor there, but I would like to see Lamborghini. And Bugatti.![]()
What I find as a possible excuse is that people with money, and I mean pockets that overflow with money, are the only ones who can afford that kind of cars. And I believe that Porsche, and Lamborghini, or every important car maker, for that matter, know that only those precious few, and not every kid or teenager who plays a game will ever be able to buy one of those cars, thus making the need for publicity useless. Though there's an exception to that rule, since there are many grown-up men who have been enjoying Gran Turismo for the last decade.
Then you should have realized this a long time ago. We've been getting bits and pieces of it all along the way. I agree with the above posters. If some of these companies don't want to be a part of the most wildly popular racing series of all time, it will seem more like an insult to me than to Kazunori and Polyphony. And I will have plenty of other cars to drive and love.![]()
But with the exception of Outrun, how many of them were on Playstation? Sure, Xbox got 'em all over the place, but how many PS2 games featured Ferrari, Lambo, and Porsche?I wish that were true, it would explain a lot, but Ferrari, Porsche etc all appeared in non-EA games throughout the last ten years
Test Drive Unlimited for the PS2 didn't have any Ferrari's. It did have Lamborghini's though. TDU didn't have Porsche's on either platform, but they did have RUF in the Xbox 360 version.Test drive Unlimited I think. Wait, that did not have Porsche but it had everything else.
don't know what mountain youre talking about,
Well, considering that Forza is practically a direct copy of Gran Turismo, I'm not sure what you're saying.But to get back on topic, a car game should not be the representation of a dream, but reality and when it advertises itself as "the real driving simulator" I should be able to trust that it will be, not something that Kazunori dreamed of.
Well, considering that Forza is practically a direct copy of Gran Turismo, I'm not sure what you're saying.
Seriously, Forza could have taken a number of forms, but what did Microsoft produce? As for what real racing is like, that's a pretty broad point. What is real racing? How does one become a real race car driver? Do you go to the DMV or Wal Mart and buy an S Class license and then apply for a driver position with a team? Or does it take years of effort? So how do you put that into a game? I do want something like this, as I've mentioned here and there about Career Mode that others have latched onto with ideas of their own. But will GT5 follow that pattern? If not, I won't be broken hearted and sulk and refuse to like it. It will be what it will be, and wishing for our own version won't get us very far.
And as for damage, heck, we can't even agree what would be acceptable. Some think purely mechanical damage with no visual effects would be fine, and others disagree wholeheartedly. Some like me think partial damage would work, but others gag at the idea. Still others propose damage for professional type racing series with pro race cars only. So deciding on your own what Kazunori thinks when GT5 isn't even out yet is a bit of a stretch.
I have a top end PC with pretty much all the PC sims and a PS3 with GT5P and believe me (well you don't have to), if you wanted to go for PC sims... GTR Evo is not my recommended choice, but it all depends what you are after.
PC sims dont appear to some because most if not all of them are based off race cars and are only about racing, where Gran Turismo is about a whole lot more than that. Really they aim for different markets that also overlap.
On a side note, which do you prefer?
I see a trend here. Exclusive big budget games with one-man visions (GT - Kaz, MGS - Hideo, Gears of War Cliffy B) sell consoles. Hmm, I wonder if it is a one-man vision that ruins games or huge corporate interference?I almost bought a PS3 for MGS4
But wait, do those other games have many other cars? You get a game with these huge names, but little else. GT has how many different cars and manufacturers?Exactly. Games with far less of a budget and far worse a reputation(if any) have cars that we have never(and may never) seen in a Gran Turismo game. Which leads me to believe that it has nothing to do with money and more to do with Kazunori's apparent stubborness.