Why I will most likely stick with Forza 3 over GT5

  • Thread starter Delirious
Who cares if it can be made easy. If you want a challenge crank up the difficulty meter, if not turn it down and put some aids on. I have Forza setup so it is fairly easy, but I find it fun and I'm the end that's all that matters...that the gamer is having fun.
Yes I think it should have been in test drive if at all.

Being that I am a very good tuner in Forza yes I know you tune for the entire track but there are places on the ring that are difficult to get just right and it takes a long long time if you have to drive a full lap to tune for it. Of course you can stop, turn around and repeat that portion but rewind would be so much better for that troublesome corner.

Of course I know that and of course I do turn it off.
Damage is an option in career mode which can be turned off as well.

So you can in career mode.
1: Turn off damage.
2 Use auto braking, which allows you to run with WOT the entire race and never touch the brake.
3: Set the AI drivers to extremely slow
4: rewind if you make a mistake

The end result is that when it is set to easy it is very very very easy not to mention in many races you can still enter an R1 racecar against stock VW Rabbit or other such cars.

Okay, we got that cleared up.

To be fair, you can do much of the same things in majority of racing games but I see where you're going.
I wish rewind was there in test drive too, but only because I may have pushed it and banged my car up in a corner and don't want to test with a smashed up car. I leave the damage fully on so when this happens I have to restart the test drive.
It's funny to hear people complain about these things. As if Forza is the only game that you can run with no damage. Lol. Or easy AI. When I was playing GT5P I seem to recall not even having the ability to damage my car.
As many have said before, at least the game is out there for people to enjoy. There may be a delay in the final car pack, but how long have we all been waiting for GT5? It may be the greatest thing since bacon but until it's available for everyone it really doesn't exist.
Imagion how useful it would be when you are tuning a car for the ring and are having a handling issue if some part about 1/2 way through the track. You drive up to that point try your setup through that portion, still an issue? rewind, pause, modify settings and try again and again and again as needed until you get the settings right. It would such a major asset for tuning but they did not make it available for us there. Instead it is used in career mode races as if they were not already easy enough with auto brake, slow AI drivers and no tire wear or damage.

FM3 has the Ring broken up into 4 sections. About 2-3 mins even in a E-F class car. No need to run the whole thing.

My rewind feature has never been used. Disabled it. Rewind just ruins the flow, (for me).
FM3 has the Ring broken up into 4 sections. About 2-3 mins even in a E-F class car. No need to run the whole thing.

My rewind feature has never been used. Disabled it. Rewind just ruins the flow, (for me).

Yes I am aware of that as well and I was just using the ring as an example. The point I was trying to make was that rewind could be useful in test drive and they choose not to enable it there.

The only place that I find it useful now is when I am hot lapping on certian tracks and make a mistake near the end of a lap you can use it to back up a bit and keep the mistake from carrying into the next lap, that is useful on some tracks. Like say for example you are driving the ring and drop a tire off in the last corner and get pulled into the railing. I know it is an easy turn and that should not happen yet sometimes it does. A quick tap of rewind here will enable you to try the turn again and while your current lap is invalid the penalty will not carry over into the next lap which of course could save you 6-9 minutes depending on what kind of car you may be driving and of course your skill level.

The feature that bugs me the most is "Auto Brake" It really hampers the drivers learning experience when the game will let you hold the throttle wide open and automagically brake for you.
I know somebody who plays Forza 3 with he mindset of: buy Ford product, drop biggest V8 in it as possible, make RWD if its not, boost it, put all the power you can to it, then go race. With: ABS, TCS, ASM, autobrake (controls set to something like A and X for gas/brake, shifting on the triggers when he feels like using manual). AI on easy, no damage, suggested line on, etc etc etc etc.
I know someone who was actually a pretty good driver in Forza 2. He normally drove with ABS and Auto tranny on most cars, TCS on RWD cars and manual on some cars. When he came over to Forza 3 he had trouble with the ABS on any car without racing brakes so he started to use the Auto Brake to be competive on the harder tracks. Within a week he had gotten dependant on the feature and within a month he could barely drive without it.
I've never had ABS on in FM3. Its much easier to do threshold braking in FM3 than FM2 was. The only thing I won't use is the clutch, because on a controller its just awkward. Upshifting is fine, but downshifting needs YOU to do the rev match, or its not smooth. I can't handle that as well as threshold braking while being competitive.
I find that the clutch is not so bad with the controller if you map it to the A button Up shift to the X and downshift to the B This way I can use my thumb and hit clutch then the shift just a tick after and release both together. Works pretty well once you get used to it and the way Forza set up the game definitely faster that way than without the clutch which to me is kinda stupid but that's the way it is.
The feature that bugs me the most is "Auto Brake" It really hampers the drivers learning experience when the game will let you hold the throttle wide open and automagically brake for you.

I think it is a great feature. Everybody's different. What about special needs people with use of only one hand/arm.or limited functionality. You can play the game and get the same satisfaction we do. And it can be turned off.

Imagine what if there was no AT. I wouldn't be playing. Shifting aggravates my slight CT issue. But with AT I can go all night.
Well you can go out and buy most cars with an Auto Tranny. Finding one with Auto Brake is a bit more difficult. Also you'll find that you can not rewind back from a wreck in real life. These are arcade game features. The game was supposed to be a sim.
Ya a sim that everyone can play. You don't have to use either of those features but for those who are more casual players, those features make sense. I used rewind quite a bit, especially in long races, when on the last lap I spun out or whatever. Not wanting to redo the entire race I'd rewind, take the corner differently, and have a better outcome.
Yet it is not really a sim if it includes things that do not exist in real cars. These features are fantasy.
Yet it is not really a sim if it includes things that do not exist in real cars. These features are fantasy.

If you're referring to the existence of auto braking, you might want to read up on automotive technology, preferably that which is used in MB (And Lexus', I believe) vehicles. As for rewind, it's a game. What about this do people fail to understand?

It's. A. Video. Game.

Not. Real. Life.

Get it? Not. Real life.

If that's the case GT5 isn't a simulator either. Why? Cars don't automatically roll themselves back over. Nor are there arrow indicators on the road, or any track in existence that change from green, to yellow, to red telling you when to accelerate, ease off, and brake. 💡
Debate is pointless.

If you have a 360, get Forza. If you have a PS3, get GT5.

If you really want GT5 you'll get a PS3, if you really want Forza you'll get a 360.

If you're not sure, just see what other games on the console you like and decide accordingly.

Personally, i wish i had the money to get both >_>
Guess GT isn't a sim either since the cars don't have reverse lights.
That is pretty silly. How does a car in the game not having something equate to a all cars in a game having things that do not exist on real cars?

If you have a 360, get Forza. If you have a PS3, get GT5.
I have both.
That is pretty silly. How does a car in the game not having something equate to a all cars in a game having things that do not exist on real cars?
He's making a point about your silly post that having rewind suddenly makes the game anything but a sim.

I guess GT5 isn't one either since Kaz threw the idea around himself. :rolleyes:
Guess GT isn't a sim either since the cars don't have reverse lights.

The reverse lightless days have ended for GT, GT5 has them now. :)

(not to diminish your point, which is sound)
Rewind 👎

Why a thumbs down? I say thumbs up. They have opened up the game to more people. Making rewind an option is a good thing, not bad.

Forza 3 will likely get very dusty in my house upon release of GT5

My Forza 3 will be collecting dust as well once GT5 is out. Then again, GT5 will collect dust once Forza 4 comes out...followed by GT6. I love racing!

by the time it is all said and done Forza fans could have up to $200 in the Forza 3 game and still not even come close to the content we will have in the $60 version of GT5

How do you figure?

The feature that bugs me the most is "Auto Brake" It really hampers the drivers learning experience when the game will let you hold the throttle wide open and automagically brake for you.

Why would an option, that you can choose not to use, bug you?

I know someone who was actually a pretty good driver in Forza 2. He normally drove with ABS and Auto tranny on most cars, TCS on RWD cars and manual on some cars. When he came over to Forza 3 he had trouble with the ABS on any car without racing brakes so he started to use the Auto Brake to be competive on the harder tracks. Within a week he had gotten dependant on the feature and within a month he could barely drive without it.

Well you can go out and buy most cars with an Auto Tranny. Finding one with Auto Brake is a bit more difficult. Also you'll find that you can not rewind back from a wreck in real life. These are arcade game features. The game was supposed to be a sim.

Forza does have sim features. Us hardcore racers just opt to NOT use autobrake. We opt to NOT use rewind. We opt to NOT use the line.

Yet it is not really a sim if it includes things that do not exist in real cars. These features are fantasy.

But all racers, including sims, have features that do not exist in real cars, tracks, and environments. Luckily, we can disable them and choose our own difficulty.

The thing I like is, my son loves playing Forza with his friends. They are 10-11 years old. They use the controller, and they have it set to easy. Autobrake is on, they use rewind, ABS, traction control. STM, damage off, racing line, etc. It makes it easier for them to just play it as an arcade game if they want, and helps them get into the series. They love it (and that is what matters).

I jump on, connect my racing wheel, and I race full sim with all assistance turned off, and getting the full effect of the physics. No rewind, no racing line, no autobrake, and no ABS/TC unless the car comes factory with it and it can't be disabled IRL. Love it!

Options > No Options
Oh, I missed this one!

by the time it is all said and done Forza fans could have up to $200 in the Forza 3 game and still not even come close to the content we will have in the $60 version of GT5

Forza came with 400 interiors, twice that of GT. You know, having magical gauges on your screen with no interior isn't very realistic. And GT is supposed to be a sim! :lol:
Oh, I missed this one!

Forza came with 400 interiors, twice that of GT. You know, having magical gauges on your screen with no interior isn't very realistic. And GT is supposed to be a sim! :lol:

This make no sense at all if you think about it. :mischievous:
Oh, I missed this one! Forza came with 400 interiors, twice that of GT. You know, having magical gauges on your screen with no interior isn't very realistic. And GT is supposed to be a sim! :lol:

Assuming Forza 4 will come with all the cars that were in Forza 3 plus all the DLC cars, it will have 500+ with cockpit.
For me - who has both I prefer Forza 3 over GT5. Why?

Due to its balanced nature. Your tinker with whats there and not worry if you can't tinker with it, nor worry if you want a certain colour car for example. It may not have some awesome features that GT5 has, but its much older the GT5 and for me, it has less flaws. Maybe playing Forza 3 for so long made me want something like GT5 but with the options of customization that F3 has.

Yes the physic are much better in GT5, but getting through the poorly designed menu and long loading times GT5 is less user friendly. Same with the gameplay - Yes you can rewind in F3, but this lowers the frustration of a long long race, when you are gunning it a make a simple mistake in the last few laps. No need to restart the race (which you can argue doesn't happen in real life - just like the rewind option though) so again its a step in the right direction for racing games, unlike GT5 which lacks friendlyness in this day n age.

This is why Forza 3 is better for me, don't get me wrong its not a better game, but it works for me! Sweet and simple. But as i've played Forza 3 to death I will just continue and muscle through GT5, not because its better, but because I am a video game racing fan!! 👍
Forza 2 - best simulator ever made. Best AI

Forza 3 - top level physics buried under autosteering and giant traction. Overall the game is boring besides good AI

GT5 - physics is infinitely better than GT4 (which was exactly equal to absolute zero), but second class compare to any auto sim including Forza. AI sucks. Playing GT5 is fun.

So I say Forza 2 >> GT5 > Forza 3
The single player of FM3 outstays its welcome. I only need that last achievement of completing the game on gold to get my 1000 like I did in FM2, but the problem is there are 220 events. Since each event is multiple races and a championship at the end that equals well over 200 hours of single player which is absurd. I want to race other people online after 30-50 hours of single player.

As for comparing the two GT5 feels more realistic, the road feels more realistic, the Nordschleife is more realistic and there are 16 cars on the track. For me its no contest GT5 wins and my FM3 collects dust. And I'm an xbox fanboy I had to blow the dust off my PS3 to play GT5!
I think it would be incredible, though impossible, if PD and T10 merged their efforts together. Let T10 do the game stuff (race series, auction house, customization, vinyl editor) and have PD do the physics, the cars etc.
The single player of FM3 outstays its welcome. I only need that last achievement of completing the game on gold to get my 1000 like I did in FM2, but the problem is there are 220 events. Since each event is multiple races and a championship at the end that equals well over 200 hours of single player which is absurd. I want to race other people online after 30-50 hours of single player.

As for comparing the two GT5 feels more realistic, the road feels more realistic, the Nordschleife is more realistic and there are 16 cars on the track. For me its no contest GT5 wins and my FM3 collects dust. And I'm an xbox fanboy I had to blow the dust off my PS3 to play GT5!

GT5 needs all of Forza's events. Its kind of ridiculous that there's a Lamborghini and Ferrari event, each has one race. With a measly 28k payout on the Ferrari one. That covered the price of my tires and intake mods...Now if I'd race it ten more times the car would be paid for too!