Why I will most likely stick with Forza 3 over GT5

  • Thread starter Delirious
LOL, "worship" Kaz...From what i've read so far it seems you have some kind of Hatred twoards GT5? Your nitpicking at some pretty ridiculous things. As i said before, what do you want for $60? I think every car will have interior. I don't care if some car's we're "re-done" and brought over from GT4. I don't care if every single entire gauge works. Im just happy it's finally coming out...As well as everybody else should be. Some people (like you) are expecting perfection and that's just outrageous in my opinion.

I actually just kinda expect all the cars to be on the same level of quality. You know any other games (could be anything, not just a racing game) that has two drastically different levels of quality (and features) of game objects? A shooting game with well-modeled guns that have all of their reloading and firing action animations, and an ability to look through the sights/scope, and then guns that would look good six years ago but only have a muzzle flash as an effect?

I'm not here to bash GT. At this point I really don't know if I'll buy it. Rent, maybe, and see from there. But it is ridiculous how many people who do not own and have not played Forza (or at least not long enough to shake off the "oh noes, this feels totally different than GT, it has to be wrong, oh and there's a Microsoft logo! RUUNNN, IT'S GONNA RROD!!!") come into this forum and bash it. Seriously, click any thread and see if some comparison to GT is made (with lots of subtle attacks saying its better). Most of the threads end up like this and its not from Forza players all saying "OH THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN GT LOLOLOLOL".

I've been thinking, and this forum needs a "Zero Tolerance for Asshattery" sticky like the GT-R thread had.
I actually just kinda expect all the cars to be on the same level of quality. You know any other games (could be anything, not just a racing game) that has two drastically different levels of quality (and features) of game objects? A shooting game with well-modeled guns that have all of their reloading and firing action animations, and an ability to look through the sights/scope, and then guns that would look good six years ago but only have a muzzle flash as an effect?

I'm not here to bash GT. At this point I really don't know if I'll buy it. Rent, maybe, and see from there. But it is ridiculous how many people who do not own and have not played Forza (or at least not long enough to shake off the "oh noes, this feels totally different than GT, it has to be wrong, oh and there's a Microsoft logo! RUUNNN, IT'S GONNA RROD!!!") come into this forum and bash it. Seriously, click any thread and see if some comparison to GT is made (with lots of subtle attacks saying its better). Most of the threads end up like this and its not from Forza players all saying "OH THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN GT LOLOLOLOL".

I've been thinking, and this forum needs a "Zero Tolerance for Asshattery" sticky like the GT-R thread had.

Again, as i said before, i can't speak for everyone. And i equally hate when people bash a game, and they've never even played it. Alot of people are bias and childish. Getting back to GT5 tho, i don't think the quality difference will be noticeable at all. And if there is any difference in quality, more than likely it will be miniscule things...Like a dash clock not working etc. But as you said, people hate or dislike Forza and never even played it. Well we haven't got our hand's on a full version on GT5 either. When we do i think alot of people will change their thoughts about the game. Not saying i'm not skeptical about a few thing's myself. But even if there's a few thing's wrong i won't let it ruin the game, at the end of the day it's all about the racing.
So do you think its just a coincidence that for the video of standard cars that the windows are all blacked out and there was no audio? I'm pretty much expecting those muscle cars to sound like clogged up vacuums again.
There's no telling how long ago that video was created, could've been in the early stages at that time. The picture i seen of the 69' Camaro (not sure if that's standard) looked like to me it had full interior..I'm in no place to speculate tho, cause i've heard all types of rumors. You may be correct..Tho i certainly hope not :nervous:. And as for the sounds this is my biggest issue by far. That is one thing i can't disagree on. Tho i think they've got the idea that a V8 with a full race exhaust shouldn't sound like a Civic..(no offense to you :sly:)
I think there'd be less drama on here if in the GT5 section, comparison with FM3 wasn't verboten, because it's arrogant to assume GT5 can't learn from Forza, as Forza learnt from GT. Without GT there'd be no Forza and without Forza, I very much doubt Kaz would have felt compelled to drag out development to nearly six years. However, I understand this is something most can't comprehend and it'd be hard to keep it all civil if it was allowed, so I can see why there's strict guidelines here.

Of course they appear to handle differently, it's two different computer simulations of real-world physics and both miss variables or enhance one over the other so they end up feeling different. What I find most galling is people assume Forza is arcadey because it allows oversteer on demand. I defy anyone to drive a real car with their brain disengaged and not get oversteer. You can drive a whole lap in FM3 as if you had the 'fear factor' and not get a sniff of oversteer or you can drive without the fear factor and slide around, much as you would in real life if you didn't care about the consequences.

If that's arcadey I'll remember to drive my car with disregard for safety and clamber out of the wreckage after it has lift-off oversteered into a hedge, with my next quarter in hand for another go.
Its weird, but really not, i remember months ago peopple saying and showing bugs of F3 and they laught, they said the cars look cartoonish, not so much detail as gt, the physics, the interior, etc. some peopple cant even read Forza 3 here(thats funny).

And saying thats because this is a GT forum show incompresible intolerance and ingnorance. Its a game for God Sake!!

AND NOW the SAME peopple said that is not worried about the standart cars, not worried about the damage, not worried about THE LACK OF DASHBOARD, not worried about the imparity of cars, the same people that say Kaz is a perfectionist and Dan G. is a big mouth.

The FACTS today show that F3 is a COMPLETE package, IMO generally the peopple said "maybe here we need this or that option" but in F3 that not happen, is not perfect, NOT PRETEND TO BE, but is a unity, and most important, a fun game.

Because of that as a hardcore GT fan, i suppose to play both, but most likely stick with Forza 3 over GT5.

Never was important to me to bash, but yes to try to show the facts to that who bash without sense.
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I think there'd be less drama on here if in the GT5 section, comparison with FM3 wasn't verboten, because it's arrogant to assume GT5 can't learn from Forza, as Forza learnt from GT.

Care to show me exactly when that was said?

Comparison to FM3 is not forbidden at all, you are mistaking staff instructions not to drag treads off-topic with unrelated discussions with a blanket ban.

You want to start a FM3 vs GT5 discussion thread, as long as one doesn't already exist then you will find that its not a problem at all. Hell we already have plenty of GT4 vs. 'insert game name' in the GT4 sub-forum.

You seem to be implying with this statement that GT Planet operates a policy of discrimination against Forza, something that is both untrue and potentially could cause problems. Please be more careful how you phrase these kind of statement in the future.


Edited to add - the main stumbling block to creating a FM3 vs GT5 thread at the moment is of course the slight issue of GT5 not yet being out, which kind of makes detailed comparisons rather tricky.
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I only base it on FM3 pics being posted in the GT5 standard vs premium thread and people seeing that as going off-topic. When discussing graphics, I can't see how comparison with another, similar product is off topic.

I wasn't having a dig at the staff.
I only base it on FM3 pics being posted in the GT5 standard vs premium thread and people seeing that as going off-topic. When discussing graphics, I can't see how comparison with another, similar product is off topic.

I wasn't having a dig at the staff.

Given that I was the member of staff who commented in regard to the FM3 pictures I can remember exactly what was said in regard to them.

FM3 pictures were OK'd if the were being posted for comparison and discussion purposes. The issue was with people then using them simply to start flame-wars and the general arguing going on.

To take that and turn it into " if in the GT5 section, comparison with FM3 wasn't verboten" is rather a big leap.

Because of that as a hardcore GT fan, i suppose to play both, but most likely stick with Forza 3 over GT5.

Never was important to me to bash, but yes to try to show the facts to that who bash without sense.

Define "stick with" if you are playing both. But how people make these assumptions so rapidly on a game they have never played, doesn't know what its structure or features are, has no reviews and with many unrevealed cars and tracks is weird. Its strange for anyone to write off a game without it being fully revealed. Especially a game of such high demand.

Edit: I do feel Forza 3 is the best racing game for "Auto enthusiasts" when you include the DLC.
Hi, actually I've always prefered GT since the first one. Moved to forza 2 for something else after Gt4, it was good, bought forza 3 thinking it would be fantastic and a massive improvement on FM2, sadly very disappointed with it, not played it after the 4th week after release. it's more like FM2.2 :(.
Never had a PS3 until earlier this year, bought for GT5 March release :( (what a fool)
only just this week got GT5P to mess about with. Forza 3 will probably stay retired for me.
I can't wait for GT5 to release so that we can compare the game side by side! I played FM3 plenty of times and it's a pretty good game with up to par graphics. The customization on FM3 might be better than GT5, considering FM3 has livery editor and GT5 does not. We'll see which game is number 1 when GT5 comes out
And then we'll compare FM4 to GT5 when FM4 comes out. And (I'm going there) FM5 to GT5 when FM5 undoubtedly releases before GT6 is even close.
When FM4 comes out, then it will be "you just wait until GT6 comes out, it will smoke FM4". Then FM5 comes out...and....recycle.....
As long as Forza is a 2 year cycle racing game its going to come up short somewhere(no hand shifting at launch,no working LEDs or daytime run lights or head lights) and add it to the next game then drop support to develop(save content for) the next one.

Forza fans don't have to say they can't wait for the next one because it will be here in no time.
Still has more hand shifting than GT5 does, so that's a stupid thing to complain about. And there's no need for headlights to work when there's no night racing. That's as important as the reverse lights argument in GT.

About saving content for the next game, that comes down to two options. Either constantly develop new content for the existing game, then carrying it over to the new one (which results in a new game filled with "old" content). Or to stop developing for your old game and instead plan to release new content in the new game.

I'd rather buy a game that has more new content rather than stuff I've already paid for wrapped up in a redesigned menu system.
As long as Forza is a 2 year cycle racing game its going to come up short somewhere

But we like that 2 year cycle. On the same token, we am totally cool with the GT cycle. PD is making the game they set out to do. Turn 10 made the game they were set out to do.

In the end, it comes down to....are you HAVING FUN playing the game? If your answer is yes, then that is what matters.

The majority of us here posting on the GT forums that like both titles feel that way.
Still has more hand shifting than GT5 does, so that's a stupid thing to complain about. And there's no need for headlights to work when there's no night racing. That's as important as the reverse lights argument in GT.

Who said I was complaining, just an observation that FM4 does have working lights(in the day time!), LED's. As an artist I enjoy aesthetics and visual effects. I admire seeing the led lights on cars on the highway and on street. Audi and Mercedes have some nice looking rides with cool LEDs. I like seeing them, it's my personal preference to enjoy seeing them. I was 100% sure you would bring up the old reverse light thing(or anything related to GT) even though I did not even mention anything about GT..... As far as old content half the cars and tracks are from FM2, that argument is just silly. But I'm not going to get into a GT VS FM discussion as you seem obsessed with instant GT bashing when you feel your love for Forza has been disrespected even when it hasn't. Bogie seems better at sharing his opinions but I did not say anything was wrong with a 2 year cycle.

You guys are way too defensive even when nothing bad is said about a game :sly: Please dissect my post for any negativity. I dont post in the Wii form because I hate the Wii and everything it is. I like forza so I post and monitor news. I'm no fanboy, I'm an open minded racing game fan that loves racing games. So unless I directly say something sucks or is terrible please don't assume thats what I mean.👍
Microsoft are complete idiots to expect T10 to churn out the Forza games this quickly. It's a miracle FM3 is anywhere near good enough to be compared to Gran Turismo at all. Sega GT certainly failed, as has NFS Shift.
Microsoft are complete idiots to expect T10 to churn out the Forza games this quickly. It's a miracle FM3 is anywhere near good enough to be compared to Gran Turismo at all. Sega GT certainly failed, as has NFS Shift.

Exactly what most of us here think as well. Microsoft is essentially stifling any and all creativity they ultimately possess by having them release games within a two year window. Granted, for such a restriction...the games are utterly fantastic. Imagine what they'd be able to pull off if they were given full creative freedom...
Still has more hand shifting than GT5 does, so that's a stupid thing to complain about. And there's no need for headlights to work when there's no night racing. That's as important as the reverse lights argument in GT.

About saving content for the next game, that comes down to two options. Either constantly develop new content for the existing game, then carrying it over to the new one (which results in a new game filled with "old" content). Or to stop developing for your old game and instead plan to release new content in the new game.

I'd rather buy a game that has more new content rather than stuff I've already paid for wrapped up in a redesigned menu system.

It's not so much shifting as it is mere movement of the arm.

Although not perfect, PD takes a little bit more effort to get the hand on the shifter and actually moving it.

Kind of a moot point to model up to fourteen unique gear shifts per car when you aren't normally supposed to be able to see the shifter to begin with.

TDU had it done pretty well too.
So they choose the one car where the gear-lever is placed in the typical rally position car to prove a point. Most cars have their shifter where T10 has modeled the arm movement. How does it change on the EK9 Civic Type-R? (I think that's its model code. I'm not a big Honda fan.) EDIT: The EP3 is the one I mean.

As for that GT5 video, that's very cool. I hope the player can select that replay view.
Jeez, why does every thread have to turn in to a fight?

To the original point, It would be nice to have all of the cars at once, but also it is nice having to work for them. I think in previous GT's the amount of cars in arcade mode that are available at the start is just fine. LIke mentioned here, the biggest spoil of the game for me would be if the Audio still sucks, we will have to wait and see. either way nothing will stop me from buying GT5.
I don't think I could lock myself into just one game.. I might 'lean' towards one series more then another at times, but I stand out as a very tiny minority that actually can't wait for GT5, and also absolutely loves FM3.. Re: the OP, I think there is enough in GT5 to make you enjoy it for different reasons.

I too wonder if T10 didn't have a 2 year dev cycle, if they could do much better, but I guess we'll never know!! As it is, with FM3 last year, GT5 this year and FM4 next year, at least we have some breathing space to enjoy the games in a meaningful way.

No one knows what the future might bring, GT5 may be the game that is so overwhelming that FM4 won't get a look in, you just never know!

I would say that T10/MS are heading into a stupid situation that they need to nip in the bud now, and that is the 'wheel' situation, the MS Official Wheel is 100% discontinued now, the Fanatec wheel is sold out in Europe, leaving only crappy non proper FFB wheels available? You have to wonder from a 'sim' side of things what they are playing at?
okay, I've gone through and read this thread. and i wonder at you guys, sometimes. someone in here said "it's just a game", and that's exactly what they all are! GAMES

have you guys ever tried the "Tenchi solution"? I have multiple car games. i keep old need for speeds for the exotics, i bought ford racing games for the products they can't get a licence for, I've even been tempted to buy my own copy of midnight club 3 just for the 57 chevy !

also, for the thread starter, are you too proud to do like us first and second gen gamers have to do, and use a cheat device to catch em all? not everyone who games is a "one quarter genius" who can beat a video game without thinking about it.

this thread is getting into the "Stop Having Fun, Guys" trope territory

now, since you SHFG's have poked me into earning myself a warning, I'm apologizing in advance to the moderators. for me, it's more casual gaming with these racers.
okay, I've gone through and read this thread. and i wonder at you guys, sometimes. someone in here said "it's just a game", and that's exactly what they all are! GAMES


this thread is getting into the "Stop Having Fun, Guys" trope territory

now, since you SHFG's have poked me into earning myself a warning, I'm apologizing in advance to the moderators. for me, it's more casual gaming with these racers.

Agree... just read a few posts in this thread. people complaining/comparing the hand movements on the animated driver when shifting??? Really? I am too busy focused on the track ahead to care! Crazy!
Well. In my opinion Forza wouldn't exist if GT didn't exist. It came out first, I firmly believe it's the best and if anything Forza, in my opinion is a bit of a rip when compared to GT. That's not to say that it isn't a good little game. It's nicely going to tide me over until GT5 comes out, but then I firmly expect to shelve it. Having said that one day I would like to come back and complete it.

I like the fact you can edit the colours and decals on your cars. Call me sad, but it's something that I think GT has been missing for far too long and something I really hope is rectified in GT5.

I also like the number of events; there's plenty to keep you going - I really hope there are hundreds and hundred of events in GT5.

The prize car issue is something that really doesn't bother me. It used it, but then I actually started driving and racing for real, and there are some things you have to work at, and some things you just can't have.

One issue I do have with FM is that the game is too easy. Sure, you can hit the difficulty settings up, but even then I just don't find it that much of a challenging game. Prologue, on the other hand is Rock hard for me.

GT5's pre-ordered, and I really don't expect to be disappointed. I haven't been so far.
Forza was developed to fill a need for the racing game market on Xbox, it has nothing to do with GT because GT didn't start the racing game genre.
Forza was developed to fill a need for the racing game market on Xbox, it has nothing to do with GT because GT didn't start the racing game genre.

Gran Turismo didn't start the racing genre, but it did start the racing simulation. Back then, when GT1 was released, it was revolutionary because every other car/racing games like NFS were more arcadey. It also set the standard for the sheer amount of cars and visuals.

Xbox having Forza is mainly to compete into an exclusive standpoint so that MS have one less exclusive from Sony to worry about. I don't want to claim this, but the truth is that they are meant to compete. Probably the same reason Sony is trying to combat Halo with games like Killzone/Resistance or how Xbox came about when it was Nintendo vs. Sony. Everywhere you see in gaming sites, forum, and blogs, you'll see people comparing them. Why? Because in many ways they are similar. They both have realistic physics, look great, and a vast amount of cars. No other racing games besides these two series can match the level GT and Forza have reached in console games.