Thanks for your help; If your unit crashes vote in the poll and also mention your model and issues if any.Maybe it's too early in the morning but the poll kind of confuses me.. am I voting for my PS3 model and how many crashes I've had or vote for the one you should get based on the amount of crashes we've heard about? I have the OG Slim model PS3 and it's been working like a champ w/ GT6, the only freezing issue I had was the Kart Series where it occasionally froze between races, I believe this was something PD had to patch and not an issue with the PS3 model. Other than that I've not had crashing problems
we must be relatedwell there goes my vote... i read the tittle and voted for supper slim before reading the question..
An acquaintance has reported the same issue on a 2nd gen fat, 40Gb CECHG console. These are the only 2nd gen units to use the same 90nm GPU processes as the 1st gen fats, so it would seem that we have the makings of a definitive list of consoles that may suffer from the in-game shutdown issue:From my tests, only the 1st gen fats - the launch batch CECHAxx, CECHBxx, CECHCxx, CECHExx - suffer, from what seems to be a data transfer bottleneck from BD to HDD. My 60Gb launch PAL console (CECHCxx) is not a happy camper when it comes to playing GT6.
2nd gen fats (CECHG, H, J, K, L, M, P, Qxx) don't seem to suffer the same problem - our 80Gb PAL console (CECHKxx) has been used to acquire much of the data for the GTPEDIA update. We don't have a slim, but the 12Gb superslim (CECH-40xx) has been absolutely fine.
I have the exact model, I got mine a little after 2008 and I've never had any problems, or triple beeps. I didn't put in a new HDD though.I've had a Fat 80gb model from 2008. 2nd Gen I believe. Has had a 500gb HDD upgrade. Never had a problem with it. Should be a cheaper option if you can find one.