@Classic -- I shared a few thoughts last month, and I've spent some time playing it by myself since then. The game is more pinball-like than I expected (I never tried Canvas Curse), and it's fun to draw ramps and juggle Kirby in the air between rainbow ropes. Like any Kirby game, the barrier to finish most levels is pretty low; the challenge is to navigate all the obstacles with grace and skill, and to get all of the collectibles.
We haven't finished it yet, but we've been savoring it. Like Captain Toad, it doesn't seem to have the length of a full-priced title. What it does have is full of sugary cuteness, though. Based on the enemy profiles (one of the collectibles) and journal entries, you can tell they had a fun time making the game. The music is a strong point, too.
I think it's better with a friend. I don't think I would have bought it just for myself -- my wife loves Kirby games so we got it to play together.
We haven't finished it yet, but we've been savoring it. Like Captain Toad, it doesn't seem to have the length of a full-priced title. What it does have is full of sugary cuteness, though. Based on the enemy profiles (one of the collectibles) and journal entries, you can tell they had a fun time making the game. The music is a strong point, too.
I think it's better with a friend. I don't think I would have bought it just for myself -- my wife loves Kirby games so we got it to play together.