Wii U Latest News and Discussion

Wow. They sound butthurt.

Personally, I'd rather purchase Super Mario Bros-anything than CoD as well.
Dragon Quest X Wii U Bundle hits JP Mar. 30th

JP box art & western boxart. Whoever's responsible for the western boxart should be fired haha!
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ok im 32 years old, i think a lot of members here should be 29+. so for those of us that have owned a nes and snes, and actually know of the good days when the nintendo didnt suck. i ask you this:

many people from my era, absolutely hated anything and everything released by nintendo after the snes (this goes for me as well). personally i dont know anybody from my era (28+) in real life that liked the ultra 64, gamecube, wii or now the wiiu.

that being said, even though i dont play on nintendo consoles they do make a good zelda and mario game once in a while. not that i would buy a nintendo system for 1 or 2 games, but at least there will be 2 to 4 good games during the hardwares lifecycle.

that all being said, i still dont get how nintendo still hasnt gone out of business with all their bad business practices since after the snes days. monster hunter and their handhels still make them money somehow. somehow, but damn nintendo has been so bad these past close to 20 years its ridiculous. at leas they still have loyal fans willing to buy their products, they lost me a long LONG time ago.
I'm just a wee bit older & really enjoyed the N64(SM64. Banjo Kazooie, Mace, Killer Instinct Gold, Mishief Makers, Blastcorps, Zelda, Mystical Goemon, etc.) & Gamecube(Star Wars RS, P.N.04. RE4. Soul Calibur 2, Mario, Metal Gear Solid: TS, Starfox Adv. etc.).

The Big N seem to be happy with their decisions, so I personally don't see them changing. Their 3rd party support seems to have taken a hit & they don't seem to really be bothered by this, but time will tell if this changes or not.
ok im 32 years old, i think a lot of members here should be 29+. so for those of us that have owned a nes and snes, and actually know of the good days when the nintendo didnt suck. i ask you this:

many people from my era, absolutely hated anything and everything released by nintendo after the snes (this goes for me as well). personally i dont know anybody from my era (28+) in real life that liked the ultra 64, gamecube, wii or now the wiiu.

I am 34. I liked N64. It was Nintendo's last powerhouse console. I was about 17 or 19 when I gave up on Mario and Zelda. I grew up, those games didn't. I don't feel the need or desire to keep playing the same game recycled over and over for years. That's just me.

I'm with Ddrizle. Nintendo is happy with their decisions, but I don't think they should have paraded the system as a core gamer system and still keep the cute look and feel as if it was a toy.
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Maybe I missed it somewhere in this thread, but I am surprised that there is no mention of Lego City Undercover.

Nothing like any of the other lego games, well except for the Lego of course. It's a lot of fun and there is a stupendous amount to do. My wife finished it a few days ago after 25 hours but was still only 35% through the game's collectibles and sub-missions. I'm running far behind that myself.

Nor do the side missions and special block hunts feel forced or a chore to do - it really is fun all the way through. Good humour, lots going on and plenty of variety.

EDIT: Video changed as the site update broke my link :sly:

It also has so many nods to other games and films that it's a marvel they managed to fit them all in...:)
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Lego City: Undercover looks like great fun! Fantastic bits of humor in that trailer. 👍
It is indeed, and the humour in the game itself is so much more engaging. Okay, there are quite a lot of cheesy laughs in there too, but hey.

I like how the NPCs try and jump out of the way of your madly careening car/trike/truck/Tyranasaurus/push-bike...etc., and inadvertantly knock themselves out by going into a roll and faceplanting against a wall :)

Kids will love it and adults too.

Plenty of customisation options for the main character groups too.

No MP for this, which is odd. Maybe it'll follow at some point.
Nintendo Announces Promotion of NOA Chairman Tatsumi Kimishima to NCL Managing Director

Many of his current responsibilities, including the CEO title, will be assumed by Global President Satoru Iwata. The move will support the company’s unified global strategy, allow streamlined decision making and enhance Nintendo's organizational agility in the current competitive environment. Reggie Fils-Aime will continue in his role as president and COO of NOA, reporting to Iwata.
Nintendo to skip E3 2013 press conference

At E3 this year, we are not planning to launch new hardware, and our main activity at E3 will be to announce and have people experience our software. Many people are certainly very interested in learning more about the Wii U titles that we are going to announce. We will use E3 as an ideal opportunity to talk in detail mainly about the Wii U titles that we are going to launch this year, and we also plan to make it possible for visitors to try the games immediately. As a brand new challenge, we are working to establish a new presentation style for E3.

First, we decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past.

Instead, at the E3 show this year, we are planning to host a few smaller events that are specifically focused on our software lineup for the U.S. market. There will be one closed event for American distributors, and we will hold another closed hands-on experience event, for mainly the Western gaming media. Also, I did not speak at last year’s presentation, and I am not planning to speak at these events at the E3 show this year either. Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided.
I'm really worried about the Wii U now. I thought they had a 3D mario or Zelda game just around the corner to help them get on track. But after they cancelled E3 and now no Madden...

Just not looking good.
Man, it seems the only news I hear about the WiiU is bad news. It seems all the third party support they promised isn't going to hold true.
Well, the last I heard they haven't skipped E3 it's just that they're not doing a press conference as they have no new tech to promote. The games that are coming out will still do their thing.
Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto to Host Pre-E3 Presentation

Nintendo World Report
Before the E3 show floor opens, Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will host a presentation to the media prior to E3.

Nintendo will be holding the presentation on Tuesday morning, before the floor will be open up for all. After the presentation is concluded, the press members will be able to try the new software before everybody else. It is unsure at the time of writing if the presentation will be viewable for the public as well.
As it stands, EA doesn't have interest in the Wii U and Nintendo isn't focused on 3rd parties. Just goes to show that, as of right now, statements made from both companies were false, but the gaming world (world in general) is filled with that. Who knows, maybe time will correct this for both companies.

Nintendo's pre-E3 announcement and E3 games presence should be interesting, at least, that is my hope.
I think the last time I bought an EA game for a Nintendo console was a used copy of NFSU2 for Gamecube, for the hell of it, and I can't remember any others. I might care if they still made games I care about.
Is there a confirmed Mario Kart game yet? As soon as there is one I will be buying a Wii U the next day.
I think the last time I bought an EA game for a Nintendo console was a used copy of NFSU2 for Gamecube, for the hell of it, and I can't remember any others. I might care if they still made games I care about.

My collection is hardly awash with ea titles, but it would be foolish to dismiss the volumes they sell in and the impact it could have on the WiiU without them.